꒰ fourteen ꒱

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Jeno paused his movements, glancing up at the small boy in amusement.

"Is that so, baby boy?" He grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind Donghyuck's ear as he stared down at him. The blonde had his eyes squeezed shut, quickly nodding his head in response. He didn't trust his voice to respond verbally in a way that wouldn't embarrass him further, and he knew that he would've gotten in trouble if he hadn't responded at all.

"Look at me."

The deep, commanding tone of his voice sent tingles down Donghyuck's body, and he slowly peeled his eyes open to meet Jeno's dark brown ones. His eyes were blown wide in lust, and he was staring at the smaller boy like he was the sexiest person he had ever seen, and the small boy couldn't help but press his legs together and whimper.

"You couldn't help but touch your little body while thinking of me, hm?" Jeno purred, palming Donghyuck's crotch under his skirt. The boy let out a moan, his eyes growing wide in surprise as he stared up at his rival.


"So pathetic," the taller boy interrupted him by clicking his tongue in mock disappointment, but the glint in his dark brown eyes gave away how much this boosted his ego, how he must feel almost proud that Donghyuck had done that, "what did you think about as you touched yourself, hm? Did you imagine it was my hand instead of yours making you feel good?"

Donghyuck could only let out a weak whine in response, his hips bucking up eagerly into Jeno's hand as he continued to palm him through the thin material of his lace panties. His body was on fire, his face flushing bright red from embarrassment, because he couldn't believe he was actually getting turned on from Jeno humiliating and degrading him.

"No? Then did you fantasize about me fucking you, pounding into you until you can't even remember your own name?" Jeno gave his length a harsh squeeze, and Donghyuck let out an embarrassingly high pitched squeal.

"Tell me, baby, do you get off to the idea of me ruining your pretty little body until you can't even think properly anymore?"

Donghyuck's head was spinning now, overwhelmed by Jeno's large hand in between his legs and his seductive words that were being mumbled against his ear, and he eventually just decided to merely nod his head in response, mewling out weakly.

"Use your words, doll," Jeno growled, and he at least had the decency to pull his hand away from Donghyuck's clothed length. The blonde inhaled a deep breath, his mind a little clearer now that he wasn't distracted by the pleasure of Jeno groping him.

"Yes...want you to ruin me," He managed to croak out after a minute or two, and the two boys locked eyes. The tension between them was thick and heavy in the air, both of them breathing heavily with their pupils widened in arousal and their bodies trembling to be touched. Finally, Jeno stood, and the smaller boy involuntarily made a whining noise in the back of his throat in protest.

"Shh, I'll be right back," Jeno chuckled, gently running his fingers through Donghyuck's hair before starting to walk away, "take your underwear off, but don't you dare touch yourself."

The blonde quickly obeyed, peeling off his underwear and laying back on the couch, pulling up his skirt a little so that his lower half was exposed. The cold air helped slightly with the burning heat he was feeling, but his length was aching to be touched, and it took every ounce of his willpower to keep his hands to himself. He kept his hands clenched tightly at his sides, squirming and whimpering in anticipation as he waited for Jeno to come back. Finally, the taller boy came back into the room, and the smaller boy swore he could've cried in relief.

"Look at you, such a good boy for me, hm? You look so pretty," Jeno cooed, sitting down on the couch in the space between the boy's open legs. Jeno then revealed what he had left the room to retrieve, a condom and a bottle of lube, and he made quick work of taking off his own pants and boxers before looking down at the boy beneath him with a mischievous grin.

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