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My talk with Komori finished a little while ago and I decided to order on my way out.

"Thanks for ordering. Please Do come back again!" I returned the smile.

Komori really helped a bit. And good thing I remembered to give him the invitation for my birthday. Which is less than 3 weeks. My family has been going overboard about the event.

When I was walking toward the exit I was looking through my phone, sending a quick text to my driver to pick me up.

When I was almost at the exit of the cafe' my heart started to beat faster when I locked eyes with the person I'm really desperate to talk to right now.



She's here

I saw her, I just need to clarify if it's really her I saw.

We were facing each other, I locked her eyes. Did her eyes ever sparkle like that before?

"Omi.." I stopped zoning out when I heard her.

I didn't realize it but I started walking away from her, going out of the cafe.


You followed Sakusa outside with big strides keeping up with his pace.

When you got near to his figure you tugged his sweater making him stop in his tracks.

"Didn't I tell you to stop bothering me!? You're so annoying that you make me feel disgusted about being near you!"

At this point, people around you were looking at both of your figures, and whispers started to erupt.

Well, there weren't a lot of people, to begin with, only a few numbers. And most of them are headed towards the cafe'.

Sakusa couldn't really see your face as you are looking down, you slowly removed your hand away from his sweatshirt. Covering it on your face instead, as you started to sniffle.

As soon as Sakusa heard it his heart sunk, and regret immediately follows its way through.


"Shit. Uh, hey... I'm sorry. Let's talk about it on our way home okay?" Way to go Kiyoomi. You just got an award for 'the best way to stop someone from crying.

"I know I'm annoying Omi, but I just want to clear things up before you really distance yourself from me, okay?" She says through her sniffles.

Crying Kaori seems really cute if it only weren't for the situation-


"I think that's my cue. Bye." Red eyes were visible when she removed her palms from her face. Cheeks were clearly filled with dried tears.

"Wait." It was now my turn to tug on her shirt.

"I'll go with you" I earned a small nod and a hum from her, sighing in relief.


The ride going to your house was a bit...awkward


"Let's talk when we arrive." You cut Sakusa off, not bothering to make an expression.

Sakusa felt something weird in the pit of his stomach, it felt like he got the taste of his own medicine. He imagined how difficult it must've been when you received his half-hearted excuses.

Trees were now seen as the car goes on to the private property of your family, that is where your house resides.

Your family bought it with the thought of privacy so that no media could ever interrupt or barge in.

This place was very magical as it looked like a castle, just modernized.

"We're here miss." You nod and opened the door for yourself. Leaving a quick 'thanks' before closing the door.

Sakusa followed you like a lost puppy bowing to the staff that he sees as a sign of respect.

"Wait, where are we heading to?" You stopped your tracks for a bit before moving on to walk without answering Sakusa's question.

You opened the door to your room leaving it open for Sakusa to enter.

"This is your room?" You nodded plopping onto the cushion of the bean bag.

"Make yourself at home." You gestured for Sakusa to sit anywhere he likes.

"Can I talk first Omi?" You started when Sakusa found a spot to sit on, it was on the floor near the bean bag that you were sitting on, he looked like a puppy who made his master upset. He was facing you and gave you a nod.

"Well, first of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you that I was a girl all along. I'm sorry for upsetting you. I know that it must've been hard accepting the truth on your part.

I was really going to tell you but I guess it got to you before I could even tell you, properly." You cringed at the excuses you were making, but it was the truth.

Sakusa sighed before replying "You're right. I got upset over it. I got mad and even took out my anger on you.

And for that I'm sorry. I realized that all of this had a reason.

It was to protect you and keep you safe from all those threats that your family gets." You listened and locked your eyes with his.

"I'm really sorry about hurting you Kaori. To be honest, right now I'm not even feeling upset because of you.

I feel upset because of how I treated you. You're not disgusting Kaori, you're just... perfect." Kiyoomi fiddled with his hands, embarrassed. While you blushed because of the comment he heard you.

Clearing his throat, "Well. I guess this calls for a celebration right?" Before Sakusa can protest you jumped towards him engulfing him with a big hug.

With your head on his shoulder smelling the familiar scent that his sweater gives.

"I missed you Omi." Your voice was muffled but it could be heard by the raven.

"Well, I guess I missed you too. Dumbass." He replied, not forgetting the nickname.

Sakusa was thankful that you aren't facing him, if you did I guess his plans of hiding his totally red face would fail, as well as his feelings.

He thought that he would enjoy the moment first before confessing. After all, you two just made up with each other.

So he'll wait and plan a perfect confession, how could he not? especially when your birthday is nearing.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now