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It's been a few days since that incident where you got drunk on wine, thinking that it was grape juice. You were embarrassed.

But it was a good thing because Sakusa was there to tend to your needs, which are hugs and a lot of kisses.

The studying for midterms continues. The library is still packed and so you guys studied in Fumi's Club room.

However, you were just there to help the two to study. You already know the terms and definitions for every part of the subject.

You wanted to stay home but you didn't mind helping your friends, and you didn't also mind Sakusa walking you home.



I don't know why I'm feeling lightheaded for the past few days, but today was a bit more tiring than usual. Practice with the other schools' volleyball club starts at 20.

I better go to the infirmary for some medicine. But before that, I'll be changing clothes first.

I drop the ball that I was holding and head toward the locker room. I told Coach that I won't be participating in today's practice game due to my headache.

Good thing he said yes, well, it's not like I'll be leaving the club or anything.

"Should I walk with you?"

"I'm not a child. I can go alone you know?" Everything is getting on my nerves today. I think it came out harsher than I intended.

"Jeez, you and your man period Sakusa. Help yourself. Just don't blame me if you pass out heading there." I roll my eyes and took my duffle bag exiting the gym.

Should I drop by over Kaori's?

I better not.

This fucking headache is getting worse.

Why does everything look wobbly?





"Where the fuck am I?" I groaned as I tried to sit up, only to fall back gently with the weight that layed on my stomach.

Kaori, what is she doing here?

Wait, What am I doing here!?

"Omi? Did I wake you up?" My attention was diverted to Kaori when she spoke, yawning and stretching after. Hmm, reminded me that time.

"OMI, DID YOU HURT YOUR HEAD NOW? WHY ARE YOU CHUCKLING!?" Did I laugh when thinking that?

"Sit down babe. I didn't hurt my head. And I don't remember getting here...?"

I felt a soft flick on my forehead. "You passed out in front of your Club's gym."

"Your coach told me to take you home. He also said that you should rest for a few days before coming back."

"I'll call my driver to pick me up, I don't need you to walk me home." I huff in annoyance. "Omi, I'm just worried that you might pass out again.

I know that your parents aren't home currently. And I don't have anything else to do, so you shouldn't really be worrying about that." I felt her motion as she explains.

"Fine, I guess that won't hurt." I turn over, my back facing Kaori.

"You tsun tsun, I promise to give you cuddles when we get there. But you have to eat first of course."


When you arrived at their estate, you insisted on cooking the food since you knew that Sakusa would be a bit picky since he was not feeling well.

The workers in the kitchen still helped you prepare the ingredients, they were told that if they wouldn't help you Sakusa would fire them.

Sakusa would also fire them if they'll tell you so...they don't really have options.

You finished making the soup after a few minutes of cooking. While the workers there in the kitchen stayed.

You asked them if they could bake something sweet like a cookie or something.

"Omi, open your mouth."

You knew him too well, back then when you were still kids he would sometimes get sick.

He was stubborn as heck, he wouldn't really eat anything that was given to him. That was until you started spoonfeeding him.

His parents were thankful that you managed to get him to eat.

So every time Sakusa gets sick you were always the one who's feeding him.

And it pretty much became a tradition. He was just a baby when it comes to you.

"Last one, baby."

Sakusa opens his mouth enjoying the meal you cooked for him.

"You still need to take your meds, babe." Sakusa huffs in annoyance not wanting to take his meds, clearly.

"Stop being stubborn Omi, you'll get your cuddles soon. I promise."

It felt like you were talking to a kid. He was clingy and whiny every time he got sick, but he would always take his meds hoping to get better soon.

"You promise?" You look up to see him pouting, making you internally scream about how cute he is.

You link your pinky finger with his making a childish promise. "Pinkie."

But that childish promise is somehow always kept and fulfilled at the end of the day.

After Sakusa drank his medicine and brushed his teeth, he pulled you towards his room to get his reward which is cuddles!

You laughed lightly at his antics, you really love a clingy Omi after all.

"Baby, stay over tonight hmm?" You were both laying on the bed arms wrapped around each other, your cheek was smooshed to his chest while his head falls on top of your hair smelling the sweet scent.

"I don't know, my parents wouldn't want that." You teased Sakusa keeping a serious tone when your face couldn't. He pulled away for a moment and began to stare at you obviously not pleased.

"Fine, Fine. My parents wouldn't really mind.

To be honest, they're the ones who's wanting me to stay here." Sakusa smiled satisfied before pulling you back to the comfortable position before.

"Sleep now Omi, Let's eat the cookies when we wake up."

You kissed the tip of his nose making Sakusa scrunch it up before smiling. Your heart warmed seeing the faint blush on his cheeks.

"Pretty baby, I love you." You peck his lips before finding your head onto his chest, hearing his heart beat for you.

"I love you too, doll." You heard him say faintly, but still clear enough for you to hear him. Your heart swelled at the new pet name he gave you.

You chose your eyes, finally enjoying the warmth he provided.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now