꒰ nineteen ꒱

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"Um... b-but..." he spluttered, trying to come up with any excuse he could think of to get himself out of this situation, "what about your dad? I'm supposed to get you home by a certain time and stuff..."

"So? Who says we can't just stop by a motel really quick and have some fun?" She hummed, her eyes glimmering with obvious excitement as her eyes trailed down his figure. He shifted uncomfortably, slowly pulling his arm away from her touch.

"Do you always come on this strong with guys you've met for the first time? You don't even know anything about me."

"Usually when I do this with a guy on the first date, he's overjoyed to get me in bed," she hummed, annoyance clearly lacing her tone at Donghyuck's lack of enthusiasm, "but yeah, my father sets me up on these kind of dates all the time, why can't I at least get a little fun out of it?"

Donghyuck scoffed, his confidence slowly returning to him now that the initial shock of her attitude change had worn off, crossing his arms over his chest protectively. "Well, that's great for you, but I'm not interested in spending a night with you."

The smile on her face instantly dropped, her eyes flickering in disbelief as she stared at him. "Well, why the hell not? You said I was pretty, didn't you?"

"I did, and you are," he agreed, leaning back in his chair and doing his best to keep his tone calm and even, "but that doesn't mean I want to have sex with you."

Her face twitched in frustration, her jaw clenched as she tried to reach out and touch Donghyuck again. "Stop playing hard to get, I like it better when guys express interest in me right away. You don't want to lose your chance with me, hm? I'll start to think you're being serious if you keep denying me like this."

"I am being serious," he groaned, leaning back and dodging her touch once again as he met her with a sharp glare, "please stop pressuring me, I already told you no. I want to be a gentleman and drive you home, but I will have no choice but to leave without you if you continue to push me."

She sat still for a moment, clearly in shock as her eyes darted back and forth across Donghyuck's face, before she huffed and picked up her menu, apparently deciding that she wouldn't say anything more about it. Donghyuck's fought back a victorious smile, feeling relief wash over him as he scanned his menu as well. When the waiter came over, they placed their orders and then sat in awkward silence, the atmosphere much more tense than it had been to begin with.

"What college do you go to?" She said suddenly, almost startling Donghyuck when she broke the silence. He cleared his throat sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he responded.

"Hanguk University. What about you?"

"I go to Yongsuk. But I've been considering switching schools lately," Seohyun said casually, and the blonde nodded slowly in response, not really sure what to say next. Thankfully, their food arrived shortly after, probably because Seohyun's father had commissioned VIP treatment from the restaurant, and Donghyuck was glad to have something to focus on other than trying to make awkward post-rejection small talk.

They both ate in silence, and since their fathers had already pre paid the bill, there was nothing stopping them from leaving once they had finished their meals.

"Are you almost ready to go?" Donghyuck asked nervously, and Seohyun sighed loudly as she pushed her now empty salad plate away from her.

"Sure, I guess there's no point in staying any longer."

He winced at the passive aggressive statement, choosing not to respond as he stood and started making his way out of the restaurant and leading the younger girl out to the car. She slipped into the passenger's seat without a word as he started the engine, and the drive back to her house was completely quiet.

Well, almost completely quiet.

"There's the motel," she spoke up suddenly, and Donghyuck's grip on the wheel tightened as he allowed himself to glance at it briefly, "it's only about ten minutes away from my house, super convenient for spontaneous hook ups."

"That's wonderful," the blonde responded sarcastically. It was obvious what she was trying to hint at, and it made his blood boil as he turned onto the street her house was located on. She sighed again in obvious frustration when he didn't take the bait and instead pulled smoothly up into her driveway.

"I would walk you up to your door like my mom said I should, but I'm actually in a hurry, and it's like two feet away so I think you'll be just fine," he said, turning to face her with an obvious fake smile. He was completely lying about having somewhere to be, but the last thing he wanted to do was potentially get dragged into her house and be hit on even more aggressively, so he decided staying in the car was his best option.

"Who are you in a hurry to meet? Some other girl?" She spat, no longer even attempting to hide the anger and jealousy in her tone. He merely grinned and shrugged, leaning back in his seat.

"I believe that is none of your business, miss Kim Seohyun. It was lovely meeting you, though." His tone was sugary sweet in a way that was clearly fake and mocking, and she scoffed before finally getting out of the car, throwing him one last glare over her shoulder before slamming the car door shut and storming into her house.

"Yikes, what a diva," he whispered to himself as soon as she had disappeared, quickly backing out of the driveway and making his way back to his own house.

Once he walked in the door, he wasn't surprised to see his mother waiting on the couch, tilting her head in confusion when she spotted him.

"Hi honey, back so soon? I was expecting you to stay out longer," she frowned, and he just hummed dismissively as he kicked his shoes off of his feet.

"What's wrong? Didn't the date go well?" His mother pressed, looking severely disappointed at the very idea. Donghyuck was in a way worse mood than he had been in at the start of the night, so he bit back a snarky reply and took a deep breath before he responded.

"Not so much. I don't think we get along well," he responded simply, making his way towards the stairs.

"Oh... okay... well don't be too sad about it, okay? I'm sure she'll come around, I'll have the fathers talk to each other about it."

"Don't, mom. It won't work out between us, please just leave it at that," he sighed, quickly making his way up the stairs before his mother could say anything else.

He pulled off all his clothes and put on his favorite pajama shirt with a loud groan, flopping onto his bed and burying his face into his pillow.

Well, at least it's over with, right? And now I don't have to ever see her again, he thought to himself, letting those words comfort him and allow him to relax enough for him to be able to drift off to sleep.

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