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The loud music from the speakers was heard, but this time it was a classical one to vibe with the air of the room. After an hour and a half has passed it was finally dinner time, according to the schedule.

And after that, I am going to change my fit. I never knew that smiling could hurt this much.

I stood up from my chair and moved my legs a bit, hopping. I saw everyone move out from theirs too, but they were heading straight to the side of the room to get to the buffet section. I thought that I was the only one hungry.

"KAORIIII!" I turned my head towards the loud voice and smiled as soon as I saw them. "Hey Girls."

"You look, gorgeous darling." Fumi winked at me and Rumi nodded in agreement, and I returned the compliment to them.

"I must say, whatever fit, the hair you wear, you're still very beautiful. But I'm glad you're able to be yourself." Fumi gave me a small hug, to which I accepted.

"How about we get something to eat too?" The girls nodded. We sat at one of the free tables. I saw my parents talking to our relatives. I smiled as I saw them enjoying themselves.

It's been a while since they've got to laugh and talk to their siblings like that.

We started eating our food. I just picked out a carbonara, for a light snack. We don't want any buttons to fall off, don't we?

But these two were brave enough to get a little bit of everything at the table. I chuckled a bit as I saw and heard them moan in delight.

"What?" They said in unison as they noticed me looking at them. "Nothing" I shook my head focusing on my food this time.

I'll eat lots after this event. If I don't pass out from fatigue.

While the girls were still busy with their plates I roamed my head around the room trying to look for Omi.

"Komori said they'll be a little late. But they'll come around." Rumi wiped her mouth with a napkin after informing me.

"And don't try to deny anything. You think we wouldn't know that you've been looking for Sakusa ever since." I feel my face heat up at Fumi's comment. Am I really that clear for them to notice? Ah, this is a bit embarrassing.

Both of them stopped talking and looked a something behind me.

Maybe it's Omi. I quickly turn my head behind me.


"Why the sudden smile drop darling? Not happy to see your cousin?" You didn't even notice that you were smiling at the thought that maybe it was Omi behind you. To your dismay, it wasn't.

But you were still happy that It was your cousin who came from Korea, you saw. You stood up from your chair giving him a tight hug, swaying your bodies.

After what felt like a minute or two you guys broke the hug.

"Are you talking nonsense again? Can't you see the huge smile on my face?" You teased back.

"Well, Well, look what we have here. Two gorgeous girls behind the princess." your cousin peeked behind you, he was referring to your friends at the table.

"Nice to see you back, Minho." Rumi expressed before going back to eat her dessert. While Fumiko seemed a bit flabbergasted.

"Mind if I borrow this lady for a sec? She owes me something you see."

"I do?" You were confused. You haven't asked him for any favors but still went with him. He asked if you were still eating cause he will wait for you to finish.

But you were already done eating the moment you decided to find Sakusa.

"Good to see you back to yourself. I can't have you always attracting my fan club because they thought you were handsome back then."

"Hmm, they were right about me being Handsome though. But yes, it's good to be really me, no wigs, no girls, and definitely no binders."

You reminisced the day you first tried on a binder. It's uncomfortable as heck but you managed.

"But hey, what were you saying about me owing you something?" the air around you two got a bit proper and serious as soon as you mentioned it. You saw your cousin scratched his head, squinting your eyes suspiciously.

"Well," He coughs before continuing to speak "It's more of like me asking you for a favor than the other way around." You hummed nodding your head.

"The girl besides Rumi, Umm can you introduce me to her? She's really pretty cute. Can't get her off my head since the start of this night." Minho looks down almost mumbling the last part.

You were grinning by now. Not expecting your cousin to stay single at 22. "Hmm, what do I get in that?" You hummed thinking about your decision, even though you already made up your mind.

"I brought your favorite desserts from Seoul, 2 boxes already delivered at your estate." You were practically grinning and humming in delight.

"Deal." You both locked your hands shaking them.

"As much as I'd like to stay, I think I'll go back to my table now. Seems like your boyfriend wants to have some alone time with his girl." Minho smirked.

You look behind you to see Sakusa, looking somewhat annoyed, he was folding his arms scrunching his brows at the sight before him.

"You got yourself a huge package, my dude. I'll tell ya she bakes the best desserts." Minho whispered only loud enough for Sakusa to hear, and he patted Omi's shoulder before leaving the both of you.

"Omi." You smiled sweetly seeing him in a Gorgeous suit. "Who was that?" Pout was evident from his features. "Minho, my cousin. He brought me desserts and we talked about stuff.

Why? You were jealous?" You teased him but you were stunned when you heard his answer.

"Yes. I am jealous." Your eyes widened, and your heart started to beat rapidly. As he was about to say something, it was interrupted by your friend Sophie.

"I'm sorry but mademoiselle needs to change her outfit. I promise it'll be just quick." Not waiting for his reply Sophie dragged you gently away from him.

While Sakusa has one of his hands inside his pocket fidgeting with the small box with the ring inside it.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now