꒰ seventeen ꒱

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After the school day was over, Donghyuck was on his way to meet up with Renjun and Chenle after school, deciding that he could use a good ranting session as well as some advice from the only two people he could consider his real friends. Once he arrived at their usual cafe, Renjun waved him over excitedly, and Donghyuck couldn't help himself from grinning widely as he took a seat at the table.

"Long time no see, huh? God, I missed you guys so much," Donghyuck hummed, and Chenle gave him an affectionate pat on the shoulder.

"No kidding, we missed you too, idiot! You've been so busy with your little boy toy that we've barely seen you," Chenle chuckled, and Donghyuck almost choked on his drink as his face went bright red.

"He's not my boy toy, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?" He scoffed, and Renjun and Chenle laughed softly at him.

"No but seriously, I want to hear all the details and updates from when we last talked, every last one," Renjun grinned as he leant forward excitedly, and Chenle shared a similar look of intrigue as he leant closer to the blonde. Donghyuck blushed, debating on how much he really wanted to tell them, but they were his friends, it wasn't unheard of for friends to tell each other about their sexual escapades, right? So he took a deep breath, and decided to spill everything.

"It...started with us making out," he mumbled hesitantly, and Renjun let out a dramatic gasp.

"See! We told you he was attracted to you!" He called triumphantly, and Chenle cackled at his enthusiasm as Donghyuck frantically tried to shush him in order to not draw the attention of the other customers.

"Whatever! Anyways... it kept kind of escalating, and then I gave him a blowjob at his house... and then he jerked me off after I was done."

That caused Chenle's mouth to drop open in shock, and Renjun covered his own mouth in disbelief.

"You did not, oh my god! You little brat, you totally seduced him!" Chenle teased, and Donghyuck flushed bright red as he buried his face in his hands.

"Then what?" Renjun asked eagerly, and Donghyuck didn't dare look back up at his friends as he uttered his next words.

"And then yesterday when I went over, we had sex. He fucked me." He couldn't bring himself to lift his head due to embarrassment, and it didn't help that his friends were completely silent. When he finally mustered up the courage to glance up at the two boys, they were both stunned, and then finally Renjun broke the tense atmosphere by ruffling Donghyuck's hair affectionately.

"I can't believe it! Our little Haechan is no longer a virgin," he sniffled dramatically, wrapping his arm around the blonde's shoulder, and Donghyuck whined in protest as he tried to peel him off.

"In all seriousness, I'm happy for you," Chenle cooed, joining in on the physical affection by taking Donghyuck's hand and giving it a light squeeze, "you've got a great fuck buddy situation going for you, it's kind of hot honestly."

"Yeah sure, he's sexy as fuck," Donghyuck muttered without much enthusiasm, which caused Renjun and Chenle to furrow their eyebrows and exchange a confused look.

"What's up with that tone of voice? Why the hell do you sound like you've just been broken up with or something?" Renjun asked, and the blonde merely sighed dramatically in response.

"I don't know... I think I might possibly be catching a teeny tiny little bit of feelings for him," he mumbled, embarrassment hitting him like a tidal wave as soon as the words left his mouth. Chenle gasped once again, leaning back and looking down at Donghyuck incredulously.

"Are you serious? I thought you hated this dude, you wouldn't shut up about how annoying and rude he is."

"I know, that's why I'm so confused!" Donghyuck groaned, covering his face with his hands once again. "We were kind of friends in high school, but then we had a huge fight and we've hated each other ever since, but now... I don't know, I kind of just want to be around him more, I want to kiss him every time I see him and I want to be able to cuddle with him after a long day. Is that... weird...?"

"It's not weird," Renjun reassured, placing a comforting hand on top of his friend's back, "it's completely normal to have those feelings for someone, especially after you've slept with them. What about this is worrying you so much?"

"Well... I feel like if I ever confessed to him, he'd laugh in my face," Donghyuck grumbled, leaning into Renjun's touch, "I was the reason we fought in the first place, and he has every reason to hate my guts. If I were him, I wouldn't give me the time of day either."

"Don't say that, you never know how he truly feels about you. If he truly hated you as much as you think he does, why would he ever want to do anything sexual with you in the first place?" Chenle added, wrapping his arm around Donghyuck's shoulder as Renjun scooted closer.

"Have you ever heard of hate sex? Or physical attraction without any feelings involved?" Donghyuck snapped, and Renjun rolled his bottom lip in between his teeth in thought.

"Well... does he treat you like you're someone he hates? Did he just fuck you and kick you out of his house?"

Donghyuck paused, his mind immediately flashing back to all the times Jeno had been sweet and considerate with him. When he had told Donghyuck to get home safe, when he cleaned him up and cuddled him as he slept, when he asked about his personal life and let him rant to him on the janitor's closet. Does he really hate me? Donghyuck couldn't help but think, am I really just his enemy in his eyes?

"I...I don't know. He's kind of... nice, and caring."

Renjun and Chenle exchanged an amused glance, and the smallest patted his head affectionately before sitting back in his chair.

"There you go, then. There's your answer."

Donghyuck was still confused, though. It wasn't as simple as that in his mind, because certainly Jeno could be a perfect gentleman just because he was a kind person. That didn't mean he actually liked Donghyuck, right? Maybe that's just how he treats everyone, because he's a good person, surely that doesn't mean anything.

"Ah, shit," Donghyuck suddenly muttered, picking up his phone and glancing at the time before hissing in frustration, "fuck. It's getting late, if I'm not back home in time again my mom will actually murder me."

"Alright, dork," Chenle chuckled, slowly removing his arm from the blonde's shoulder and helping him gather his things. "Text us later, okay? We also wanna hear about how your blind date thing goes tomorrow."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Donghyuck groaned, making sure he had all his stuff before giving each of his friends a quick hug, "thanks for today you guys, I'll be sure to text you!"

And with that, Donghyuck was rushing out to the door back to his house, his mind now only occupied with one problem... his stupid blind date.

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