꒰ six ꒱

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Donghyuck was standing on the doorsteps at Jeno's house, dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants with a black duffel bag hanging over his shoulder. He was much more nervous than he thought he would be, and his hands shook as he reached out to ring the doorbell. He tried his best to take in a deep breath and calm his nerves, but his heart jumped as soon as the taller boy opened the door, his eyes scanning over Donghyuck's figure suspiciously.

"You're wearing normal clothes," he said, and Donghyuck scoffed before shoving past him and making his way inside.

"I'm not a fucking idiot, there's no way I would risk being seen outside all dressed up. My clothes are in the bag," he said as nonchalantly as he possibly could, his eyes anxiously scanning around the house for any sign of a set up. Jeno seemed to notice and rolled his eyes, patting Donghyuck on the shoulder.

"I live alone, there's not another living soul in this house besides the two of us, so you can relax."

Donghyuck shot him a glare before adjusting the bag on his shoulder. "Well then, could you please direct me to the bathroom?"

"Of course, Your Highness," Jeno snapped back mockingly before gesturing to one of the doors down the hallway. Donghyuck shoved past him and made sure to lock the bathroom door behind him, glancing at himself in the mirror before inhaling another quick, deep breath.

I can do this, this is no problem at all. Everything is going to be just fine. He told himself in his head as he pulled on his outfit, looking back at the mirror once he was done. It was just a simple pink skirt with a matching pink hoodie that was slightly too big for him, modest yet still feminine and cute. It was paired with his favorite white knee high socks, and he couldn't hide his smile as he examined himself. Even in this situation, he just couldn't get enough of how pretty he felt. He adjusted his hair before putting on a few light touches of makeup to finish the look, and stuffed his regular clothes back in his bag before hesitantly opening the door and peeking out into the hallway. Jeno was still standing in the same spot, grinning expectantly as he saw the top of the small boy's head shyly poking out from behind the door.

"Come on, angel, don't be shy," he chuckled, and Donghyuck blushed before finally closing the door behind him, walking back out into the living room as casually as he possibly could. He could feel Jeno's eyes boring into him, but he didn't dare look up to try and read his expression. He just kept his eyes trained on the floor, stopping right in front of the taller boy while inhaling shakily.

"Oh fuck," Jeno breathed out, and Donghyuck shifted uncomfortably, "Jesus. I knew you'd look good, but I didn't know you'd look this good."

Donghyuck's head shot up in surprise, scanning Jeno's face suspiciously. He was staring at the blonde boy with an intense, unreadable expression on his face, and his fists were clenched at his sides. The smaller boy had no idea what Jeno was thinking or feeling, but he knew that had been the only compliment that he had given him in years, and it felt weird.

But...weird in a good way?

"Whatever, let's just get this over with," Donghyuck grumbled, tossing his bag on the couch before taking a seat in front of the table. Jeno took a minute to snap out of his daze before hurrying over and sitting next to him, unable to keep himself from staring at the boy. Jeno was in awe, from the way his blonde hair fell in his face whenever he leaned forward, his cherry red lips puckered in concentration, and his beautiful tan thighs barely concealed by the pink skirt...

Donghyuck then made the mistake of leaning forward to grab his pencil, causing his skirt to ride up slightly, and Jeno swore he almost died on the spot.

Is that...lacy pink underwear that he's wearing? He thought in astonishment, unable to keep himself from openly gawking at the small boy in front of him. He had thought Donghyuck was attractive before, but now it was practically unbearable.

He snapped out of his thoughts only when the blonde boy shot him a dirty look, yanking his skirt back further down.

"Focus, will you? I thought you said you were desperate for this extra help," Donghyuck snapped, and Jeno sighed softly before leaning forward.

"I feel like I'm about to be desperate for something else as well," he muttered under his breath, and luckily it seemed that the tiny boy in front of him hadn't heard a thing. He opened his math book and tried his best to focus on the words Donghyuck was saying, but it was too hard. He should've known that he would have trouble focusing when he first suggested the idea, but he hadn't fully expected the blonde boy to look so drop dead gorgeous.

"Jeno, for the love of god, will you please listen to me?" Donghyuck said exasperatedly, and Jeno merely tilted his head while staring at him.

"I'm trying, baby, I really am, but I don't think I can," he said lowly, and Donghyuck felt a shiver run down his spine, shifting slightly in his seat.

"Jeno, what do you mean-"

But before he could even finish the sentence, the black haired boy placed a hand on his knee, causing him to pause. He glanced down at it in confusion, looking up at Jeno questioningly. Jeno merely shrugged before slowly sliding his hand under his skirt and up his thigh, causing Donghyuck to gasp audibly. Jeno smirked before scooting closer, leaning in close to the blonde boy's face as his fingers danced teasingly over his thigh.

"You know, I thought your rotten personality would keep me from doing anything to you while you're dressed up, but you look so sexy right now that I think I'm losing my self control," Jeno whispered huskily, and Donghyuck merely blushed and let his head fall back against the couch, staring up at Jeno with his lips slightly parted. He had no idea why he felt so weak and powerless under Jeno's touch, but god damn it he loved every second of it. His brain didn't even seem to care that his rival was the one making him feel this way, he just knew that he had always longed to be teased, manhandled, controlled by someone hot and dominant like Jeno. Still, in the back of his mind, he knew that he couldn't submit this easily, no matter how much he wanted to. Jeno wasn't his boyfriend, and he still had to maintain his pride.

So, in a weak attempt of retaliation, he wrapped his hand around the taller boy's wrist and muttered, "fuck you," with as much venom in his voice as he could muster. Jeno's face darkened, only serving to arouse Donghyuck even more, and soon Jeno's lips were ghosting over his own.

"How about I fuck you?" He retorted, catching the smaller boy's lips in a harsh kiss before he could say anything back. Donghyuck wanted to resist, he really did, but his natural body language took over first and there was no going back from that. His hands entangled in Jeno's hair and tugged at it harshly, causing the taller to let out a deep groan that set his body on fire. Jeno's large hands were gripping both of Donghyuck's thighs underneath the skirt, and the heat pooling in his stomach was almost unbearable. He was so incredibly turned on, and he knew Jeno was too, and they roughly made out for a minute or two before Donghyuck pulled away first, panting heavily.

"We shouldn't be doing this," he mumbled, bringing the back of his hand up to his now swollen lips. Jeno nodded and raked a hand through his long black hair, still keeping steady eye contact with the smaller boy.

"You're right, we really shouldn't."

But the heavy silence that followed told them everything they needed to know. Both of them had enjoyed it, both of them wanted to do it again, and neither of them regretted it even a little bit. Still, they knew how ridiculous it was. They fought like hell most of the time, but then made out on Jeno's couch like two horny teenagers?

It was so wrong, yet felt so right, and neither of them could bring themselves to push the other one away.

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