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It's 4:57 in the afternoon in Japan, and another batch of students are beginning to set up their tent for their night fair. It was planned that way also for the morning batch to rest and also enjoy the festival.

The sunset could be seen on the highest mount of the school which is the rooftop.

Usually, the headmaster never allows anyone to go to the rooftop due to many reasons, but Kaori managed to convince the headmaster to let them stay there for the whole evening.

The elevator was under maintenance just earlier, as a result of students using it to lift their heavy equipment for their tents. The headmaster wasn't quite happy about it and so is Sakusa.

"How did you even get that key? Did you sneak into her office?"

Sakusa lets out a huff when you reached the door at the rooftop after walking up the stairs.

"Hmm, She just gave it away."

"And why are we here in the first place?"

"I told you that I'll keep you away from those crowds, haven't I? And It seems like more would come, it's the night after all." You pulled Sakusa's arm walking over to the edge of the rooftop.

"And there's a picnic table here...Hey did you perhaps send some janitors to clean this place?"

"Uh...I may or may not have planned this whole thing." You fiddled your fingers looking down but your attention was diverted to your boyfriend when he let out a chuckle.

Sakusa coughed and looked away. "You didn't have to. B-but thanks, I guess."

"Omi, you're so pretty, baby." You inched closer to him cupping his face as he does the same. "I could say the same about you, princess." Sakusa smirked and leaned in to kiss you.

But it soon was interrupted by the door unlocking. You quickly removed yourself from Sakusa's arms and pushed him lightly.

You saw Rumi, Fumi, and Komori enter the roof with a wave, and you waved back with an awkward smile plastered on your face.

You really hoped that they didn't see the two of you almost kiss. "OH hey, guys!!! I didn't know that you were here---Uh what's Sakusa doing on the floor?" Your eyes quickly found Sakusa on the floor trying to get up.

Komori hurriedly went over to Sakusa to scan any injuries. He doesn't want to lose their best player and is also worried for him as his cousin. "What happened?"

"I- Uh."

"HE TRIPPED. AH yes, Omi tripped. You should be more careful Omi. The floor is kinda slippery because it was just cleaned hahaha." You helped your lover straighten out his clothes. While your eyes was deeply locked into his asking to 'play along'.

"I'm sorry baby, I got nervous and did that. I'll make it up to you I promise."

You held out your pinky finger and locked it with Sakusa. He pouted for a bit until you sneakily gave him a peck on his lips before turning your figures to your friends.

You saw them sliding their shoes on the floor. "It is slippery."

"So...What brought you here?" You started the conversation. "It was really crowded downstairs and we thought that we'll just hang out here. Luckily Fumi-chan has keys with her." Rumi pointed to the Keys that were being spun by Fumiko.

"And I must ask too. Why are you guys here? There are only two keys on the rooftop. The headmasters and mine. Well, It was given to me by the headmasters so yeah."

"The same reason as yours. I wouldn't really want this big guy to faint in those crowds." You nudged Sakusa's body jokingly. While he looked away in embarrassment.

"And we've brought food with us too! That way we wouldn't have to go down whenever we're hungry."

You chuckled when Komori wiped his nonexistent tears.

"So what are we waiting for? We should take out the food and place them on the table." Rumi took the lead and went to the table to take out the food from their bags.

"Me and Omi should be the ones doing this. You guys should watch the view from up here."

"You sure." You nodded.

You saw Rumi walk over to Komori and Fumiko to talk about things that have happened today. Mostly it was Fumi asking for teas from her two friends.

You felt your skin tingle when you felt Sakusa's breath make contact with your nape. "Now I know what Komori felt when you kicked him in the face." a light chuckle was heard.

You were scared when Sakusa mentioned it again. Although your boyfriend only teased you about it you can't help but overthink.

"I didn't really mean it Omi, and if you're upset about it then I'm really sorry. tell me, where does it hurt?" You looked up to his orbs and cupped his cheeks.

"Don't worry princess, it hurt back then but it's fine now. This is nothing compared to spraining my ankle." You sighed in relief and began to take out the food out of the bag.

Sakusa started doing the same, placing the food on the table. "How about you take me on a date tomorrow, to make it up to me."

He knows that you were still upset about what you did to him so to make you feel better he decided to offer a date.

You smiled, cheeks stained pink. You felt him cup your cheeks, it made you more flustered.

"Now, there's that smile I've been looking for. Smile a lot for me okay doll? I'm upset if you're also upset. 'don't want my baby to be upset." Your heart warmed when you felt him kiss your eyelids, then a quick chaste kiss.

You pulled him in for a hug. "I love you Omi."

He hugged you back kissing your forehead, then resting his nose just on top of your hair. Smelling the sweet vanilla scent. "I love you too, princess."


"Should we stop pretending like we don't notice what they're doing?"

"OH shut it Komori. Let them be. They look so in love." Rumi clasped her hands together her heart fluttering to see her cousin happy.

Fumiko giggled. "I agree!"


To be continued

lilacs' note:

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now