꒰ forty ꒱

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Donghyuck wasn't sure why he felt so nervous.

It wasn't like he was meeting Jeno's parents or anything... hell, Jeno had met his parents and was completely chill about it. Jeno had met Chenle and his parents, and he had done great. So why did he feel paranoid that this meeting would end up being a disaster?

Maybe it was Chenle standing behind him, smiling a little too sunnily for his liking, and Renjun who kept shooting their friend suspicious glares.

Maybe it was the fact that if Jeno's friends ended up not liking him at all, he didn't think he could force him to choose between him and his friends. At that point, he might just have to break up with Jeno.

Oh god. Don't think about that.

Donghyuck raised his hand to knock, preparing himself for the worst, but Jeno was already opening the door before he got the chance.

"Sorry, I spotted you outside the window and I got excited," Jeno chuckled at Donghyuck's surprised expression, before grabbing his outstretched wrist and pulling him in for a quick peck on the lips.

"Hi," he whispered sweetly, and Donghyuck immediately felt all of his tension and nerves melt away as he smiled up at his boyfriend.

"Hey there," he murmured back, giving him another short kiss, before Renjun cleared his throat loudly behind them. Donghyuck startled out of Jeno's grip, feeling embarrassed, while the taller boy just smiled down at him fondly before turning his attention to his friends.

"Hey, you must be Renjun, I've heard a lot about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Jeno said, offering a big friendly smile as he held out his hand. Renjun grinned as well, shaking his hand politely.

"That is me. It's nice to finally meet you too... trust me when I say I've probably heard way more about you than you have about me."

"Junnie," Donghyuck whined, his embarrassment only growing as Jeno smirked at him.

"Well, come on in. My friends are in the living room," Jeno chuckled, pulling Donghyuck up against his side as he let Chenle and Renjun pass by them. When the blonde shot him a questioning look, Jeno intertwined their fingers and kissed along his knuckles.

"I wanted you to be standing next to me the first time my friends see you... in case either of their gay asses fall for you at first sight because of how pretty you are," Jeno mumbled, and Donghyuck couldn't help but laugh as he squeezed his boyfriends hand.

"You jealous, Lee Jeno?" He teased, letting the taller boy lead them further into the house and shut the front door behind them, "I'm going to be super affectionate with your friends, just to see what will happen."

"What will happen is I'll pull you into my lap and fuck you in front of everyone," Jeno scoffed back, and even though he was aware he was just kidding, Donghyuck couldn't control the shiver that racked through his body at the words.

"Ehem... love birds?" An unfamiliar voice called from the living room, and Donghyuck jumped as he turned around to see two strangers sitting on the couch, while Renjun and Chenle were snickering by the doorway, "it would be really nice if the two of you decided to join us sometime soon."

"Sorry," Donghyuck squeaked, shuffling forward into the space and glancing between the two boys, "uh... hi! I'm Lee Donghyuck, Jeno's... boyfriend."

"Why did you hesitate before saying boyfriend?" One of the boys asked quizzically, narrowing his eyes at Donghyuck. The blonde boy stiffened, a wave of panic suddenly washing over him. Did I ruin everything already? Do they hate me now?

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