꒰ nine ꒱

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Donghyuck sat on his bed with his head in his hands, trying to process everything that had happened at Jeno's house the day before. He shivered as the memories flooded his mind...the way Jeno's lips felt against his skin, how turned on he had been when he was sucking Jeno off, how good his hand had felt when he was jerking him off...

He blushed and shook his head, trying to get rid of his thoughts, but the heat pooling in his stomach didn't go away. Jeno and him had crossed a line yesterday, and he actually liked it. And he maybe, possibly, wanted to do it again.

"No!" He mumbled, raking his hands through his hair, "I can't do this, we're supposed to hate each other, right? How did this end up happening?"

He stared at himself in the mirror as he spoke aloud to himself, scrunching his nose in frustration before flopping down onto his bed with a loud groan. After a minute, he suddenly heard a knock at his door, and he sat up and patted down his messy hair.

"Come in," he called out, and he watched as Haram walked into his room with a big smile on her face. Donghyuck felt himself instantly relax, feeling grateful to see his sister that he loved so dearly.

"What's up, little bro? I just thought I'd come to hang out, we haven't gotten to talk much since I've been busy studying," she chuckled quietly, sitting herself down right next to Donghyuck on the bed. She was in her final year of medical school, so he knew she had probably been working her ass off studying for her finals. Donghyuck hummed and scooted closer to his sister, wrapping his arms around her waist and cuddling into her.

"I've been missing you lots, my life's kinda a mess right now to be honest," he mumbled as he rested his head on her shoulder, breathing in her familiar, relaxing scent. Haram frowned and gently stroked her younger brother's hair, glancing down at him.

"How come? You wanna talk about it?"

He merely bit his lip and shrugged. Did he wanna talk about it? He'd much rather spare his sister the more intimate details of his last visit with Jeno, but he also figured she'd probably have some good advice to offer him. He sat up and looked up at her, tilting his head slightly.

"Well...I've been tutoring this kid lately..."

She gave him an encouraging nod, and he bit the inside of his cheek softly.

"And we kind of have a bit of a...thing going on," he muttered shyly, and his sister's eyebrows raised in curiosity, "but we've hated each other since high school, and we still fight all the time, but whenever we go to his house, we...well, things get out of hand."

"Shut up! You're hooking up with someone?" She grinned, giving his shoulder a teasing nudge. He whined and swatted her hand away, turning bright red.

"N-no, we haven't actually...well...ugh, I don't know! It's complicated, but things escalated a bit more the last time I was there..." he buried his face in his hands, he couldn't believe he was having this conversation with his sister right now, but truthfully he didn't trust anyone else as much as he trusted her.

She laughed loudly and ruffled his hair affectionately. "It's okay, I get what you mean. Sometimes it just happens, I understand. But then what's the problem?"

"Well...I just feel conflicted. I don't know how I feel...the guy still pisses me off more than anyone, but I enjoyed it...he's really hot, Haram, you have no idea."

"So, do you have any romantic feelings for him?"

Donghyuck scrunched his face in disgust and shook his head vigorously. "Romantic feelings? For that cocky piece of shit? No way in hell."

Haram threw her hands up in mock defeat and chuckled. "Geez, okay then. Well, if you both are physically attracted to each other, I don't see a problem with hooking up a few times with no strings attached. It's all up to you, though, just do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable."

Donghyuck nodded and twisted a strand of his hair around his finger as he thought. Haram was right, there was no reason he should restrain himself as long as Jeno felt the same way. At the end of the day, how much harm could it possibly cause? They were both just sexually frustrated and using each other to relieve some of that stress, no more, no less. No feelings attached.

"Alright, thank you." He mumbled, and Haram reached down to give him one last hug before standing back up.

"No problem, I'm going to head off to bed now. Rest well, okay? I love you."

"Love you too," he called after her as she left the room, sighing softly to himself.

He had to talk to Jeno.

┈ ୨ 🎀 ୧ ┈

"We need to talk," Jeno said as he walked into the classroom on Tuesday, startling Donghyuck who had been peacefully doodling to pass the time. The smaller boy nodded and closed his notebook, glancing up at Jeno shyly.

"Yeah...I think so too," he muttered, and Jeno quickly took the seat next to him. They both sat in uncomfortable silence for a moment, Donghyuck bouncing his leg anxiously and Jeno biting his lip in thought before the taller boy finally spoke up.

"So...you can probably already guess this, but I'm sexually attracted to you, Hyuck. I enjoyed our last session a lot, and I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from doing it again."

Donghyuck glanced over at his rival and nodded slowly, fiddling with his hands in his lap. "I think I feel the same way."

Jeno looked up at him and their eyes met, both of them staring intensely at each other. Donghyuck felt his breath hitch, feeling slightly nervous from how Jeno was looking at him like he wanted to pin him against the wall and ruin him right there and then. He clenched his fists on his lap, finally breaking the eye contact while blushing.

"What do you think about having some sort of physical relationship? Like friends with benefits, except we don't have to be friends." Jeno asked hesitantly, keeping his eyes trained on the blonde boy. Donghyuck's breath caught in his throat, staring down at his lap as he thought the suggestion over. Well, what's the worst that could happen, right? He wanted this too, just as much as Jeno clearly did.

"Okay," he whispered softly, and Jeno cocked an eyebrow. Suddenly, the smaller felt his hand snake up to his jaw as the taller yanked his head upwards, forcing him to make eye contact once again.

"Just 'okay'? I need a better answer than that, doll. I need your full consent if we're going to do this."

Donghyuck swallowed harshly as he stared up at the black haired boy, feeling that familiar heat pool in his stomach. He let his hand slide up to hold the taller's wrist as he nodded quickly.

"I want it too, I want to keep being intimate with you, Jeno," he mumbled shyly, and Jeno smirked softly before leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to the smaller's lips.

"Then your wish is my command, princess. I'll look forward to our next Thursday session," he chuckled. Donghyuck blushed and managed to pull his jaw out of Jeno's grip, scoffing quietly.

"Whatever, loser. Get out your math notebook, we still have work to do."

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