꒰ twenty ꒱

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He trudged into school on Monday feeling absolutely exhausted. He at least was lucky enough to be able to use Sunday as a day to recover from his disaster of a blind date, but he still felt way more tired than he usually did. It was like the girl had drained all of his social battery and it seemed like it would take forever to recharge again.

He made his way through the hallway in a daze, ignoring his asshole friend group as they tried to greet him, not having the energy to even wave back to them. Donghyuck was so tired that he even walked right past Jeno in the hallway, he hadn't noticed him so he didn't so much as glance in his direction, even though the black haired boy had been pulling a subtle face in order to try and catch his attention. Jeno furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, glancing around the hallway to make sure that his friends were far enough away and the coast was clear before he gently reached out and grabbed Donghyuck's wrist. The poor boy jumped horribly, so deep in his own thoughts that he was startled greatly at the touch. When Donghyuck looked up wildly to see who had grabbed him, he met Jeno's eyes and instantly relaxed after knowing it was just him, a detail that didn't go unnoticed by the taller boy.

"Wow, you really didn't see me? For a second there I thought you were just back in your asshole era," Jeno teased, and Donghyuck blushed lightly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind," he said sheepishly, and Jeno merely raised an eyebrow.

"Clearly," he scoffed, looking around the near empty hallway once more before he nodded towards the ever so familiar janitor's closet. "Wanna talk about it?"

Donghyuck bit his lip, shifting back and forth on his feet a little as he thought it through. Jeno was trustworthy, right? It wouldn't hurt to get it off his chest a little, and just imagining being able to rant and let his feelings explode out loud sounded amazing. He hadn't even gotten the chance to vent to Chenle and Renjun about it yet, so he was dying to have at least one person he could trust enough to talk to about it.

"Actually yeah, I think I still have some time before-"

"Lee Donghyuck!" A sugary sweet voice cut him off, and the blonde immediately paled as he registered who it belonged to.

"Fuck," he hissed under his breath, and Jeno cast him a curious glance before looking to see who had called his rival.

It was Kim Seohyun, her long black hair flowing behind her in a neat ponytail as she ran up to Donghyuck, immediately wrapping her arms around his bicep and pouting.

"I missed you so much!" She chirped, and Donghyuck stared down at her in pure, utter confusion before he finally came to his senses and shook her off of him, recoiling back from her like he had just been burned.

"What the fuck?" He managed to splutter after a moment, and Jeno was glancing between the two of them in similar confusion.

"Oh, is this your friend?" She asked with a tilt of her head, completely ignoring Donghyuck's distress and turning her attention towards Jeno before holding out her hand, "hi, I'm Kim Seohyun!"

"Uh... Lee Jeno, nice to meet you," he muttered, shaking her hand gingerly before he cast Donghyuck a quizzical gaze. The blonde was too shocked and overwhelmed to even attempt to reciprocate, so he just shook his head and avoided eye contact with the taller boy.

"Wow, you're very handsome," Seohyun hummed quietly as she stared at Jeno, the polite smile faltering for just a second. Then, before either boy could register it, her bright and happy persona was back just as soon as it had flickered out. "No one is more handsome than my Donghyuck though!"

Donghyuck's whole body physically cringed, his face scrunching up in disgust as the words left her mouth.

"Your Donghyuck?" Jeno scoffed, and the blonde felt heat rise to his cheeks before he cleared his throat. He finally gathered himself enough to fix her with a hard glare, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I told you I was thinking of switching schools, remember?" She purred, and and Donghyuck felt his throat go dry as she continued, "why else would I ask what school you go to, silly! I thought moving to your school was a great idea, that way we can be together all the time!"

"What... y-you... why...?" Donghyuck mumbled, his hand going up to his forehead as he tried to process. This can't be happening, this isn't happening... what the fuck even is happening?

"Your father told my dad that you seemed to be a little upset after our date," She started, before Jeno suddenly cut in.

"Date?" He parroted, and the look Jeno shot him made Donghyuck wish the ground would just open and swallow him whole. His brain was such a mess of emotions that he couldn't even do anything except stand there dumbfounded, his mouth opening and closing uselessly as Seohyun continued.

"Yes, our date," she clarified simply, "anyways, your dad said you seemed upset, so me and my father thought it would be a wonderful idea to come and surprise you at your school!"

Seohyun inched closer to him and Donghyuck felt his heart in his throat as she grabbed his hand, pouting and tilting her head in her best attempt at acting cute.

"Are you not happy to see me, babe?"

"Babe?" Jeno hissed again, a mixture of anger and disbelief clearly lacing his tone, and Donghyuck had never felt more overwhelmed in his life before. His head was spinning, and he yanked his hand away from Seohyun as he felt his breath getting shallower, and he knew he had to get away from the situation before he started having a panic attack.

"I... I gotta go," was all he could say before he whipped around and ran down the hallway like his life depended on it, not even daring to look back at the two confused people he had left behind.

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