58. "Goodbyes"

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Chapter 58


"I  don't know guys. She's so distant and doesn't talk to me anymore. 

"She's trying to process it. I know it can't be easy...after what you guys have just been through." Jane replied. 

"I know that."  I sighed. "I know she's going through alot but so am I..and I want us to go through it together.. as a team. It's been six months and she's been so cold and I.."

"Just give her some more time, Sam." Jack implored

"Yeah. You know what they say...time heals all wounds." Jane adds. 

"I know that but you guys know my wife, if she doesn't talk about her feelings, then we're not ok."

"Well then, I guess you're just going to have to try harder."

"Yea. I was thinking maybe we could go -" A ring on the intercom interrupted. "Just a minute, guys."

"Yes, Katie?"

"Sam, Natalie is here to see you."

"Really?" I said, and looked back at Jack and Jane on the laptop screen and smiled.

"Please send her in."

"No, she doesn't want to come in."

"Ok. I'll be down in a few....Thanks."  I replied and ended the call.

"She's here." I repeated, still not believing it. Natalie hasn't been out of the house in six months and if this isn't a good sign, I don't know what is.

"See...maybe she's ready to talk about things after all. "

"Yea..I gotta..."

"Go meet your woman. We'll talk later." 

"Thanks, guys." I smiled.

"Goodluck."  They replied with a smile of their own and I ended the call.


I smiled, as I saw the woman who still manages to take my breathe away everytime even after four years. "Hey...what are you doing here?" I hugged her briefly. "Hey, Will." I greeted her brother who was beside her.

"Hmm.." He just nods at me, normally that should cause you to wonder but nah, I'm totally used to him being like that towards me. He never liked me for his sister.

"Sam, we need to talk."

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that." I smiled. "Err...Sure. Let's go into my office."

"No. I'm in a rush."

"Oh..Kay? Well... I'm so happy you decided to come out. Do you want to go to the cafeteria or..."

"Sam, I want a divorce." She said and in that moment I thought I heard wrong..

"I'm sorry..what?" Pretty sure I heard wrong.

"We have to live separately for at least a year before I can officially file the petition so I'll be leaving the house and in a year and a couple months, it will be officially filled." She added. I was dumbfoubded by the words Natalie uttered. I couldn't understand anything. Wait. Did I loose time and miss something?

"Wait.. I don't understand. Where is this coming from? Why? Why would you even think of this? What's going on, Natalie?" I said, when I finally found my words.
I was confused and my expression definitely showed that.

"Look, don't make it any harder. We both know it was going to end this way sooner than later...and I just happened to be bold about it. "

"What are you even talking about? We are married, Natalie and only just lost our baby and you want to leave now ?"

"Six months ago, Sam. I lost my baby six months ago."

"Yes.." I let out a short humorless laugh. "and for those six months, you hardly said a word to me and now, that you're talking, you are suddenly asking to divorce me?" I was getting agitated

"I am not asking, Sam..and let's not do this."

"What do you mean let's not do this?  I do not understand so make me. What do you want me to do here?"

"Nothing. She's just being courteous by informing you." Will spoke up this time.

"Oh my..Did Will put up to this? Did he tell you something? Babe, we can talk about this."

"No. leave Will out of this. He's just here to support me, and you know that I never do things because someone thinks I should. This is what's best and you know that, ok? Bye, Sam." She says and before I could even utter another word, she turned around, and starts walking out of the building, with her brother falling closely behind her.

For sometime, I just remained on the same spot with one lingering thought in my head - What just happened?


Playist🎶 - Unsecret with Aron Wright - Home Again)

It took me a few minutes to get home. I'd barely parked properly before sprinting out of the car and up the stairs. I ran...kept praying in my heart that she was waiting for me upstairs.

I called her name repeatedly while opening every door in the house, but she was nowhere to be found. She wasn't in sight, but one thing was certain: her belongings were all present. Everything was in its proper place, so I reasoned that it was a good sign that she'd return home to at least pack her belongings and then we'd have a chance to talk.

But minutes of waiting turned into an hour, and even more hours. As I waited, still in my office outfit, I prayed with all my heart that I'm wrong..that all my current fears were not true.. I mean, she couldn't just leave me,right?

She is Natalie. My Natalie. She has to come back to me..to our home, and our life together.

Not wanting to seem like an helicopter husband, I resisted the urge to call her all night. I convinced myself that she jsut needed time by herself to think and be alone-and so did I.

  But then, when I woke up with a sprained neck after falling asleep on the sofa, she still wasn't back. Again, I did not want to believe that she left me. I mean, we are Sam and Natalie. This is what we do - We figure shit out.

  I quickly showered before going over to her family's house, but she wasn't there. Will also refused to tell me where she was, claiming he didn't know. I resisted the urge to slap him across the face out of respect for Natalie's parents. I was furious, especially at her. How could she possibly do this to me? To us? How could she just up and leave what we've built together - our life, love, and marriage? Who was she to make all those decisions by herself?

I decided to track her down because I had so many questions for her. I asked my father, who explained that it was for the best and that he had always known we weren't going to last. He told me it was time to stop being a "wounded Romeo" and start working on myself, but I couldn't just let her go, so when my father refused to help me, I asked a friend of his to do me a favor.

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