꒰ twenty eight ꒱

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"Wow, Haechan. You're so brave, I don't think I'd still be alive if I ever said any of that to my mom," Chenle whistled, leaning back in his seat, "I have to say, I'm impressed."

Renjun promptly elbowed him harshly in the side, causing Chenle to yelp in pain. Donghyuck didn't even bother to lift his head from where it was resting in the cafe table, just groaned and buried his face even deeper into his arms.

"You really fought with your mom that bad, huh?" Renjun said sympathetically, patting the top of Donghyuck's messy blonde hair. He just nodded in response, and the two other boys exchanged worried glances.

"Okay, all jokes aside, I'm very proud of you, baby. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but you did the right thing," Chenle said, and Renjun gave him a grateful look before standing up and sliding into the booth next to Donghyuck.

"Thanks, Lele," the blonde sighed, sitting up and resting his head on Renjun's shoulder, who just smiled and wrapped a comforting arm around him, "I know I did the right thing, but it still feels icky... you know? I've never felt so uncomfortable in my own house before."

"Is your sister still not home yet?" Renjun asked gently, and Chenle quietly sat down on Donghyuck's other side so he could join the cuddle session.

"No, she's on a trip with her boyfriend right now. If she was home then she could've helped mediate some of the tension but... it's just me and my parents, at the moment."

"You know, you're more than welcome to stay with me if you ever need to. My house is pretty big, we have a spare bedroom that you can have all to yourself, and my parents are super chill," Chenle offered, playing with the strands of Donghyuck's hair, and the blonde boy chuckled softly as he lifted his head to look at him.

"That's very nice of you, Lele, but I don't wanna intrude. I'll be okay, I just need to tough it out."

"My house is always open to you too, you know," Renjun chimed in, "even though it may include having to sleep on the couch in the basement. But I have lots of video games down there, so it won't be all that bad."

"You both are very sweet, but I refuse to be a freeloader," Donghyuck said with a soft laugh, pinching Renjun's cheek affectionately, "besides, do you know you both don't even know my real name yet? As far as you both are concerned, I'm still Haechan."

"I was aware from the start that 'Haechan' is not your real name, simply because there's no way your stupid parents have enough creativity to come up with that," Chenle snorted, causing the other boys to giggle softly, "you can tell us your real name when you feel comfortable. Seriously, it's not that big of a deal."

"I don't deserve friends as great as you two," Donghyuck sighed dramatically, wiping a fake tear from his cheek as he glanced between the two of them, "seriously, what would I do without you two nerds?"

"Well, if you weren't here with us, you'd probably be at Jeno's house getting your shit wrecked right about now," Renjun snickered, and the blonde's face immediately went bright red. Chenle burst into laughter, high fiving Renjun over Donghyuck's head as the third boy whined and buried his blushing face in his hands.

"I take it back, you two are the fucking worst and I hate both of you."

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

"Donghyuck? Are you feeling okay?"

"Hm?" The blonde hummed absentmindedly, looking back up at Jeno. The taller boy had his eyebrows furrowed in concern, inching closer to him on the couch. They were both back at Jeno's home for their Thursday session, but Donghyuck was still so out of it from his bigger fight with his mom that he hadn't even realized that he had been spacing out for most of the time he'd been there.

"Ah, sorry. Yeah, I'm fine," he mumbled, his face burning a little as he looked back down at his notebook, willing the equations on the page to start making sense to him through his brain fog so he could explain them to Jeno. The taller boy wasn't having it, though, and closed the notebook with his free hand, bringing Donghyuck's attention back up to him.

"You do not look fine at all, Hyuck. You can talk to me, I know we only became close just recently but... I'm here for you, I wanna help you."

I wanna help you. His tone was so sincere, so sweet, that tears instantly pricked Donghyuck's eyes. God, what was he going to do if Jeno ended up not liking him back? How would he survive without him?

So, in the heat of the moment, Donghyuck did something he rarely ever did. He let himself go, and stopped trying to mask his emotions. He whimpered softly as fresh tears streaked down his face, and barely gave Jeno any time to react or register the change in atmosphere before he wrapped his arms around the tall boy's waist and cuddled close to him, burying his face into Jeno's chest. If Jeno would end up rejecting him and pushing him away after all this, then he had to be brave at least this once. He couldn't waste the opportunity to hold Jeno close and cuddle him while he cried.

"Oh baby," Jeno sighed softly, and to Donghyuck's great relief, he instantly wrapped his arms around the blonde boy in a tight hug. "I'm here, it's okay. You're gonna be okay."

That only made Donghyuck cry harder, clutching at Jeno's sweatshirt like he could disappear into thin air at any moment. He didn't even care if he was embarrassing himself, or if Jeno thought this was weird, because he just needed to be as close to him as physically possible or he would shatter into a million pieces. The taller boy just held him, rubbing soothing circles into his back and whispering reassurances into his ear until Donghyuck finally calmed down. The realization of what they had just been doing hit him like a ton of bricks, and he jumped back from Jeno's embrace like he had just been burned, his face still wet from his breakdown.

He thought he could see just the tiniest flicker of hurt in Jeno's eyes, but it was gone before he could even fully register it, and then Jeno was chuckling fondly and wiping at Donghyuck's damp face with his jacket sleeves.

"You owe me a dry cleaning bill," the black haired boy joked, gesturing down at the large wet spot on his chest, and Donghyuck flushed bright red.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he spluttered, staring down at it for a moment before squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment. "That was... I just... I'm so sorry, Jeno. I can wash it for you."

"You're fine, I was just teasing," he laughed, eyebrows furrowing a little when Donghyuck sniffled and wiped the remaining tear streaks off of his cheeks, "are you okay? Do you feel a little better now?"

The blonde boy chanced a look up at Jeno, and saw nothing but concern and adoration in his face. His heart skipped inside of his chest, and he had to take a deep breath before he finally nodded slowly.

"I feel a lot better, actually. Thank you, Jeno, you don't know how much this means to me."

They let the words hang in the air for a moment, the atmosphere thick with tension, before Jeno broke out into a wide grin and ruffled the small boy's hair affectionately.

"Anytime, sunshine. Do you wanna talk about it a little, or do you want ice cream and a movie?"

"Ice cream and a movie sounds amazing," Donghyuck replied a little breathlessly, unable to stop himself from smiling stupidly at Jeno as he stood to arrange their snacks.

Fuck his mom and her rules about coming home early, Jeno was better company anyways.

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