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It was a cloudy day in Tokyo. The sun peeking through the windows of the cafe'. A perfect day for a date.

It was Sunday in the Afternoon, 2:48 p.m. It was already Morning when you two decided to go on a date before having to go to class for the next consecutive days.

Both of you are already going the be third years by the end of the year, so of course, it will be hectic.

You decided to go outside for your date rather than stay at home. Sakusa also agreed, but still had a bit of anxiousness when. He didn't really like going outside. But it could be bearable since he has him with you now.

However, renting a whole cafe' seems a bit too much for him.

"Kaori, you didn't have to do all this you know?" Sakusa's mask was already off the moment you told him it's just going to be the two of you in the cafe'.

"It's not like I did this Omi. It just happened that the owner of the cafe' is close to my parents and they insisted on giving us space for our date. Especially since this is our 1st date."

You placed your hand above his. You felt a bit fluffy seeing the size difference of your hands but nonetheless, you shrugged it off focusing on your lover.

"So....what would you like to have Mr. Sakusa?" you stooped closer with your hands supporting your chin blinking your eyes.

"Hmmm, I'd like one strawberry cheesecake and a Caramel latte'."

You nodded and stood up from your seat, but soon stopped momentarily when Sakusa asked you something. "Where are you going?"

"Uh, the kitchen. We're the only ones here so I figured that I should go and pick it up..."

"Oh, and just stay here babe. Remember the last time you went to the kitchen? You almost burned yourself and the whole space.

We don't want that happening again, don't we?" Sakusa doesn't know if he is flustered by the comment or by the sudden use of a pet name.

You were already heading towards the kitchen but stopped and ran towards him. Sakusa was confused for a second that is until you reached him and gave him a peck on the lips before running back.

Sakusa placed his hand over his cute little flushed face, chuckling at how cute you were just now.


"Hmmm, so let's get to know each other while we eat." You swirled your fork picking up the pasta before munching it.

Sakusa chuckled and you were confused about it still continuing to eat the pasta not wanting for it to turn cold.

"We were best friends for how many years has it been already? How could we not know about each other hm?" Sakusa picked a small amount of his cheesecake before eating it.

It was his turn to eat now as you wiped your mouth and finished chewing first before speaking. "Well, Let's talk about what we want to do in the future-"

"I'm going to marry you someday." You blinked once, twice, thrice.

"Is this your way of rejecting my proposal?" You shook your head, with your hands doing the same thing.

"I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon. Heck, I'm not planning to now nor in the future. Till death do us part."

Now it was Sakusa's time to make you shy. He leaned in forward and kissed your lips. You kissed him back feeling his smile between the kiss that you two just shared. You gave him one last peck on his lips before telling him to not

"Omi, we literally had lots of kisses before we got here. And I'm sure that If we continue we'll only be doing that.

We could have plenty of kisses for later but we only have this time to have our date ok?" You held his head between your hands he was pouting and it's very cute. "You're just really pretty, I can't stop kissing you."

Earlier, you could taste the sweet flavor of the strawberry you wondered why he liked it so much. Well, now you know the reason for that.

"The cake is good right?" You saw Sakusa biting another piece off of his cake, he nodded after he heard your question. You saw a bit of the cream fall off the side of his lips so you wiped it off for him using a napkin.

Given your situation, you recalled the times you were still hiding your identity. Especially that beach encounter with them.

"Hmmm, Omi. I have a bit of confession to make. Remember that time we met at the beach?" He nodded.

"Well, the person you saw with Rumi that time when you went over to our private space at the beach. That was actually me-" You stopped your sentence midway due to Sakusa choking on his food. He coughed, drinking some water to help it die down.

"Y-you were that person?" He stuttered. He wiped his lips with a napkin, you were thinking about the question he might ask.

"So does that mean, You were also the one who kicked Komori in the face?" He raised his brow.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I PROMISE!" You raised both your arms in surrender while Sakusa laughed wholeheartedly. "You're not mad?" You slowly put them down, fidgeting.

"Why would I be? But I'm sure that Komori would feel heartbroken if he discovers this."

Your soul practically left your body, unable to think properly you sipped on your drink not knowing that it was already out. Sakusa gently brought the drink down.

"How bout we focus on ourselves on this date? And not on other people hm?"

"Good idea." You nodded.


Meanwhile, in the Komori residence...


He was sure that he had his monthly check-up and being sick was the last thing the doctor had said to him. He wiped his nose scrunching it.

"Maybe someone was talking about me."

Yeah someone did talk about him.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now