epilogue | hadley

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Sunlight glows down on me from up above, casting warm rays between the branches of the large trees decorating the path I walk along

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Sunlight glows down on me from up above, casting warm rays between the branches of the large trees decorating the path I walk along. The sunbeams are warm against my skin, instilling within me a feeling of peace and comfort. I can't remember the last time I felt such serenity–perfectly fine with merely existing, reveling in the moment.

The campus is beautiful in the summer, though this much I expected. California weather has yet to disappoint. It's a stark contrast from home, unlike everything I'm used to; however, I have come to learn that sometimes change is a good thing.

I take in the scenery, clutching my textbooks to my chest. Classes have officially been in session for only a day, yet I'm already swamped with assignments and due dates. I don't let the workload stress me, instead deciding to focus my energy on the hope swelling in my chest.

Summer has always reminded me of hope. There's something about the constant stream of sunlight, the extra greenery to the trees and grass, the warmth in the air. These minor details hold the significance of so much more than meets the eye. Winter is the ending of an era, though summer brings along a fresh start.

It's nice, I must admit. Having the freedom to start over; entering this new cycle of life.

Students walk past me, most of them seemingly in a hurry. I people-watch as I stroll, taking note of kids walking with earbuds, glancing around in confusion, wandering about campus with purpose. I find solace in the fact that I'm not the only one who has no idea what exactly I'm doing with my life, comforted by the realization that I'm surrounded by people all pretending to have everything together.

My gaze soon lands on the sight of a familiar silhouette. I pause for a moment, staring intently at the dark hair and lithe frame. I hadn't meant to spot her, yet I don't believe in coincidences. I have faith in knowing everything happens for a reason, and there is no doubt in my mind that fate has had a hand in bringing me here at this moment.

She turns around slowly, as if she can feel my eyes watching her. I don't dare look away, anxiously anticipating the moment our stares will lock. I smile faintly as I take in those recognizable dark eyes. It seems as though some things never change–and yet at the same time, I understand that everything has.

I remain still as she tilts her head to the side curiously, a grin breaking out over her features. Then she is heading my way, wandering toward me with determination.

It doesn't seem to matter how much time has passed since the two of us last saw each other–I'd recognize the laugh leaving her lips now anywhere.

"Hadley?" she questions in disbelief, astonishment written all over her face.

"Hi, Devon," I murmur in greeting, my smile having yet to disperse. "It's nice to see you again."

Devon Parker entered my life and wrecked my world as I once knew it. I always felt that she and I were connected in ways I could never quite describe. Even when we broke up what feels like forever ago now, part of me always knew I'd run into her again. A love like ours doesn't fade, even when torn apart. It's the kind of love that grows stronger with time, that ages like fine wine. Our souls are intertwined, destined by fate.

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