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After a few hugs and talks, we opened the door for Rumi to enter.

He also told me about the incident that happened earlier in our secret place, I was sweating the whole time.

I told Omi to apologize to Rumi, although I wouldn't call it apologizing. I'm still glad the Omi was able to apologize to Rumi in his own way.

He's such a tsun tsun

Kiyoomi looks distressed when he saw Rumi eating on the couch.

"Hey, Rumi! Don't eat on the couch, you'll leave off crumbs. And I thought that this was ours." And I'm glad that they're able to go back to normal now.

"Yeah. this is ours." Rumi continued to eat the chips after leaving the couch to just sit on the floor.

"No, by I mean ours I meant me and Komori."

Oh shit.

I literally forgot about Komori.

I stand up taking the bag of chips off of Rumi's hand, then handing her the wipes to clean her hands.

"AH HA HA.... YES. Kiyoomi is right this is for them." I gave her the look which she almost immediately understood.

She wiped her mouth and hands looking at Kiyoomi with a big smile.

"Speaking of Komori, where is he?" Rumi directed the question to Kiyoomi but I know well that it was also meant for me--Judging from the way she stared at me.

"It's been like an hour and a half, I'm getting annoyed, what's taking him so long"

translation; 'I've been waiting for him to come back for an hour and a half already, I am worried.'

tsun tsun

a pretty one.


A knock was heard coming from the door, and they all stood up assuming that it is Komori.

Sakusa opened the door to see Komori...with an eye patch on his right eye...holding an ice pack in his hands.

It is Komori but they didn't expect him to come back...patched up.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Sakusa pulled in his cousin, closing the door.

Komori then sat on the bed putting the ice bag on his eye, hissing a bit.

"I was chasing the hot girl, then we got to the maze, and she then kicked me in the face."

Komori was mumbling staring into the air, at this point it may seem that he is chanting a prayer. But they all heard it loud and clear.

Rumi slowly tilted her head looking at her cousin beside her. Based on her expression, just her covering her mouth with both of her hands shocked.

She didn't mean to hit Komori on the face and much more on his right eye. She thought that it landed on his cheek.

"Komori!, eat these snacks that we bought. The open bag of chips is delicious so I'm sure you'll like them. I and Kaori will go to the infirmary, we'll find some ointment for you.!"

Rumi pulled her friend, quickly leaving them.

"I've gone to the infirmary, no one was there. So I just looked for some ice, and luckily there are lots in the freezer.

I also found an eyepatch, so I figured I'd take one." Komori is still zoning out whilst saying that. He didn't realize that the two girls got out before he had a chance to say it.

"Hey snap out of it!" Sakusa gently shakes off his cousin's shoulder, finally getting his attention.



"You kicked him!?" I was zoning out at this point but I heard it and nodded.

"I didn't mean to! I was just t-trying to e-escape, but he left me no choice.

So I kicked him gently--"

"Breath Kaori, inhale. exhale" I do what I was told, she always helps me calm down whenever I was rambling.

"Let's just go to the infirmary and look for some ointment. You know what to get right?" I nod.


I was already puffing out my cheeks, holding my breath as I hold the tears too.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I just---

Rumi noticed my glassy eyes.

"Kaori! please don't cry. I'm sure that Komori will understand. He even referred you to as 'the hot girl." She laughed to make the atmosphere better.

"Besides... that kick that you gave to Komori will tell me to not mess with you from now on. You even said that it was a gentle kick, I'm really scared right now." Rumi is putting both her hands on her stopping laughing.

I can't help but laugh too.

"That's the smile I've been looking for! "

"Thanks, Rumi, but I think we should hurry up. I don't want to keep them waiting."


To be continued

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