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It was already past 10 when everybody went home with a tired figures. But the event went really great. Your friends and relatives went on to their own estate. 

Just about an hour ago, the hall was still filled with essential people in your lives. But currently, it couldn't be more peaceful. 

You were still dressed in your fit, unable to change yet.

You were finding your parents while walking around the hall. You were sure they were here like a minute ago. 

They said they were just going to talk with their staff before they leave. 

You got separated from your own thoughts as a loud voice echoed in the empty room. And you're pretty much sure where it belongs.

"Omi, it's late. What are you doing here?" 

You walked toward Sakusa with a confused expression. He was panting with a slight sweat visible on his forehead. 

"I have something to tell you, but first let's go upstairs. I have something." A pink hue was seen in the tips of his ears, slightly scratchy on his cheek, unable to look at you. 

You chuckled at his cute antics. Agreeing to come with him. 

You held out your hand for him to take. 

"Lead the way."

 While you two were walking down the hall, you can't help but ask where your parents went. You were getting worried for them. 

"Oh, I told them they could go home first. But don't worry I'll take you home after this." You hummed, continuing to walk and talk with your hands clasped with each other.

Just Shortly, you arrived at the top balcony in the building. Lights from the city were visible up there. 

You were too engrossed in the view to notice Sakusa clearing his throat, getting one of his knees down, and holding the box in one of his hands. 

But you were soon facing him as if a magnet made you turn.

"Omi, what are you-" 

you haven't been able to complete your sentence with Sakusa cutting you off. 

"Kaori, I know that we've been best friends since we were children and I've loved you since then. But as time passed we were already teenagers, and I can't help but think of you every time.

 Just then I realized that what I'm feeling for you isn't platonic anymore.

I was confused why I wasn't able to get mad when I found out about your secret, but it's actually because I've had feelings for you. I just realized recently."

 Sakusa looked into your eyes before continuing.

"And you already know that I dislike skin contacts. But whenever I get to be with you all of my anxiousness goes away. 

I know that it's stupid of me to risk our friendship over my feelings. I know that I'm not the boyfriend material that everybody thinks of.

 And I know that you deserve a much greater and better person to be with you, but I really like and love you Kaori." Sakusa took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Will you go out with me?"  

He opened the box and you saw the ring as it sparkled like the city lights. Sakusa was getting nervous every second that passed by. 

You were looking down, some strands of your hair were covering your face so he really can't see your expression.

"What took you so long you Baka." You laughed nodding your head, accepting his confession. He took your hand when you held it in front of him, giving him permission. 

Both of you embraced each other. Heartbeats were heard in the silent night.

 You broke the hug, taking the chance to look into his sparkling orbs. You kissed his cheek, making it heat up more than it already has. 

Your arms around his neck, pulling him closer than he already is.

"I like you, no. I love you too Omi. You're just perfect for me so give yourself more credit okay? You're already the best person I could ask for. 

And I know that it would be the same with you being my boyfriend." You rest your forehead against his.

"C-Can I kiss you?" you blushed, not expecting him to say it. You initiated it first, closing your eyes and pressing your lips against his. 

He kissed you back not long after, pulling you closer with his hands clasped in your waist. It was not a long kiss, it was gentle and soft. But it made your heart pound like never before. 

He broke the kiss, hands still in your waist. You were surprised by the loud noise before you. It seems like the fireworks have started.

 Sakusa smiled when he saw you laughing at the good show the lights had put on. It was worth the hassle. 

Removing his blazer and putting it on your shoulder, he placed one last kiss on your cheek before finally enjoying the fireworks with you. 

Not as his friend, but finally as his lady, maybe possible future fiance'.


To be continued

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