37 | hadley

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I'm out of the door just as Mason pulls into the driveway, waving as I stroll down the steps

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I'm out of the door just as Mason pulls into the driveway, waving as I stroll down the steps. Mason honks the horn to indicate that she has spotted me, and I'm beaming as I approach my friends.

"Hey!" Mason exclaims, rolling down the window to greet me. I notice Bianca in the passenger seat, and she says hi as well.

"Ready to go?" Mason questions. I nod, making my way to the back to set my bag down in the seat. Since homecoming is so close now, the three of us decided to hunt for dresses together. I'm excited at the same time I dread the occasion. I can't stop myself from feeling as though something is missing, and I know it's because Devon isn't here. My heart feels heavy with the thought.

As I'm going to climb into the car, I spot Sloane across the street. She's walking down her driveway, seemingly toward the mailbox. I eye her for a moment, taking in her long, tanned legs; clad in denim shorts and the way her chestnut-colored hair billows effortlessly with the faint wind in the air.

I turn to Mason without thinking, speaking before I even realize I'm doing so. "Hey," I begin, "would it be okay if I invited Sloane to come with us?"

I cringe when I realize what I've done. Mason and Bianca share a glance for a moment, though if they're thinking what I am–how stupid I had just been to suggest such a thing–it isn't revealed through their expressions.

"Sure!" Mason chirps, seemingly okay with what I've proposed.

"I don't see why not," Bianca agrees. "I like Sloane."

I hesitate for a moment, wondering if this is wrong. I mean, Mason and Sloane seem to get along well enough, and Bianca just admitted to liking her. And she and I have managed to form a decent friendship–things between us definitely are nowhere near as awkward as they once were. After debating the situation for a moment, I end up not finding any harm with Sloane joining us.

"I'll be right back," I tell my friends. Then I whirl on my heel and jog down the driveway, trying to catch up with Sloane before she turns to enter her home. She catches sight of me just as I step foot onto her paved driveway, expression lighting up as she offers me a bright smile and friendly wave.

"Hadley?" Sloane questions. She appears slightly curious as to the reasoning behind my presence–after all, we haven't made any plans to work on our project today. "What's up?"

"Hey," I pant, slightly out of breath from the quick jog across the street. "I, um, I was wondering–"

Sloane chuckles, amusement dancing in her eyes as she smirks at my breathlessness. "Why don't you get some air before you try forming a sentence, Carter?"

I nod, hands on my knees as I sputter, "Good idea." I play along with her, inhaling an extremely deep breath before joining in her laughter, regaining my composure before asking, "I'm going to the mall with Mason and Bianca to look for some homecoming dresses. I was wondering if you'd maybe want to come with?"

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