꒰ sixteen ꒱

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"Why are you limping?" asked one of Donghyuck's "friends" the next day at school, and the blonde stiffened as he wracked his brain for some sort of excuse.

"I, uh... I was running some soccer drills yesterday and I rolled my ankle a little. It's no big deal, it'll be better after the weekend," he mumbled dismissively, and luckily it seemed the boy bought it. There was no way that he could ever tell them the real reason he was limping, especially when a certain black haired boy gave him a subtle, knowing smirk as he passed him in the hallway. Donghyuck couldn't help but scoff and shoot Jeno a quick glare before rushing to keep up with the group of boys he was hanging out with, who like the assholes they were did not seem to care that Donghyuck was having trouble walking and continued to quickly make their way down the hallway ahead of him. He couldn't really bring himself to care either, though, he just made his way into his own classroom and zoned out for the entire lecture like he usually did.

At lunch, Jeno pulled him into the janitor's closet yet again, seemingly for no other reason than to just gloat about how he had destroyed Donghyuck's virgin ass the day before.

"You're so proud of yourself, aren't you?" Donghyuck scoffed as he leaned against the wall opposite of the taller boy, crossing his arms over his chest. Jeno merely chuckled and nodded, running a hand through his black hair in a way that made Donghyuck's stomach flip.

"I am, I can't believe I'm the lucky guy who claimed the great Lee Donghyuck's virginity," Jeno smirked, looking annoyingly attractive, and the blonde just scoffed and hugged his arms tighter to his chest.

"Are you..." he stopped to clear his throat shyly, and Jeno raised an eyebrow at him expectantly as he clumsily continued, "um... were you a virgin too...?"

"Nope," Jeno grinned, casually popping the 'p' at the end of the word, "you weren't my first time, baby boy, but I won't lie, you were definitely the best."

Donghyuck blushed bright red, and the small amount of jealousy he felt imagining Jeno fucking someone other than him was greatly outweighed by the jittery happy feeling he experienced when Jeno told him that he had given him the best sex of his life so far.

"Don't let it go to your head, doll," Jeno laughed softly, teasingly flicking the smaller boy's forehead and causing Donghyuck to whine softly in response. They both giggled a little and let comfortable silence settle over the both of them, just staring at each other intensely. There were so many things to say, so many things Donghyuck wanted to say, so many things he wanted to do, but he just bit his lip and hung his head shyly.

"So," Jeno said slowly, breaking the silence after a while, "did you make it home okay? Did your parents chew you out too much?"

His tone was still light hearted and teasing, but Donghyuck could hear the small bit of concern hidden in there, and it made his heart skip a beat.

"It ended up being fine, I told my mom I overworked myself and she felt bad and let me off without any issue," he hummed, suddenly wrinkling his nose when the mention of his mom reminded him that his dreaded date with the mystery girl was tomorrow.

"What's that face for?" Jeno chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets and tilting his head as he stared at the smaller boy. Donghyuck just sighed, debating on how much to tell Jeno about his situation. Sure, they had sex, but did that really make them close enough to tell each other details about their personal life?

"It's nothing, just..." he paused, wracking his brain for the vaguest explanation he could come up with, "it's just my parents, they're super strict and control almost every part of my life. It's exhausting, you know? I feel like I can't ever actually be myself."

Jeno nodded, leaning back against the wall as he thought. "Yeah, I understand that. It's hard, having people who expect a lot from you, or who want things for you that you don't even want yourself. It's hard because you don't want to let them down, but you also wanna be yourself, you know? You want to live your life the way you want, but sometimes that means hurting your parents in the process."

"Yeah... exactly," Donghyuck mumbled, amazed that Jeno had put what he had been feeling into words so accurately, "are your parents like that too?"

Jeno shook his head with a soft smile. "I'm lucky, my parents are very supportive. They don't care that I'm gay, they don't care that I'm not the top of my class or the star of some sports team, they're just happy to have me in their lives."

"God, I wish," Donghyuck groaned, "if my parents were like that, I would be completely and totally free, I wouldn't have to worry about my mom passing out from the shock of seeing her precious son wearing a skirt and kissing a boy."

Jeno laughed softly, and Donghyuck allowed himself to giggle a little along with him.

"That makes me curious, Lee Donghyuck," Jeno started after a moment, and the blonde raised his head and looked up at the taller boy curiously, "I always thought that of all people you would be more than confident enough to wear a skirt to school if that's what you wanted to do. If your parents weren't so strict, and if you were allowed to do whatever you wanted to do, what would your life look like?"

The smaller boy bit his lip in thought, drumming his fingers against his arm as he crossed them over his chest. "First, I would ditch my stupid friend group from school. Then maybe I would spend less of my free time studying and more doing stuff that I enjoy, like singing maybe? I would wear skirts and dresses more often, maybe even in public if I could be brave enough, and I would get a boyfriend."

A boyfriend like you, is what crossed his mind almost instantly after he had finished speaking, and he blushed as he quickly tried to shove the thought away. Jeno nodded thoughtfully as he contemplated his words, and he was staring at him in a way that made Donghyuck feel nervous.

"You know," he started hesitantly, and the blonde was almost scared that he was going to make fun of him, but had to quickly remind himself that Jeno was not like the assholes in his school friend group.

"I always thought that you were an ass, Donghyuck. That you never cared about anyone else's feelings as long as you got what you wanted. I thought you hung out with those jerks because you were just like them, you didn't mind hurting people if it kept you on the top. But that was just a survival method, wasn't it? You were just trying to not disappoint your parents and not get made fun of at school, huh?"

Donghyuck blinked, not expecting the suddenly bluntness of the question. He debated for a moment about what to respond, he and Jeno had hated each other for so long that he almost forgot what had started their rivalry in the first place. But it was him, it was his fault they were enemies, because he had betrayed Jeno's trust in high school and used his secrets against him.

"If my parents had never been strict," he started instead, and Jeno tilted his head expectantly. Donghyuck didn't know how his relationship with the taller boy would change after what he was about to say, so he took a deep breath before continuing. "I think we would have been good friends, Lee Jeno. Maybe even more."

Jeno looked stunned, and the embarrassment hit Donghyuck as soon as the words left his mouth, so instead of sticking around to find out what the taller boy was thinking, he mumbled a quick excuse and bolted out of the janitor's closet, running down the hallway and hoping that he hadn't just ruined whatever he had going on with Jeno right now.

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