꒰ two ꒱

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Donghyuck decided to spend some more time on the website he had found, and he ended up chatting a lot more with the two users that had been the first to comment on his first post. jun00 turned out to be a boy his age named Renjun, and lelezzz was a boy a year younger than him named Chenle. The three ended up following each other on Twitter (Donghyuck of course made a new account under his alias Haechan as to not blow his cover), and the three had grown quite close over the span of the next month. Eventually, they decided to exchange phone numbers as well, and they even found out they lived in the same area. So, they decided to all meet up in person, dressed in normal clothes of course, and Donghyuck was beyond excited. This was the first friend group in ages where he felt like he truly belonged, and where he also felt like he was truly loved and cared about. Donghyuck knew that the assholes he hung around with at school couldn't give two flying fucks about him at the end of the day, but being friends with them made his parents happy, so he just went along with it in order to keep his cover.

He also knew that deep down, if he wasn't part of the 'popular' friend group, that he would've become a very easy target for their bullying. He's a small, smart, mostly unassuming kid, and from what he knows about those types of people, they would've done anything to dig up any kind of dirt they could possibly find on him to use against him...which was something Donghyuck could absolutely not afford at any cost. You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, so that's exactly what Donghyuck felt he had to do.

He took a deep breath and entered the cafe that Renjun had decided on, reminding himself that he could comfortably show his true personality around these guys. These people weren't out to hurt him like everyone else was, he was allowed to relax. His heart still jumped a little when he spotted Renjun at a table by one of the windows, and he hurried over towards him. Renjun smiled brightly and wrapped Donghyuck in a tight hug.

"Haechan! It's so good to finally meet you," he gushed, and Donghyuck startled slightly at the nickname. He had almost forgotten that these two didn't know his real name, but even if it was a bit selfish, he wanted to keep it that way just a little longer, at least until he had gotten even closer with them.

"Renjun! As expected, you're just as pretty as your pictures," he teased, and Renjun scoffed before playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Lele's here too, he just stopped by the bathroom," Renjun chimed, gesturing towards the empty seat next to him. Donghyuck nodded and took the seat across from Renjun, feeling a tiny bit awkward. He already knew that Renjun and Chenle had been friends for a while before they met Donghyuck, and while he was a little afraid of being the third wheel, he was just grateful to have made friends with them in the first place.

Soon enough, Chenle walked back over to the table and froze when he spotted Donghyuck, immediately running over and wrapping him in a hug even tighter than the one Renjun had given him.

"God, Haechan! It's so good to see you, you have no idea how excited we were to actually meet you."

"Oh please, I was even more excited to meet the both of you! I've never had friends before that I could talk with openly about my...um...hobbies."

The three boys all shared a knowing grin before laughing quietly. Donghyuck felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders just by being with them, this was the first time he'd felt so comfortable around someone since Haram first discovered his secret.

"Haechan, you have any outfits you've been looking at lately? I sent you a website a while ago that sells really pretty ones," Chenle chimed it, and Renjun nodded excitedly.

"Yeah! Me and Lele were thinking, and...we were wondering if one day you wanted to get matching outfits with the two of us, and then we could hang out while wearing them."

"In public?" Donghyuck hissed incredulously, and the two laughed fondly before shaking their heads.

"No, dummy, obviously we'd just hang out inside one of our houses," Chenle rolled his eyes playfully as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Donghyuck nodded shyly before twisting a strand of his blonde hair around his finger.

"I would really like that, actually, that sounds like a lot of fun," he muttered sheepishly, and Renjun let out a small excited squeal.

"Awesome! We were thinking of just getting the same outfit in different colors, is there a certain color you prefer? I usually wear green, and Lele really likes purple," Renjun hummed, and Donghyuck shifted in his seat.

"Well...usually when I dress up, I wear pink, it's kind of my signature color," he winked playfully, causing the other two to chuckle.

"Perfect, then we'll get started trying to find an outfit that comes in all three colors." Chenle nodded, and then quickly stood up to order coffee and snacks for everyone at the table. For a couple more hours, the boys just hung out in the cafe and chatted, having fun just simply by being in one another's company, and Donghyuck hadn't felt this happy in a long, long time.

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

"Lee Donghyuck, could I see you for a second?" The math teacher called out to Donghyuck as he was leaving the classroom, and the blonde boy felt his heart jump slightly in fear. He might've run with the wrong crowd at school, but he almost never got in trouble out of fear of what his parents would do. He had no idea why the teacher could possibly want to talk to him, and he made his way over to her desk nervously.

"Relax, you're not in trouble," she said warmly as soon as they were alone, and Donghyuck immediately let out a sigh in relief.

"I just wanted to ask a favor from you."

"What kind of favor, ma'am?" Donghyuck tilted his head curiously, and the teacher let out a small sigh.

"Well, you see...there's a student of mine that's really struggling with math. He's a smart kid, he just needs a little help in this one area, and I was going to ask you if you'd be willing to tutor him."

"Oh..." the boy replied, running a hand through his hair, "sure thing, that's no problem at all. Who's the student?"

"That's great, thank you so much! He's in your class, his name is Lee Jeno."

Donghyuck immediately stiffened at the mention of Jeno's name, internally groaning. Why hadn't he asked for the student's name before agreeing to tutor them? Jeno was certainly going to kill him once he found out about this.

"Ah...yeah, I know him. I'm always happy to help," he forced a smile and watched as his teacher immediately brightened. There was no way he could back out now, not after seeing how relieved his poor teacher looked.

"Thank you so much again, Donghyuck. I'll set up a meeting for you two sometime soon so you both can figure out a schedule and exchange phone numbers and whatnot."

"Of course, sounds wonderful," he said through gritted teeth, immediately clenching his fists and hanging his head in frustration as soon as his teacher had exited the room.

God damn it, this is going to be a fucking disaster.

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