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It's been a week since I realized my feelings for Kaori.

Heck. it's been years since I've had feelings for him but I only got to acknowledge it with the help of my Doctor.

How am I supposed to face him now.

Do I call in sick? Or Should I just go to school?

But that would increase the chances of him seeing me and the chance of me being lovesick-

Wait, who said that I was in love with him?

I think I'm going to call in sick, My body temperature is rising up and I could feel that it reacts to the bacteria-- maybe viruses that entered my body when they heard the news of me having romantic feelings towards my best friend!!



I and Rumi were hanging out in the school's library, we figured that we would spend the afternoon studying instead of roaming around the school. Oh and, we asked Fumiko to come over too. She told us she'll catch up around 2 o'clock.

"So when are you going to tell Sakusa?" Rumi caught my attention with the question.

"On my Birthday." I looked back to the book that I was reading.

"Your birthday is less than a month from now, how are you going to plan all of that?"

I closed the book that I was reading and answered Rumi "I honestly don't know. Maybe I'll just tell him straight on." She groaned at my response.

"Well, Instead of telling him the full story I'll just tell him the reason why. I really hope he would understand."

I thought about what would happen to our relationship if I told him that I was a girl all along, especially the hugs that we shared as kids, and most importantly our bond.

"You know Rumi, Kiyoomi deserves to know that I'm a Girl. I've kept it from him for over a decade now.

I bet that it would really hurt him that I haven't told him that." Rumi was oddly quiet she kept staring behind me as if...

Wait- Don't tell me

Kiyoomi, Oh no



"I really should have called in sick before you get to bother me," I grumbled under my mask

"Well, it's better than doing nothing. And I promise to help you ask Miyazaki san out if you'll help me." What the heck?!

I saw him smirking when I looked at him.

"How did I know?" He said before I could even ask.

"You don't have to be a genius detective to know that you have feelings for Miyazaki san. The way that you looked at her, and OH that time that you were sulking because she hadn't replied to you for days.

And you won't even go anywhere unless you know that her family owns it as you did at the training camp." I just hate it when he wiggles his brows like that.

"I Hate You."

"You're not denying it, and by the way thanks for confirming it. It was just a hunch, I didn't actually know that it was true." That roach, I swear I'll kill him---

"COME BACK HERE YOU UGLY ASS." Curse him for being too fast.

I tried to keep up with him, following him around where he is directed to. I slowed down my pace when I saw him stop at our School's Library building.

I was panting when I reached him, his bent knees supporting his hands.

"What are we doing here, you idiot?"

"I told you I needed help didn't I?"

We entered the library and walked around while we were talking. There weren't a lot of students at this hour so I'm lucky to not put up with them.

"I need to find notes for our Biology test this week. And it happens that we have no class this afternoon. So I figured this would be the best time to search for it."

"And why would you need my help?" He practically just didn't want to go alone.

"Because I didn't want to go by myself. And you know a lot about germs and all so you might be a big help in finding those kinds of stuff." I was right about how he didn't want to go alone.

While we reached the Science section of the library Komori noticed something. "Oh, It's Rumi and Miyazaki san over there.

Do you want to go to them? I'll be right here." I nodded and slowly left Komori to go over to Kaori's table.

I bet they're also having some tests this week.

As I stepped closer and closer I noticed that they were having a conversation so to be polite I stopped at a corner and waited for them to finish.

"Well, Instead of telling him the full story I'll just tell him the reason why.

I really hope he would understand." It's Kaori who said that. Who is he portraying?

"You know Rumi, Kiyoomi deserves to know that I'm a Girl.

I've kept it from him for over a decade now. I bet that it would really hurt him that I haven't told him that." Rumi and I made eye contact before Kaori could even say that.

Kaori followed, looking behind her. Looking at me.


I looked at Kaori not being able to say something.

I don't know how should I feel about this.

Am I Angry?



I didn't even realize that I was walking away from them until she tugged on my sweater making me look back at her.

"Omi, I can explain!!!!"

"What is there to explain? You made it loud and clear." I removed her hand from my sweater.

"Don't talk to me for a while, please. I need some time alone. I'll call you when I'm ready to talk." Saying the first thing that came to my mind before walking away.

How could she?!


To be continued

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