꒰ ten ꒱

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Donghyuck was walking through the halls on a Wednesday, sticking close to his douchebag friends as they laughed and talked shit about some random kid, zoning out and not truly paying much attention. Suddenly, he felt a hand snake around to hold his mouth while the other wrapped around his waist, pulling him into the nearby janitors closet and shutting the door behind them. The hand on his mouth had successfully muffled his cry of surprise, and he whipped around only to find Jeno standing behind him with a smug smirk on his face.

"Jesus, Jeno! You scared me," he huffed, crossing his arms and leaning up against the wall, "you better pray nobody saw you just then."

"Don't worry, I made sure the coast was clear beforehand, and your stupid friends didn't even seem to notice you were there, I doubt they'll notice that you're gone now." Jeno's voice when he talked about Donghyuck's friends was filled with venom, and the blonde instinctively flinched.

"Whatever, loser...what do you want? Why did you pull me in here?"

Those words brought the mischievous glint back to Jeno's eyes as he pinned Donghyuck up against the wall, leaning in closer to his face.

"Well, having to walk behind you and watch that cute ass of yours made me feel a little frustrated, I was hoping you could help me out with that," Jeno hummed, punctuating his words by licking a long stripe up Donghyuck's neck. The smaller boy stiffened and whined, immediately grabbing Jeno's shoulders and making a half hearted attempt at pushing him away.

"Here? We can't do anything here, we could get caught at any moment, and the teacher will be suspicious if we're both late to class and- ahh, fuck Jeno," Donghyuck mewled, his back arching against the wall as Jeno sucked harshly at the sensitive spot on his neck. Jeno merely chuckled and continued to lap his tongue along the blonde's neck, his body tingling every time Donghyuck moaned or whimpered in response to his actions.

"You do have a point, baby. Go ahead and go to class then." Jeno smirked, pulling away from Donghyuck. The tiny boy bit back a frustrated groan and tried his best to calm his arousal as he shot a sharp glare at Jeno, pulling the collar of his shirt up further in an attempt to hide the freshly formed hickeys as he stormed out of the closet. The black haired boy merely watched in amusement as he left, waiting a minute or two to make it look less suspicious before he exited the closet as well, making sure to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand as he headed off to his next class.

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

"Donghyuck, where the fuck did you go?" One of the jocks asked the blonde quizzically, and Donghyuck internally panicked as he sat down next to his "friends" in his usual seat in class.

"I, um... I had to stop by the bathroom really quick," he mumbled, quickly taking out his laptop and pretending to focus on the teacher's lecture. However, in doing so, his shirt collar slid down his shoulders just slightly, letting a few of Jeno's hickeys peek out from under the fabric. One of the other boys spotted it almost instantly and elbowed Donghyuck hard in the ribs, causing him to flinch in pain and whip around.

"Dude, what the hell are those?" The boy asked with a smirk, and the blonde glanced down before pulling his shirt back up in a panic, racking his brain for some sort of excuse.

"N-nothing, it's nothing," he stuttered, internally cursing himself for his nerves making him sound ten times more suspicious than he already did.

"So you 'went to the bathroom' and came back with marks on your neck that totally aren't hickeys? Sure man, I guess some lucky girl got a quick session before class," the boy wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Donghyuck let out a strained, nervous chuckle in response.

"Yeah sure, something like that," he sighed, heat creeping up into his cheeks as all his memories of Jeno flashed through his head. He suddenly remembered that tomorrow was Thursday, which meant Jeno was definitely going to do something to him. He buried his face in his hands, trying his best not to imagine all the different fantasies of what he wanted Jeno to do to him.

As much as he wanted to deny it, Jeno was hot as fuck, and he couldn't wait to see what he had in store for him.

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

So that's exactly how Donghyuck ended up back on Jeno's lap at his house, his skirt riding up his thighs as he made out with the taller boy, eventually pulling back for air.

"Wait," Jeno breathed out against the smaller's lips as Donghyuck dove back in for another kiss. The blonde huffed softly but pulled back, letting his forehead rest against Jeno's as he panted softly.


"We need to set some ground rules, for this physical relationship thing we have going on," Jeno mumbled, his fingers tracing Donghyuck's waist underneath his pink frilly top.

"Alright, what do you suggest?" The blonde said softly, his fingers combing through Jeno's long black hair. He smirked a little as the taller boy reacted to his touch, letting out a quiet groan.

"Get off of me first, you're too distracting."

Donghyuck pouted dramatically but obeyed regardless, rolling off of Jeno's lap and sitting down next to him on the couch, keeping a bit of distance between them just for good measure.

"Rule number one," Jeno started as soon as he caught his breath, "consent first before anything. If one of us isn't up for it that day, or if you or I feel uncomfortable in any way, we stop immediately. No questions asked, no arguments, no guilt tripping or whining about being disappointed."

Donghyuck nodded quickly, feeling relieved that Jeno was not one of the many dominants that didn't respect consent or used their authority or strength to force submissives into things they didn't want to do. It made him feel safer, and it made him feel like he was able to let his guard down whenever they had sex, like he could be vulnerable and lose himself in his headspace without worrying about Jeno taking advantage of him.

"Rule number two," Donghyuck continued, and Jeno turned to him attentively, "we don't tell anyone about this, besides people we can absolutely trust to keep the secret. If whatever we have right now suddenly becomes the latest hallway gossip, I will come for your throat."

"Deal," Jeno responded with a thoughtful nod, letting his lips quirk up in amusement at the smaller boy's threat while raking his hand through his own black hair.

"Rule number three," he started again, "no romantic feelings attached. Our relationship is purely sexual, nothing more."

"Please, only in your dreams would I ever catch feelings for you," Donghyuck snorted, and Jeno rolled his eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, baby boy," Jeno retorted, and Donghyuck blushed bright red from the nickname before quickly turning away.

"Whatever, loser. Is that all?"

"One more thing," Jeno started, biting back a small chuckle from the smaller boy's cute reaction, "you can't date someone else while we have this going on. It's not fair to that person, if either of us want to get into a relationship, we have to cut this off first."

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of hurting someone like that," Donghyuck responded sincerely, and the two shared a moment of intense eye contact as the blonde boy bit his lip softly. He wanted more than anything to crawl back up into Jeno's lap and kiss him senseless again, but their time was already up, and he knew his parents would get suspicious if he stayed any longer.

"Well, I have to go now. I'll see you Tuesday?"

"Sure thing, get home safely," Jeno called back as Donghyuck stood up and headed back towards the bathroom to change into his normal clothes. The smaller boy had no idea why his heart swelled when he heard Jeno say those words, but he tried his best to ignore it as he changed.

It seems 'No feelings attached' would eventually turn out to be the hardest rule to keep out of all of them.

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