꒰ five ꒱

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"He did what?!" Chenle exclaimed, scaring half of the people sitting near him. The three boys were in their favorite cafe once again, sipping coffee and catching up. Donghyuck quickly shushed his friend, scrunching his nose in frustration.

"Geez, he's bold. It's kind of hot, though," Renjun snickered, and Donghyuck shot him a dirty glare.

"It's not hot, he's setting me up for humiliation! Can't you see this is his master plan at getting back at me? I'm going to show up to his house in a dress, and then the popular kids are going to answer the door and laugh me into a different continent."

"Chan, you're paranoid. Didn't you say he's the loner kid that's usually the target of the popular kids? They'd probably laugh in his face if he tried to set you up like that." Chenle shrugged and took another sip of his coffee, and Donghyuck tightened his grip on his cup.

"You can believe me or not, but even if it's not a set up, I'm freaking out. No one's ever really seen me dressed up before, except for my sister..." he trailed off nervously, and Renjun leaned forward slightly.

"So what? Are you nervous that he's going to find you ugly or something?"

"I don't know, maybe!" Donghyuck threw his hands up in exasperation. Chenle rolled his eyes fondly and leaned in as well.

"Listen, Chan, I get how you feel. I have a boyfriend, and he was also the first person to ever see me dressed up. We weren't dating yet, I was terrified out of my mind, but he loved it. There are guys out there who will love you and accept you for who you are, and truthfully, I don't think Jeno would be asking this of you if he wasn't one of the guys who likes seeing pretty boys all dressed up," Chenle smirked and Renjun gave him a playful nudge on the shoulder.

"You just wanted a chance to brag about Jisung, didn't you Lele?" Renjun mused, and Chenle laughed softly.

"Guilty, I do love that kid. But in any case, my point still stands, I think Jeno might have a bit of a thing for you, and the thought of seeing you in a pretty dress is getting him all hot and bothered."

"I actually agree with Chenle on this one, Haechan, I think he might get off on this a little."

"You guys are insane! Me and this dude have been rivals since we were sixteen, there's no way he has any feelings than me other than pure, unfiltered rage." Donghyuck scoffed, finishing off the last of his latte. Renjun and Chenle shared skeptical looks before shrugging it off, finishing off their drinks as well.

"Listen, Chan, the best solution to this is to just tough it out. And, to prepare for your crazy worst case scenario, you can just pack everything you need in a bag and show up in normal clothes. That way you can scope out the house and make sure the coast is clear before changing." Renjun chimed in, and Donghyuck let out a long sigh.

"That's actually a great idea, Jun, thank you so much," he chewed on the inside of his cheek and glanced out the window, bouncing his leg nervously. Chenle reached out and put a gentle hand on the blonde boy's shoulder, causing him to look up curiously.

"Hey, it's all gonna be okay, alright? We're on your side, and even if the whole thing goes sideways, we'll be here for you. We got your back, okay?"

Donghyuck nodded and stood up, wrapping both of his friends in a tight hug before sighing softly again.

"Thank you guys, really. I'm lucky to have people that understand me, you guys are the best."

"Oh stop it, you big softie." Renjun cooed, ruffling Donghyuck's hair affectionately before pulling back from the hug.

"I have to catch the bus so I'll leave first, you two get back safely, okay?"

"Yes sir!" Chenle teased, and Donghyuck chuckled softly as he watched the two of them.

He had no idea what he'd do without these knuckleheads.

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

Donghyuck walked into the classroom right after school on Tuesday, suddenly feeling nervous to see the taller boy again, especially after everything that went down in the auditorium. He tried his best to shake off his thoughts as he sat down, pulling out his math book and waiting patiently for Jeno to arrive. He eventually did, standing in the doorway and spotting the small blonde in the center of the classroom.

"Sorry for being late," he said nonchalantly, plopping down in the chair next to Donghyuck. The smaller boy shot him a nasty glare, scoffing quietly.

"You should be, dickwad. I have things to do and places to be, you know."

"Such as dressing up in a pretty skirt and prancing around your room like a princess?" Jeno smirked, and Donghyuck's face immediately went bright red. He tried to retort back, but he couldn't, the words getting caught in his throat. He knew Jeno was right, and that was the worst part. He bit his lip in frustration and aggressively opened his math book.

"Let's get started, don't keep me waiting any longer."

"Ooh, a feisty little princess," Jeno grinned, and Donghyuck tried his best to ignore the heat creeping up his cheeks as he watched Jeno pull his notebook out of his backpack and open it.

They ran over some math principles for an hour or so, and luckily it seemed that despite their differences, they worked well together. Donghyuck was a good teacher, and Jeno was a quick learner, so they breezed through the basics with little to no complications. After a while, though, Jeno started to get noticeably bored, and kept zoning out in the middle of Donghyuck speaking.

"So for this equation, all you need to do is...for fucks sake, are you even listening to me, dumbass?"

Jeno cocked an eyebrow and leaned in a bit closer to the smaller boy, causing him to lean back instinctively.

"You should really watch your mouth, Hyuck, pretty boys shouldn't say bad words." Jeno purred in a seductive tone, and Donghyuck swallowed harshly.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, shithead." Donghyuck hissed, and Jeno suddenly stood, pinning Donghyuck against his chair with his arms.

"I don't think that's any way to speak to the person keeping your precious secret, don't you agree?"

The blonde boy stared up at him incredulously. Sure, Jeno was intimidating, but Donghyuck was fed up with his attitude, and he wasn't going to let him boss him around so easily.

"Fuck off, asshole," he snapped, and Jeno clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"How disappointing, it looks like I'll have to put you in your place, baby boy," he leaned forward and bit down sensually on Donghyuck's earlobe, causing the smaller boy to squeak and jolt in surprise. The black haired boy laughed softly before grabbing his things and making his way to the door, barely sparing Donghyuck another glance.

"We're done here for today, right? Looks like I'll see you on Thursday."

And with that, he was gone, leaving Donghyuck to cup his burning cheeks and seethe in his seat. He suddenly remembered what Renjun and Chenle had said back in the cafe, staring at Jeno's retreating figure in disbelief.

There's no way he thinks of me like that, right? Definitely not, no chance.

But somehow, he didn't feel all that convinced.

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