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"I think she's just having a hard time adjusting," Kai defends Devon's actions

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"I think she's just having a hard time adjusting," Kai defends Devon's actions. "She hasn't seemed like herself since the move."

Mason, Clover, and I are all hanging out in Kai's den. It's strange to be all together without Devon around, though none of us bring light to the topic. It doesn't seem to matter that Devon's presence is lacking, considering she's all we're talking about.

I've just finished filling my friends in on the fight Devon and I had last night–though Mason didn't need much details on the story. She'd been over at my house when Devon called me out of the blue, abruptly ending our talk when she'd noticed Sloane was over at my house, so she had witnessed Devon's anger firsthand. On top of our argument, it seems that Devon has yet to even tell her roommate about me–a fact that irks me in ways I can't quite describe. I don't see why Devon would keep me a secret, especially when she's the one who taught me how to find freedom in being myself, out and proud.

Mason crosses her arms over her chest from her seat next to me on the couch. I don't think I've ever seen her so visibly angered before, though her hazel eyes are full of contempt as she releases a humorless chuckle. "I'm sorry, but that's not an excuse for how she's been treating Hadley."

I sit in defeated silence. Devon and I don't fight, and all of this drama is taking a negative toll on me. The tension between Devon and I has rippled into our friend group–everyone mindlessly taking sides.

"I'm not saying it does," Kai retorts. "All I'm saying is we should be mindful of the fact that she's going through a hard time."

Mason narrows her eyes. "Or we could call her out on her bullshit? I'm not going to placate her behavior. She made the decision to move. She can't take it out on us if she regrets that."

"I just think–"

Mason doesn't give Kai a chance to finish his sentence. She interrupts him by tilting her head to the side and snapping, "Are we just going to forget the fact that Devon didn't even tell us that she was going to move?" Mason gestures from herself to Clover and I, clearly frustrated. "I mean, we're the ones who should be mad at her for keeping something so huge a secret! Yet we let it go and moved on. I don't understand what her issue is."

Kai and Mason glare at one another, practically seething. I share a glance with Clover. There's obvious tension between the two–they're masking their anger behind what's going on between Devon and I, but I suspect their disagreement is more personal.

Maybe Kai and Mason really were hooking up.

"Can we just agree to see both perspectives?" Clover questions. "Devon is going through massive change, and she's being an asshole. That's the truth, plain and simple."

"Her roommate is gay," I blurt out of nowhere. I don't even know why I bother mentioning this insignificant information. It hadn't even been on my mind, really. Merely floating around in the back of my brain somewhere. "Or . . . into girls. Queer, I guess. I don't know."

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