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"Rumi are you sure that Omi told you that?" I look at Rumi nodding, we finished eating lunch a while ago and now I needed to talk to Kiyoomi.


Kiyoomi T^T I'm so sorry for telling you that you had to hear it from Rumi. 'Just wanted to surprise you T^T.

I waited for his reply for a few minutes. "This chip is really tasty, you should try some!" I open my mouth tasting the chip that Rumi offered.

"We should buy more of these, it's really delicious." I nod in agreement. I open my mouth asking for more, Rumi gladly took some and put them in my mouth.

"Ow Kiwoomi replied." I look at my phone while munching the chips.

Kiyoomi ♡:

What a lame excuse you've got there.And by the way, It'll take you more than an apology for meto forgive you.

What is your room number?

Kiyoomi ♡:
Going to my room won't make me forgive you.

"UGH, He won't budge." I throw my arms in exasperation.

"I'll ask Komori." Rumi wiped her hands before grabbing her phone.

"While I text him, you dress up. I brought you a wig, you can thank me later" Rumi winked at me before proceeding to chat Komori.


"You sure this is going to work?" Rumi nods

"Even if he won't I'm sure he won't ignore these drinks and snacks that we bought." Rumi raised the two plastic bags that she is holding.

I decided to bring a peace offering to at least feel a bit better. I haven't bought a gift for Omi yet, Well I'm supposed to buy him one but that's when we finished planning the surprise.

"There's no going back, now knock on the door." I nod at her.

"How do I look?"

"You look just perfectly fine"

"No, what I meant was, does the wig looks like a wig?" She stared at me blankly.

"We literally called for an emergency to a stylist, and that's high quality. Even if you do cartwheels it won't fall, now ring the friggin' doorbell you're lucky that you won't have to carry all these--"

"Okayy Okayy! Here we go!" I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.



Kaori did text me but I was a bit upset that she didn't keep asking. She usually is persistent I wonder what happened. And also I'm a bit worried that Komori hasn't come back yet.

Should I report it to the staff?

Before I could make a decision, I heard a knock.

maybe it's Komori.

I slowly opened the door, I started speaking expecting it was Komori.

"What took you so long!? Do you that I almost called the staff to find you!. Dumbass, I swear if you won't take a bath for the next few minutes I'll spray Lysol----" My eyes deflate, It's not Komori.


Kaori is standing in front of me right now.

"Kiyoomi! I'm so---"

I cut her off quickly.

"Let's talk inside, don't want any strangers to hear this." I opened the door for them.

"We brought you some snacks" Rumi handed me two bags of drinks and snacks.

I raised my brows, is this even clean--?

"Don't worry, I washed my hands twice before touching them."I took it from her hands placing them on the table.

"I'll give you two privacy, I'll wait outside." She timidly walked away from us.

As she left, the room grew quiet. But Kaori talked soon enough to break the silence.

"Kiyoomi, the reason why I didn't tell you is that I wanted to surprise you because we're finally stay---" She started to ramble.

I don't know what took over me but the second I got to my senses I was already embracing him. I was about to break the hug but I couldn't cause he hugged me back.

I could say for the first time that I didn't think of his germs when hugging him.

We broke the hug after a few minutes.

I feel very hot right now, probably the temperature of the ac.

" you forgive me now?" I smirked, I won't let him get that off easily.

Teasing time.

I crossed my arms, raising one brow as I spoke.

"You haven't even apologized properly. And I want to hear your reason for ignoring me and not telling me that you'll actually come back.

Usually, you'll inform me ahead of time if you'll visit us here." He looked down playing with his fingers.

He's anxious.

Finally, he looked at me. "I'm really sorry Kiyoomi, I didn't mean to not tell you. It's just I was planning to surprise you."

"You could just surprise me with a gift or something, I don't get why you need to keep it a secret that you were visiting."

"I wanted it to be a bit special cause I and my parents will finally settle down here in Tokyo, that's why.." Did I hear it right?

"And I'm not lying, really. You can ask my parents if you want." He looks down frowning.

"I forgive you." He looks up with a bright expression but then frowns again. I tilt my head in confusion.

"You're lying. You're not one to just forgive a person if they really hurt your feelings. Especially if you're close with them." He fiddled with his fingers waiting for a response.

"I'm not lying. You're right about that though, It applies to everyone except you. You're always an exception, you deserve special treatment.

And rather than you hurt my feeling I was a bit more worried. I can't deny that I was a bit hurt, to be honest.

But I'll forgive you, again and again, and again." Now that's the smile I'm looking for, his smile is contagious it's making me smile too.

"Hey Omi, Can we hug like earlier, I've really missed you."

"I took a bath before coming here But It's okay if you don't want to!!"

I opened my arms, allowing him to hug me.

I put my nose just above his hair, smelling the familiar vanilla scent. I missed this. I missed him.


To be continued

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