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I just finished the test and it went pretty well. The results haven't gotten out yet but I felt great after taking the test.

As for the students who have clubs their midterms are related to their club activities, so they wouldn't really have to take the midterms for all of our subs.

Fumi still hasn't finished though, the newspaper club has a lot going on around so it's taking them a lot of time and effort.

While Rumi had something to go to, I heard that she is going on a blind date. I'm glad to see Rumi finally starting to heal.

As for me, I am sprinting towards the gym. Hoping that I would still be able to see Omi's game.

There weren't a lot of people in the gym but I saw a flock of girls in the corner of the bleachers, holding a banner. They must be the team's fan club, how cute.

The games are still going on with Itachiyama leading the scores.

I walk upstairs to sit, finding myself beside the fan girls. They were cheering for their fave players but I could see most of them being Omi's fans.

They were also nice to give me one of the cute banners that say


I'm sure that my soul practically left at this moment.

"FIrst time?" I diverted my head towards the voice.

I nodded giving a nervous smile to which she chuckled at.

"You can do this, just cheer as loud as you can. And don't say no, you have the cutest banner. You can't just let it go to waste." She patted my shoulders with her hands cheering me on.

Does she think this is cute? Oh God, this is embarrassing.

But she's right about letting it to waste, I went here to cheer for Omi's team, I should at least do something. If there are something athletes love. It's Food.



The players look at me in shock but Omi smiled and winked when our eyes met.

"Oh My GOSH, DID I JUST SEE SAKUSA WINK? LET ALONE GAVE A SMILE?" The girls were getting crazy over this little thing.

I guess the rumors might be true after all.

I smiled as I saw them jumping, raising their banners to cheer more loudly as the game began to heat up more.

The other team was also good, the orange hair dude is insane with those quicks. But better luck next time I guess.

Only one more point and Itachiyama High wins.

I guess I need to call the restaurant now. Wouldn't want to wait for the food.

But before I could actually make the call, I heard the whistle blow with the referee pointing his arm to Itachiyama's court.

"WE WON!!!"

Our side of the bleachers started to throw out their banners and scream in happiness. Just when I was about to go down the stairs I was pulled into a group hug.

"My- bones, Ouch"They chuckled a bit releasing each other from the hug.

"How about we go down and congratulate the team?" I offered but their looks when I told them that were pretty pouty and gloomy.

"Trust me, girl. The team is already exhausted from the play, they wouldn't want to deal with us anytime soon.

And the last time we did that Sakusa threatened us that if we get too close to him he will spray us with some bug spray." Their faces began to droop din own.

Omi is such a mood , I swear.

"Don't worry bout' that. I promise I'll take responsibility for whatever happens." I raised my right arm, swearing. Their aura got a bit better now.

I lead the way for us downstairs. The teams were shaking hands before they move to their respective spaces in the gym.

Our team's faces when they saw their fan club, it's hard to explain it but they weren't really interested at that much.

I waved my hands to them and it immediately changed. Is it the food bribe?

But I'm going to have a lot of lectures about this for them. They shouldn't be really invalidating the hard work of their fans.

"Kaori, Did you know that when Sakusa heard your cheers he pretty much gave an effort he usually never does." I could hear the confused murmur of the girls behind me.

"Where is he, Komori? I haven't seen him since we've gotten down here." I pointed the girls at my back, patiently waiting their turn for a talk to their idols.

"Well, I'm going over to the opposite team. I think I saw a familiar face." I waved a bye to the fan girls as well as to the team but I stopped when I spotted the captain.


"Hey, Make sure to not hurt their feelings this time. If you do you can say bye-bye to the lunch." I gave a smile patting his back before going on to the other side of the court.

I'm sure he got the hidden motive of my approach.

It's also been bothering me since then. I think I saw Tobio play, he's the setter of the opposing team. If I'm not wrong.

So in order to confirm my suspicions. Here I am.

"Is there anything wrong miss?" It's their coach asking.

"May I borrow Tobio for a bit?" The coach's eye nodded calling Tobio over "Hey Kageyama, someone wanted to see you here!"

I waved my hand to the players when they noticed me standing beside their coach. Tobio sprinted with his water bottle in his left hand.

"Kaori san. You're here?" He took a sip from his water bottle after asking. Their coach has long gone besides me, giving us the chance to talk.

"I transferred here a couple of months ago. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, but I am a bit frustrated." I raised one of my brows knowing what he meant.

"Then, how bout' you guys come over to our Team lunch? What do you say?" He pouted

"We have our own appointment, to be honest. How about next time?" I nodded and gave him a gentle pat on his head.

He's gotten really tall. The last time I saw him was like 4 years ago?

After I introduced myself to their team, I quickly bid goodbyes to them. I also got the number of their manager, Kiyoko. She's really kind and so is Yachi.

Next time I visit Miyagi, I'll definitely have a group date with those two. I might bring Rumi and Fumi as well, that is If they don't have plans.

I need to go back now, I can feel Omi's stare starting to get a bit ominous.


To be continued

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