꒰ thirty five ꒱

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"This is kind of risky," Donghyuck whispered under his breath, cautiously looking up at Jeno. The taller boy looked as handsome as ever, and they were so close that their breaths were mingling in the space between them. Slowly, Jeno reached down to pull up his shirt a little more, giving him better access, and Donghyuck couldn't help the way his breath hitched slightly as Jeno's hand caressed the bare skin underneath.

"Everything will be fine," The black haired boy hummed softly, slipping Donghyuck's phone back into his pocket after pressing record on the Voice Memos app.

As it just so happened, while Jeno was over at the Zhong house that day, Seohyun had texted Donghyuck and asked to meet up with him. The blonde was prepared to let her have it, already halfway done with typing out his angry paragraph when Jeno suddenly grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Wait... we could use this to our advantage," he had said, and Chenle stared with curious eyes as he finally put his game controller down to see what was happening.

"If you record your conversation with her, get her to admit that she's the one that made that post... that's your evidence right there, Hyuck. We can use this to take her down and give her what she deserves."

He had paused for a moment, chewing on his lower lip as he glanced over at Chenle. The Chinese boy just shrugged in response.

"It could definitely be your smoking gun so to speak, because there's no way she'd be able to deny it at that point," he had hummed thoughtfully, "but only if you feel comfortable with it, Duckie."

"That's right. It's all up to you, if you don't feel comfortable with it then we can find some other way," Jeno had agreed, giving Donghyuck's hand a reassuring squeeze just to make sure he knew he was being sincere.

"No... it's okay. I don't have a problem with that. I'm in."

And so now there they both were, standing outside of the small restaurant Seohyun had chosen, Donghyuck mentally preparing himself for the conversation he was about to have to endure while Jeno focused on hyping him up.

"You're gonna do great, Hyuck. Everything is going to be just fine," Jeno was saying, placing his hands on both of his shoulders and staring down at the smaller boy. Donghyuck inhaled deeply and nodded, looking up at Jeno with determination.

"Yeah I can do this, everything will be fine..." he mumbled to himself, closing his eyes and relishing in Jeno's touch before he finally exhaled and spun around towards the front door. "Okay, I'm ready."

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

Seohyun herself looked annoyingly smug, sitting at one of the tables near the restaurant's large window and idly sipping on an iced tea. When she saw Donghyuck approaching her, a little smirk spread across her face, and he had to bite back his own scowl as he took the seat across from her.

"What do you want," he started, making himself sound incredibly exasperated on purpose, which predictably caused her to scoff and click her tongue in annoyance.

"Now, I don't think that's any way for you to treat the person who's about to save your reputation, now is it?"

This was it. This was his chance. He swallowed back his nerves, gritting his teeth and shooting her the nastiest glare he could possibly muster up. "Save it? You're the one who ruined it in the first place. You're the one who wrote that post, aren't you?"

She stared him down, examining his face for a while before she shrugged and had the audacity to grin at him. "Okay, yeah. I wrote the post. And what about it?"

Score. Donghyuck tried not to look too happy or satisfied with himself, keeping the look of hatred and anger on his face as long as he could. "I knew it. You're a fucking psychopath, you know that? I'm going to report your ass to the school and make sure you get expelled."

"Oh yeah?" She chuckled, looking way too cocky for a girl who had no idea she had just been caught on recording, "you think that will work? It's my word against yours, you know. You have no proof."

I do now, he wanted to say, but he bit his tongue, trying his best to act defeated as he slumped in his chair. "What do you want from me, then? Haven't you already ruined me enough?"

"Ruined you? Sure, that part was easy. But that's not what I want," she scowled, leaning in closer towards him and looking him directly in his eyes, "what I want is you. I want you to be mine."

"But why? You already know that I'm gay. I literally don't have any interest in girls, it's not possible for me. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone you know is incapable of loving you?" He snapped back.

"Please. I don't care about love, I never have," she started, launching into a self absorbed monologue like a classic movie villain. Donghyuck tried his best not to roll his eyes. "All I know is that I always get what I want. You're handsome, you're an great athlete and a terrific student with a bright future ahead of you, and you come from a good family. For the first time in my life I found a person that I wanted, someone that I thought would be the best person to settle down with and get my dad off of my back, but then... what? You don't like me? I'm not your type? You didn't even want to sleep with me, I thought that's what every man wanted!"

For a split second, just a fraction of a moment, Donghyuck caught himself feeling sorry for her. How terrible must her experiences with men before him had been that caused her to sink this low?

However, all sympathy flew out the window in the next moment when she suddenly pulled up a picture of his box of crossdressing clothes on her phone, and sneered at him. "But then... I snooped in your room to try and find out more about you, to try and get you to like me, and I stumbled across something quite interesting... and it turns out that the reason you didn't want me was obvious. You're just a disgusting freak, because there's no way any normal man would've been able to resist me."

Donghyuck gritted his teeth, clenching his fists in his lap and trying to muster all of his will power to not straight up punch her in the face. He had to remind himself that everything she was saying would only end up hurting her in the end, so he stayed silent and let her continue incriminating herself.

"I know what you're thinking... but now what? I've already exposed your little secret, so what more can I do, right?" She hummed, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, "well, I exposed your secret for a reason, because now you have a reason to need me. If you start to officially date me, it will mean that the rumors of you being gay will be automatically proven false. You'll be able to face your parents again without them being disappointed in you. You'll be able to go to school without worrying about the soccer guys bullying you. You get to use me to hide your little secret, and I get what I wanted all along. It's a win-win, right?"

"You... you're fucking insane," Donghyuck finally whispered incredulously, "like genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you? No, I'm not doing it. Fuck you."

Her smug smile instantly dropped off her face. "What??? But you can't refuse. This is the only thing that will salvage your reputation. You need me, are you really just going to let everything you worked so hard for go to waste?"

"It may not have been the way I wanted it to be revealed, but... everything you posted was true. I'm gay, and I enjoy crossdressing. I like to dress up in pretty clothes and get fucked by pretty boys, and you know what? I'm tired of being ashamed of it," he said, determination filling his voice as he stood up from the chair, leveling her with the most intimidating stare he could muster up, "so yeah, fuck you, and fuck off. I'm not going to play boyfriend for you just to satisfy your ego. I have nothing to lose anymore, so I'm just going to be myself and own it from now on. Goodbye, Seohyun."

And with that, he walked out the door of the restaurant, turning the corner and heaving a deep sigh as he made his way over to Jeno.

"Well? Did you get it?" Jeno said softly, and Donghyuck smirked before ending the recording and holding up his phone triumphantly.

"Oh yeah, I sure did."

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