11 | hadley

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"Are the binoculars really necessary?"

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"Are the binoculars really necessary?"

Bianca doesn't bother turning to face me as she snaps, "Yes."

Grace giggles from where she is perched atop my bed next to me, bringing her knees to her chest as she hugs her legs to her torso.

It's no secret that the three of us had a falling out a few months ago during our junior year. However, Bianca, Grace, and I made amends shortly after we drifted apart. As it turns out, none of us were quite a big fan of Delaney–our ex-friend. She seemed to have existed to make our lives miserable, though mostly mine. Delaney outed me to my mother after she caught me with Sloane, which led to months of hell for me. My life is mostly back to normal now, and Delaney no longer torments me and my friends. Last I heard of Delaney, she had a new group of friends. While Bianca, Grace, and I have grown closer in our friendship, we left Delaney in our past.

"You look like a stalker," I tease my friend, tossing a pillow at her as she stares out of my window with a pair of binoculars like a creep.

Bianca turns to scowl at me with her dark eyes momentarily as the pillow I threw her way hits her back before falling to the ground. "I'm not stalking. I just want to see this Sloane girl, okay?" Bianca tucks a strand of black hair behind her ear, tan skin darkened by the sunlight streaming in through the window she stands before.

I groan and roll my eyes in slight annoyance. "Why is it that everyone but me is so obsessed with Sloane being back?"

Grace glances my way with interest. "How do you feel about it, Hads?" she questions curiously. "I mean, I don't know much about Sloane besides what you've told us. But you don't seem too bothered about her being back."

"Right?" Bianca agrees. "I thought you were, like, madly in love with her? Isn't she the one that got away?"

"Haha," I retort dryly. "Very funny."

Bianca shrugs. "I'm not wrong."

"I don't know," I admit to my friends, pursing my lips in thought. "It's like . . . yeah, it's weird having her back. I never thought I would see her again, and then she just shows up on my doorstep and I'm left to deal with everything we went through all over again. Yet . . . I'm fine? And it worries me that I'm so okay. Shouldn't I be upset? Shouldn't I care? Is it wrong for me to feel like I've moved on?"

Grace tilts her head to the side as she studies me thoughtfully. The whiteness of her teeth pops against her flawless dark brown skin. "I don't think so," she says. "I think the fact that you feel content with her being back and not wanting to pursue what you once had means that you've found something better. I think it means you and Devon are on the right path."

I smile to myself faintly. "I guess so. I've never thought of it that way."

"The real question is: How is Devon dealing with this?" Bianca speaks up from where she still stands by the window sill, adjusting the blinds as she raises the binoculars to her eyes again.

"I mean, we're fine," I reveal. "She had some concerns at first, but the two of us haven't had any major issues or anything."

Bianca snorts. "Devon is a way better girlfriend than I would be then. I'd lose my mind if my partner's ex moved back to town and was living across the street."

I can't resist a smirk. "Would you camp out at their window with binoculars to spy on their ex?"

My taunting goes right over Bianca's head. "Yeah," she admits nonchalantly. "Probably."

Grace and I share a look, then burst into laughter. As the two of us are giggling, Bianca starts waving her free hand like a lunatic.

"I see her! Oh my God, I see her!"

I roll my eyes as I bite down on my tongue. "Bianca, please–"

I don't have a chance to finish my sentence before Grace is leaping off of the bed to join Bianca's side.

"Where? I wanna see!"

"Guys!" I chide, "Calm down! And don't let her catch you staring!"

My friends ignore me. It isn't long before I'm standing next to them with my arms crossed over my chest, glancing out of the clear glass before me to find Sloane walking down her driveway.

"Ay Dios mio," Bianca mutters under her breath. "Sloane is hot."

Grace nods her head in approval. "She is really pretty, Hadley."

I ignore their comments, unsure of what to say in response. Instead, I find myself studying Sloane as if I am looking at her for the first time. She is a pretty girl, with her olive complexion and chestnut-colored hair. She walks down her driveway gracefully, as if she hasn't a care in the world.

"Guys,"–I begin to say–"we should move before she–"

I stop speaking abruptly when Sloane suddenly glances up. I'm unsure what provokes her to do so, but it isn't long before her gaze is clearly searing through my window. The three of us stand in shock as Sloane's lips curl into a smirk, lifting her hand to wave a few fingers at us to prove we've been caught staring.

Bianca releases a squeal as I quickly whip my blinds closed. I don't know why my heart has suddenly begun to ram against my ribcage, beating in overdrive. My cheeks flush and I feel clammy, embarrassment flooding through my veins.

"Do you think she saw the binoculars?" Bianca cries, her features pinched sheepishly.

"I hope not," I snap, taking the binoculars from Bianca as I shoot her a glare.

"Sorry," she squeaks. "Maybe she didn't see us?"

Grace snorts. "Seriously, B?"

"It's okay," I say with a brisk laugh, falling back on my bed. "You guys were curious. I get it."

Bianca and Grace follow my lead, joining my side on the bed. It doesn't take long for Bianca to get over her initial shock, as she is soon gazing at me with knowing eyes and a wide smirk.

"So," she murmurs, "wanna tell us the story of what happened between you and Sloane again?"

I bite down on my lip as I shake my head teasingly. Then I launch into the story, reliving it all over once more.

a/n: another surprise update ! also you guys should follow me on tiktok if you want bc i'm trying to start posting on there (@kaitlyngr4ce) ILY ALL 💘

———a/n: another surprise update ! also you guys should follow me on tiktok if you want bc i'm trying to start posting on there (@kaitlyngr4ce) ILY ALL 💘

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