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It was just half an hour ago since the practice was over. I'm glad that we passed midterms but it isn't going to stop our coach from making us practice even more.

He's making us work our butts off since this is the last season that our seniors will be taking part in.

I remembered that Kaori would be sleeping over tonight for our date. I should buy some snacks before going home. I went over to the famous cafe' nearby our school.

It's a good thing that there weren't really a lot of people at this hour.

"Sir, I'm sorry but we're only taking orders for take-out. We're about to close now." It makes sense how there's no one around sitting at the table.

"I'd like to take the whole cake of Oreo cheesecake, one pack of cinnamon rolls, and 2 caramel lattes' please. Also, I'd like them to be packaged in a box." I take out my card and hand it to the barista.

"The total is 110 dollars, sir." I took back the card after the barista swiped it.

"Can you give us a minute sir? I'm just going to package the goods." I give a nod instead of replying vocally. What a tiring day.

Kaori was right though, those fan girls aren't as much as bad as they thought. I honestly didn't think that the sunset could be so beautiful.

"Sir, your order is here. Oreo cheesecake, cinnamon rolls, and two caramel lattes' right?" I nodded taking the box from his hand. "Thanks." I hope he heard it.

Before I go home sent Kaori a text that I'll be there soon. I find myself calling for a taxi.

I better should hurry home. Before these lattes melt.


When Sakusa arrived at the estate he told their staff to put the box in the fridge before it could melt. He also asked Kaori's whereabouts before he left.

He entered his room, finding it a bit dark for him to see anything he turned on the lights. He saw you flinch when the bright lights reached your eyelids.

You were curled up into a ball cuddling one of his pillows with his blanket on you. He smiled at the view. He kissed your forehead before dropping his things to head for the shower.

You grumbled under your breath stretching your arms wide, complaining under your yawn. You pouted, eyes still squinting sue to the brightness of the room.

"Omi?" You call out to him, and without receiving any reply you scan your eyes around the room.

"He must've taken a shower." You've gotten up from the comfortable bed, cleaning it up from the way that it was before you slept in.

"My bed was never this comfortable." You mumbled still a bit drowsy from waking up.

A few minutes later

You felt the bathroom door open, quickly detaching your body off the couch and making your way to see Sakusa. But you stopped your tracks to see Omi in his white cotton robe.

"Omi." You smiled shyly trying to divert your eyes away from his figure. You awkwardly went back to the couch to distract yourself with your phone.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" You felt him kiss your cheek before grabbing something from the drawer beside the couch you were sitting on.

"No, the lights did." You heard him chuckle.

"Need help Omi?" You drop your phone and head toward him, before making him sit in a chair and started to work on his wet hair.

He was struggling with the dryer so you figured that you might need some help.

You were an expert when it comes to this, after all your hair stylists aren't always there when you need them so you decided to learn some tricks.

"Are you sure you won't burn my hair?" You laughed

"How could they burn Omi?" You started to finger comb his hair, his locks are really taken care of judging from the tips of his hair. "OH, that felt nice. Do it again."

Amused at what he said, you did it again making sure that the hot air from the dryer hits it.

"It's done Omi." You turned off the dryer and went to plug it off the outlet.

"Your curls are so pretty." You tucked one of his hair away from his face.

"You're moles too." Kissing the moles that are above his forehead, then the tip of his nose, then his cheek, then his forehead.

"How about my lips?"

"Your lips are pretty too." You smiled pecking them once more.

"I brought some snacks before coming here, wanna have them downstairs?" You nodded and followed him when he stood up from his chair.



"You bought the whole cake." I was expecting that he would only buy like a slice but buying the whole cake is a bit too much.

I'm not complaining though, I was just a bit fascinated. More for me I guess.

I shrugged taking a bite from it. "Does it taste good?" I nodded taking another piece.

"I'm going to heat some cinnamon rolls, want some?"

"Yes, please." I took a sip from the caramel latte before wiping my mouth with a clean napkin. "Is it the cafe' near our school Omi?" He turned to me a bit confused.

"The desserts I mean. Did you buy this from the Cafe' near our school?"


"Rumi, and I, Fumi also included usually buy some treats there when we're hungry. It's near our school and the desserts cost a reasonable price so it's a hit for students."

"I'm sorry If we couldn't have dates outside often." What does Omi mean by that?

"Where is this coming from, Omi?" I abandoned the yummy dessert that I was eating to head over to my Omi.

"Hey, you okay?" I gently cupped his cheek with my free hand resting on his shoulder.

"I know that you know about me having issues with the idea of germs outside. I still don't get it why you don't complain about us always having indoor dates." Omi tried to avoid my eyes but I pulled him by his neck and hugged him.

"Hey, you don't have to get worried about that ok?

Believe it or not, I'm also sick of going outside. My life before was an endless mode of going to places here and there so I really enjoy indoor dates with you."

I pulled back from the hug to see his not-so-pouty face now.

"Now, shall we continue our Date by eating this dessert." I grab his hand leading him back to our table.

"Do you smell something burning Omi? Or is it just me?"

"OH GOD, The cinnamon!!" Omi rushed over to the microwave. Good thing that no smoke was coming out or else we would get in trouble.

A few toasted cinnamon rolls aren't going to be bad, right?


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now