꒰ seven ꒱

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"So I think we can at least say one thing for sure...the boy is definitely not straight," Jaemin chimed, pulling his legs up to his chest on Jeno's couch. Jaemin, Mark, and Jeno were all hanging out at Jeno's house the Saturday after his impromptu make out session with his rival, and Mark and Jaemin were trying their best to help their friend process the whole thing.

"We don't know that for sure, maybe he was just caught off guard, he could've just been invested in the moment..." Jeno trailed off, and Mark rolled his eyes.

"For fuck's sake, Jen, what straight guy in their right mind kisses another dude? He was sober, and he kissed back. He's queer, no room for argument." Mark groaned, and Jeno ruffled his hair in frustration.

Straight guys don't usually enjoy dressing up in skirts either. Jeno almost wanted to add, but he knew better and held his tongue. The small boy had entrusted him with a secret that was important enough for him to shed tears over, and Jeno would keep it with his life, even if it meant having to hide it from his best friends.

"So...what's the next move?" Jaemin grinned, seemingly deriving way too much amusement from the entire situation.

"No clue." Jeno sighed, sinking deeper into his spot on the couch. For the first time, after years of pushing it down and keeping it to himself, he had acted upon his attraction to Lee Donghyuck. And it felt good. He wanted more, he wanted more than anything to finally fulfill his long held fantasies about ruining the tiny boy, but he had to know where to draw the line. Donghyuck was a selfish asshole who wouldn't hesitate to use people for his own benefit, and he couldn't let himself forget that, especially not now.

"You want him, don't you?" Mark asked with a tilt of his head, and Jeno nodded.

"So badly," he croaked, resting his forearm over his eyes with a deep sigh, "but it's never gonna happen. It can't."

"Well...why not?" Jaemin inquired, leaning forward in his seat. Jeno glanced up at him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you insane? He tormented me in high school, and I know he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. I can never let my feelings for him go beyond physical attraction, or I'll end up hurt."

"So then don't. Keep it physical, don't let your heart get in the way. Fuck the dude on the down low and then fight like enemies at school. Like friends with benefits, except you two aren't friends." Jaemin cocked an eyebrow and Jeno thought for a moment, considering his suggestion with interest.

"That's...not a terrible idea," He finally said, raking his hand through his dark hair, "Donghyuck will never agree to that, though. He fucking hates my guts."

"But what if he does agree to it?" Mark replied, passing Jaemin a handful of popcorn.

"Then that cheeky motherfucker won't be able to walk for weeks."

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

Donghyuck and Jeno were in the classroom again on a Tuesday, going over formulas and functions and everything in between. Donghyuck had realized after his first visit to Jeno's house that the classroom would probably be the only place they ever actually got work done, so he tried his best to cram an entire week's worth of info into this one session. Jeno wasn't very happy about it, but he was still cooperative, and they managed to make quite a lot of headway in Jeno progressing his math skills.

Donghyuck had handed Jeno a practice sheet, sitting on his phone while the other worked away. As soon as he was done, the blonde took it over to his desk to grade it. After a couple of minutes, Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows and signaled the taller boy over.

"Jeno, come here for a second."

The black haired boy obliged, standing behind Donghyuck and leaning over his shoulder in order to look down at the paper. The smaller felt his breath hitch, but quickly cleared his throat and pointed at a problem.

"This isn't correct, you need to re-do this one."

"It's wrong? I thought for sure I did it right though." Jeno muttered, leaning in even closer to get a better look. Suddenly, Jeno was all too close, and Donghyuck gasped quietly as the taller's warm breath fanned over his collarbones. To Donghyuck's dismay, Jeno had heard him, and immediately smirked to himself once he saw the opportunity laid out before him. He glided his hands down to the smaller boy's waist and held it tightly, glancing down at Donghyuck with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Can you explain it to me in a little more detail? I don't quite understand," he murmured in a seductive tone, letting his thumbs graze over the hem of Donghyuck's shirt. The blonde boy inhaled a shaky breath before starting his explanation.

"So basically...you have to identify the exponent and...ah, fuck." Donghyuck whimpered as Jeno suddenly attached his lips to his neck and started littering it with open mouthed kisses, and he let his head fall to the side as he enjoyed the feeling. Jeno chuckled and dug his fingers into the small boy's waist.

"Keep going, baby." He demanded, and Donghyuck shivered at the harsh tone of his voice.

"N-next...you have to solve for x...hah," his breathing got noticeably heavier as Jeno's tongue grazed over his sensitive spot, his hands slowly sliding down the blonde boy's thighs. Donghyuck bit his lip and tried his best to keep himself focused, not wanting to give in so easily.

"Finally...when you've found the missing variable, plug it back into the equation at the top...ngh, Jeno!" Donghyuck whined, not being able to hold his voice back anymore once Jeno had started palming his crotch, sucking a few dark marks onto his neck simultaneously. The taller boy merely laughed and continued his actions, causing Donghyuck's mouth to fall open in pleasure.

"Look at you, so pretty and weak underneath my touch," he cooed, letting his free hand slide up the blonde's shirt, "not so tough now that I know your secret, huh baby?"

Donghyuck squirmed and moaned softly, reaching his hands back to grip at the taller boy's arms from behind. He felt like he was in heaven and hell at the same time, not knowing whether to stop Jeno or beg him to keep going.

"Ngh...p-please...stop..." he whispered breathily, gasping and subconsciously bucking his hips up into Jeno's hand as he palmed him harder. Jeno smirked and licked over the fresh marks on his neck before slowly pulling away.

"As you wish, little one," he grinned, watching in amusement as Donghyuck whined at the loss of contact and whipped around to face him with bright red cheeks.

"You...are a fucking asshole," Donghyuck hissed after he had caught his breath, and Jeno raised an eyebrow at him suggestively.

"You can think whatever you want about me, doll, but I know your body gives away everything you're really feeling," he whispered seductively, tucking a strand of sandy blonde hair behind the boy's ear. Donghyuck felt his whole body heat up at the use of the nickname, and he cupped the side of his face defensively as he debated what to say next.

"I'm heading out, good luck taking care of that boner by the way." Jeno said teasingly, grabbing his stuff and waltzing out of the classroom before Donghyuck could say anything else. The smaller boy glanced down at his own crotch and cursed out loud, realizing that he did, in fact, have a boner. He wrapped his jacket around his waist before storming over to the bathrooms, heading into the farthest stall and yanking his pants down with a heavy sigh.

Just you fucking wait, Lee Jeno. I won't let you get away with this any longer.

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