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8:16 a.m

I didn't know

If I'd known, I would've slept somewhere else but here.

They're so noisy, I haven't been able to sleep properly.

My Aunts and Uncles stayed over. They wanted to spend more time with Mom and Dad before going back to their homes.

The walls here are soundproof alright, but I could literally hear them laughing. I'm pretty much sure they're having a party.

The sun is shining, so I have no choice but to also get up from my bed.






I can't believe that Omi asked me out. On my birthday. He even gave me a ring.


"Why are you jumping so early in the morning." A groggy voice was heard making me scream my lungs out. When did she get here!?

Rumi that ---

"It's early in the morning dude. I can't sleep properly because of the noise outside and you're making it worse than it already is." She wiped the tears from her eyes, clearly, she just woke up.

"You scared me, when did you get here?"

"Uh, Since Last night. I slept on the floor." She says between yawns.

"Minho was so annoying, he keeps asking me about Fumi. And He's probably with Fumi right now, on a date." I don't know why, but she started to shake her body winning.

"Those guys are making me single."

"Stop sobbing. Oh, I forgot to mention." She looked at me anticipating.

"OMI ASKED ME OUT!!!" I shouted jumping up and down, just a second later Rumi joined me jumping around the room while we clasped our hands together.

"OH MY GOD!!!! HE FINALLY ASKED YOU OUT." Rumi squealed making me flinch.

"Oh, sorry hehe. Just got too excited for you."

"As a celebration, Let's have a bubble bath together! Minho gave me lots of souvenirs from my fav brand. So let's use it to our heart's content"

I and Rumi often have bubble baths together, with wines, books, and snacks beside our table. And I'm glad that we're able to do it again.

But of course, we wear something inside. After all, we're not just kids anymore. And the Tub is big enough to fit more than 2 people. And we have it all for ourselves.


A few hours passed, and It finally got quiet outside. Maybe they're resting or something. Also, Rumi told me she'll be doing something so she bid goodbyes to our Relatives a bit early.


Maybe I should come over to Omi's. His parents are here but he isn't for a very obvious reason. I opened the door and got out of my room.

"Where are you off to, my dear?" I looked back when I heard my Mom's voice when I was walking down the stairs. "Oh, I'm going over to Omi's Mum." She smiled and nodded.

"Oh!!!, And make sure to use protection!!!" Dad just had to hear it. Ugh!

"MOM!!!! DAD IS BULLYING ME AGAIN." I whined but stopped when I saw mom grab my Dad by his ear. Hearing some pleads of 'never going to do it again'.

I'm glad that they don't make me feel single anymore. I grin, satisfied. Continued to walk outside the house.

Oh and I forgot that our staff was given a break. I don't really mind driving over to Omi's by myself. But I should call him that I'm coming over. I'm sure that he was already awake hours ago.


You parked your car in the Garage of their Estate after you arrived. Sakusa offered to help but you refused as it is already a hassle to do so. Sakusa was waiting for you at the front door with his arms crossed.

"I didn't know that you missed me that much." You raised one of your brows when you saw him smirking.

"Well, how could I not miss you? You're so cute to not be missed. Am I right?" You teased back, knowing that it'll make Sakusa a blushing mess. He cleared his throat opening the door for you

"Let's chat inside, I think It's going to rain soon." You noticed the clouds in a darker shade than before. Well, good thing you parked your car before going inside.

"Have you eaten yet Kaori?" You nod your head. You ate with Rumi before she left.

"How bout' you?" Sakusa gave a nod as well.

"What do you want to do then?" Sakusa placed his hand on his neck, clearly shy about the situation. Of course, who wouldn't be when you were the only ones in this big house.

"Can we cuddle Omi? Or we can watch Netflix while we cuddle."

"How could I ever say no to you." He took your hand with his leading you to his room upstairs. Do not get the wrong idea.

"Is it okay for you if we cuddle here in my room?" You nodded pursing your lips into a thin smile.

'Am I the only one who's being crazy about this?' Sakusa thought about the situation. You were the one whos bold enough to initiate everything he didn't.

But little did he know that you could feel your heartbeat fasten.

His room is just as you expected. The only change that you notice is that his toys were no longer present inside. The only light that was shining through the room is his lamp.

In less than a second, you guys were cuddled up in the bed. Your head laying on his Chest smelling his familiar scent. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer.

You tried to fight your eyelids closing but it didn't help when the rain started to pour making you fall asleep on your lover's chest.

Sakusa noticed your sleeping figure and decided to also have some sleep. He couldn't sleep properly last night. He still couldn't believe that he has you as his Girlfriend now.

He gently tucked your hair behind your ears as it covered your pretty face.

"Sleep tight, my pretty baby." He kisses your forehead before finally closing his eyes hoping that you could appear in his dreams.

The Netflix date will be postponed in the meantime.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now