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It's been a few days since. And today I need to enroll in my transfer in Itachiyama. Also, I received this gift from Omi, It was so cute. I've never seen his side of him.

I am preparing to leave the house. I just wore a white buttoned-up blouse and tucked in in black trousers.

Should I visit Omi and Komori in the Gym?

I'll buy the team snacks beforehand then.

What should I buy?

meat buns are too basic, they probably eat them often.

Chicken should be nice.

I'm an athlete too. And athletes do have big appetites.

So I need to buy lots

I entered the car, I am sitting up front.

"Let's head to XXXX Chicken place first." My driver nods, proceeding.

I ended up buying 6 boxes of chicken. I was only planning to buy 3, but there was a sale so I seized the opportunity. I'm sure they'll finish practicing after I'm finished in the office.

When I entered the gate, it was a surprise to see that there were a lot of students than I expected. Must be the club activities that made them busy. I should join a club too.

I had a map on my phone but it looks more difficult.


"Who is that?"

"Is he single?"

"He's so tall and handsome."

"What a hottie!"

"Should I ask for his number?"

You didn't notice that a lot of people were whispering when you came. You were too distracted in your own thoughts

You were too pretty to be ignored.

Too tall to not be noticed.

You decided to ask the nearest person in your direction. "Uhm, excuse me. I just wanna ask where the school's office is located?" The girl blushed at your sudden appearance, struggling to make a response. Of course, you were patient about it, "Are you new here? I could guide you there." You nodded giving a small smile.

"Are you sure it won't be a bother to you?"

"Yes Yes!"

"Lead the way."

It might seem a bit over to the top but she almost fainted after you showed her a smile.


News in Itachiyama Institute spread like wildfire, not to mention that you got on the attention of the school's Newspaper club. And a new scoop to them.

"Thank you for bringing me here! I appreciate it." the girl gave a wide smile to you. "I am happy to help!!!"

"If it's okay to ask, may I know your name?"

"Miyazaki Kaori, nice to meet you." You replied shaking her hands.

"I'm Tadashi Fumiko!, I'm part of the Newspaper club," she replied back.

"I'll be off now, thanks again. See you around!" Knocking on the office door first before entering.



"Sakusa look! Isn't this Miyazaki san."

I stopped spiking as Komori hurriedly walked toward me with his phone in his hands.

𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now