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Sloane refuses to even glance at me the next morning in first period

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Sloane refuses to even glance at me the next morning in first period.

I try not to let this fact bother me. It shouldn't. After all, she has been a fairly small part of my life upon returning to town. However, it does bother me. Guilt consumes me as I find myself staring at her out of the corner of my eye. I'm in the wrong–what I said to her was completely uncalled for. I want to apologize, yet something holds me back from saying a word.

The bell rings, indicating the formal beginning of class. I lean forward in my seat, determined to pay attention to my teacher–to keep my focus on anything but Sloane.

My teacher, Mr. Stewart, takes his place at the front of the room, clearing his throat to interrupt the students talking in the corner. Once the room is silent, Mr. Stewart says, "Today I'd like to have you all get started on the course project I mentioned yesterday. To make the workload slightly less difficult, I've decided to allow you to work in pairs. However, I will be assigning your partners."

A few students release low groans at this news.

Mr. Stewart pays no mind to the disappointment of the classroom. "You'll be working with the person sitting to your right from the row down. Please gather your things so we can head to the library."

Dread fills my chest. I glance to my right, where Sloane is perched stiffly. Panic settles into my bones as I realize the two of us are now going to be working on a project together for the rest of the quarter.

If Sloane is upset by this revelation, she doesn't act as if she is. She continues ignoring me, purposefully refusing to face my direction as she shoves her belongings into the bag placed at her feet.

I follow suit, gathering my own items. I rise from my seat with Bianca and Mason at my sides, who both shoot me sympathetic stares.

I'm sorry, Bianca mouths with a frown before joining her own partner and heading out of the classroom. Mason takes my side for a moment to whisper in my ear, "Good luck."

I'm soon left alone–alone with Sloane, that is. She marches ahead of me as we exit the classroom, acting as if I'm invisible as we wander into the hallway.

"Sloane," I begin to say as I catch up to her, "I–"

"I'm not happy about the two of us being paired together, either," Sloane snaps, cutting me off. "So save me the grief."

"That's not what I was going to say," I mumble, narrowing my eyes.

We continue the trek to the library in silence. It's awkward as the two of us pick an empty table between rows of bookshelves once we reach our destination. I find myself unsure of what to say as I sit across from Sloane, drowning in the heavy tension looming between us.

"What are you thinking the topic of our project should be?" Sloane speaks up. She delivers the question casually enough, though there is a bitter gleam burning like a fire in her eyes as her stare pierces through me.

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