15 | hadley

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"I'm so glad you decided to go," I murmur into Devon's neck, shifting as she wraps her arms tightly around my figure

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"I'm so glad you decided to go," I murmur into Devon's neck, shifting as she wraps her arms tightly around my figure.

Devon chuckles softly, the sound echoing in my ear as I lay my head against her chest. "Of course I was gonna go. How could I pass on a week-long vacation with my girl and our best friends?"

I sit up slightly to smile down at Devon, my blond hair cascading over my shoulder and into her face. I can't hold back laughter as Devon blows at my hair, trying to remove the blond strands from her eyes to no avail.

"I don't know," I murmur once we're both situated again, leaning my weight on my elbows so as to gaze down at Devon clearly. "I really thought you weren't going to be able to make it."

Devon bites down on her lip thoughtfully. Dozens of emotions pass through her dark eyes, and for a moment I can read her easily. I recognize the fleeting glance that passes through her warm eyes as a look of fear–though the strange light fades from her stare before I'm able to question her about it.

"I'm going," Devon reiterates, tilting her head slightly to press a gentle kiss to my lips. "Okay?"

I nod, though I can't seem to get the look in Devon's eyes out of my head. I'm just about to ask her what's going on–the question is on the tip of my tongue–when Devon suddenly rolls out of bed, stretching as her feet hit the ground.

Any mention of what happened seconds prior has long since left my mind as Devon shoots me a crooked grin, extending a hand to me as she says, "Get up, Hads. What are you waiting for?"

I take her hand in mine and allow her to pull me out of bed, raising an eyebrow at my girlfriend curiously. "What's going on?"

Devon seems to be struggling to hold back a smile. "I may or may not have scored us tickets to that movie you've been wanting to see."

I can't contain a gasp. "Devon!" I shriek, beaming with excitement. "Are you fucking with me?"

"I am not fucking with you," Devon says with a chuckle. "So, if you want to go–"

I'm on my feet before Devon can finish her sentence, bustling around her room in order to get ready to go out. Devon laughs as she watches me get dressed in rapid-speed, perching myself in front of the mirror to fix up the makeup I had applied earlier in the day.

It isn't long before the two of us are buckled up in her car, soon pulling into a parking spot at the theater. I'm bouncing on the balls of my feet as Devon opens my car door, taking my hand in hers as she leads me to the line forming by the ticket booth.

"I still can't believe you actually remembered," I say softly to Devon as I grasp her hand tightly, taking a step forward as we move up in the line before us.

Devon snorts. "You've been talking about this movie nonstop, Hads. How could I forget?"

I shove her shoulder in response to the teasing remark, rolling my eyes playfully. "I'll love you forever for this."

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