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"What do you mean we're going to the beach!?" 

To say that Sakusa was dumbfounded is an understatement.

Komori slowly tilted his head confused "I thought that Uncle and Aunty already told you that!" 

Sakusa facepalmed frustration visible in his aura. Komori plopped onto the couch watching his cousin lose his mind who knows how many times. 

"We're still a part of All-Japan Youth remember? I remember the coach saying it's in the Miyazaki private beach resort, so they probably rented out a part of the resort. No need to worry about people and their germs" Sakusa looked at his cousin, completely unamused. 

"You should've told me earlier that we will be going there. If you did, I wouldn't be going on around losing my mind for minutes."

Komori cleared his throat  "Correction; You've been going at it for hours. For hours."

Komori noticed something on his cousin's wrist "You still have that bracelet?" He looks at his wrist and nods. "It's the only thing that closely reminds me of him whenever he leaves."

Komori blinks and then grins looking at his cousin "Do you like Miyazaki san?" 

"Do you like Lysol to be your sun screen for the whole training camp??" Komori's sweatdropped, "Chill out dude..! I was just messin' with ya." 

"But honestly, do you think that something is odd with Miyazaki san?" 

 Sakusa furrows his brows "What do you mean?"

"No, it's just a bit weird how he always disappears and then comes back again. As if he's hiding something" Sakusa rolled his eyes at his cousin "Of course, he would come and go, his parents are busy with their business."

"Now that you've mentioned it, it kinda makes sense...I guess" 

But Sakusa can't help to think about his cousins' words, The weird feeling in his chest just kept growing every time Miyazaki is involved in a conversation.



Komori left after a few hours of staying, he told me that he'll buy his things for the beach. Aren't we going there for training?

I checked my phone only to see nothing, again.

I am now convinced that something is wrong

Did I do something to make him upset?

Or is he training?

Ugh I don't know anymore

What Komori said earlier, About him being odd. I knew it, I am not the only one who felt it.

But It's coming from somewhere, so there must be a reason for it.



"It's good to be back!" I spread my arms feeling the cool wind gently hit my face.

"AAAAAAAAA, HELLO TOKYO!" I scream at the top of my lungs running around the field.

We just landed about half an hour ago, my parents left first due to some important stuff at the company. Yes, The main branch of our business is here in Tokyo. My parents are practically celebrities in the business field, there are bad sides too; like death threats, kidnapping, and plenty more on the list. 

That is why I am here running away from my Bodyguards, I literally fence and do self-defense classes almost every day and they send me some bodyguards who run like chickens?

They're doing a great job actually

I am just messing with them.

I stop running and held both of my hands surrendering

"You guys, let's go home. I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs a break after all of that running" 


Ugh who is it waking me up so early

"I want to sleep" I whined 

A familiar voice speaks up, I opened an eye to see Rumi sitting at the edge of the bed. "I'll just go home then. I'll just give these cinnamon rolls to your guards then." I quickly embraced Rumi. Not gonna let these rolls go to waste. 

"You're freaking-- choking me, Can't---breath." I released my grip on her and smiled.

"Rumi! I missed you!" She initiated the hug now.

"I missed you too Kaori" She broke the hug looking at my hair.

"Aren't you supposed to get your hair trimmed?" She brushed her fingers through my fluffy hair.

Of course, It would be fluffy, I just woke up.

"I like it long, to be honest." I frowned, I missed wearing dresses.

The feminine urge to just reveal myself to everyone. I'll just have to bear this for a few more months, then I'm free.

"I'll leave it this way, I'll just wear a wig or something." 

"Do what you want girl" I smiled at Rumi, this is she's the best cousin, she never judges me, she just supports my decision. 

I laid back on my bed looking at Rumi "Rumi, Can I ask you something?" 

"You already did dumbass." But sometimes I just wanna smack her head.

"Can you help me surprise Kiyoomi?" She smirked after I told her that, what the heck is she thinking. She laid on the bed on her stomach, swinging her legs. 

"You finally going to ask him out-" Before she could even finish her sentence I threw her a pillow, hitting her face. 

Oof, "You didn't know what you just started" 

I don't have to be a genius to know that I am in trouble.


"Rumi, we should start packing now. My parents told me we're staying there for 2 days" 

"Only 2 days?" 

"You can stay longer if you want to. I still need to process the documents for my transfer to Itachiyama." She pouted a bit. "No, it's fine. We'll see each other in the school often anyways."

"I almost forgot that you go to Itachiyama." 

"Yeah, and Sakusa keeps asking me if you're still alive. That dude scares the hell out of me! You need to see him as soon as possible. I'm sure Komori is suffering as much as I do." It looks like her soul is sucked out of her body. Kiyoomi must be worried.

"Does he have a girlfriend now?" Rumi looked amused

Well, I'm not.

"No, but he receives tons of confessions. He rejects everyone who confesses, rumors even say that he's not into girls." I shiver as Rumi whispered the last part. 

"I guess having a pretty face and talent can be troublesome at some point." 

"Says the person who has both of em'" 

 "Am I that pretty? It's an honor hearing it from you." I faked a smile.

Rumi knows

"You like him, don't you?" I paused for a moment thinking of my answer. 

"Honestly, I don't know Rumi, I'm confused." 

"It's okay to feel confused, I'll help you out, that's what friends are for" 

I mumbled out thanks, hopefully, she'll hear it.


To be continued

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