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The volleyball team arrived at the reserved restaurant for lunch. They were surprised that you were able to have reservations in such a nice place.

However, you noticed Sakusa's gloomy expression despite passing their midterms exam, so you decided to ask him about it.

"I don't get why you invited this flock of fangirls to our lunch." His brows were scrunched clearly unamused.

You weren't going to lie, you felt bad about the idea of leaving the girls behind while you guys go and eat lunch. So might as well invite them, after all, the more the merrier.

Well, that's not the case for all. You can't believe that he is getting mad for something so petty.

In order not to make things worse and uncomfortable for Sakusa you decided to make a bit of distance, removing your arm that was hooked around his.

Thinking that it made Sakusa better was the opposite, he was starting to get more irritating when you decided to leave his side and head over to those pesky fangirls.

You decided to sit with the girls than being with your boyfriend, it was not only for his sake but also for the girls.

You were the one who invited them so to make them feel more welcomed you decided to sit with them and start light conversations.

Sakusa was in front of you with his mask still on his face in his usual gloomy expression.

You felt the girls' aura coming down, it might be the person in front of you doing their magic.

"Hey Omi, could you please stop glaring. You're making them uncomfortable."

The girls beside you were petrified that you used his first name to call him.

"Miyazaki san, I think that you shouldn't have called Sakusa san by his first name. I think it has just gotten worse."

The girl beside you whispered timidly still avoiding the glare from your lover. Yui was her name as you recalled.

"I think my boyfriend wouldn't mind me calling his first name Yui san. Unless he preferably would like me to call him by his last name."

Pretending that Sakusa wasn't there by looking at Yui instead of him when you said it.

'WE HUGGED SAKUSA SAN'S GIRLFRIEND!!! I THINK I'M READY TO DIE NOW.' The fangirls internally screamed when you mentioned Sakusa being your boyfriend.

It seems that you were going to have a couple of girls simping for you.

While they were zoning out it wasn't the same for the whole team. Their sweat dropped at the tension, even the waiter was nervous about placing the food on the table.

"I think we should eat the food before it gets cold."

That was the first thing that Sakusa had said in this whole thing going on.



I don't think I'm going to stay here any longer. Some of us already finished our lunch and they are just eating desserts currently.

I didn't know that Omi being in front of me would be as uncomfortable as it is right now. I've already paid the tab earlier so I think that it wouldn't be wrong to go on my way now.

"Hey girls, I'm sorry but I'm gonna head home now so I really can't keep you company back at our school. I think that the boys here would be happier to walk you guys back. Right boys?"

You looked over at them smiling, they nodded without hesitation. I stood up from my chair beginning to collect my stuff.

I saw at the corner of my eyes Omi standing up too. I don't want to deal with him right now so I fasten up my pace smiling before bidding my goodbyes to the team and the girls.

I hurriedly went over to the exit and tried to find some taxi's on my way home. Screw me for not being able to call my drivers in advance.

"I could walk with you you know. I'm sorry baby, I promise not to do it again." I turn over in his direction facing him.

"What did you even do wrong?" I raised my brow folding my arms.

This is a test, I'm sure that Omi is smart enough to know.

"I badmouthed our fan club when they did nothing wrong. I promise I'll try to apologize."


I can't stay mad at him if he pouts like that.

"Do you forgive me?" He was fidgeting his hands avoiding my gaze.

"Hmm, I don't know. I think you're still mad. You're not even looking at me." I put my pointer finger beside my lips, pretending that I'm still thinking.

Omi looked at me now, I started laughing and boy he's confused as heck.

"I forgive you..IF."

"If?" His eyes made it clear that he was eager.

"Pinky promise to not do it again and do not invalidate your fan clubs' feelings. Okay?" He nodded and linked his pinky with mine.

"Ok, so now I have to go home since I was really tired for the past few weeks. How bout you?"

"I still have practice this afternoon."

"How about let's have a Netflix date later in the evening? There'll be no class after this day anyways." The way his eyes lit up makes my heart warm. "My place?" You nodded.

"You should be returning now Omi." He pouts again,

"There's a taxi now so I have to get going, see you soon pretty baby."

I kissed his cheek before entering the car.

"I'll see you later."He said while waving his hand with the other inside his pocket.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now