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"Hey, Rumi! You knew about this didn't you!!" I whisper shout giving her a glare. She took a deep breath before answering. 

"If I knew we wouldn't be here at your secret place!"

"How was I supposed to know that Sakusa is here!?"


The fresh air of the beach can't compare to anything.

"Excuse me miss, please just place our things at the usual place. Rumi and I are just going to share a room."

"The usual, I'm sorry miss but can you please explain." She must be new here.

" VVIP, room 10" 

"That room is occupied, miss." Huh? That's odd.

"VVIP, room 7 then." She nods carrying our things on her cart.

I should just ask "Hey miss! Is there an event going around today?" 

"The All-Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp is being held here for 3 days, it started a day ago miss." Shit, I gave her a small smile before she left.

Just in time, Rumi came back with snacks in her hand. I grabbed her swiftly taking her inside the building, I turn around to see if there is someone. Fortunately, there are only staffs around.

"Welcome back Miyazaki san! We hope you and Mochizaki san will have a great time staying here!" I bowed back in respect.

"We look forward to your service!" Rumi smiled after her reply.

"What's up with you Kaori? Is something wrong?"

"YES! There is something wrong, something really wrong."

"Kiyoomi is here." She burst into laughter but it slowly died down as soon as she saw my 'Dead- Serious-I'm-Not-Joking' expression.

"No way" She covered her mouth with both of her hands. "Yes way"

"Don't worry they won't know that we're here. And besides, we look hot to just go back home." She's kinda right, it'll be a waste to go back out now. 

And she's much more correct that we look hot right now, it's been a while since I've worn a  beach top with a long skirt that has a slit up to my upper thigh.

 Rumi is wearing a buttoned-down summer blouse, underneath is her black tank top and shorts.

"You're right, but make sure that you keep your eyes open at all times okay?" She rolled her eyes, "How am I supposed to see if my eyes aren't open.." I chuckled, She looked like Sakusa is behind me right now.


Don't freaking tell me-

"Okay no matter what you do, don't. look.back." She emphasized, I just nod following her orders.

She takes off her sunglasses handing them to me "Here, wear my sunglasses." 

But before we could go, a familiar voice spoke out Rumi's name making us freeze.

"Mochizaki san? What are you doing here?"

We slowly looked at each other, Oh god we're in big trouble.

"Run.." She and I whispered in unison.




"If I knew that Miya was going to be here, I would've called in sick" 

"Chill out Sakusa, at least we're the only ones who are here. I thought there might be a few people here. The Program must've rented out the whole resort. How rich are they?" Komori says amazed.

"They have sponsors and connections so I figured."

A clap caught everyone's attention

"Everyone please get ready, we will have a 2-on-2 volleyball match in a few minutes. You can go back to your respective rooms to change your clothes, but please hurry up" I should get ready, I need to vent some stress.

I just hope I'm not in a team with someone loud, especially Miya.

"Hey Komori, let's go" Komori nods walking towards me.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the lobby.

Seeing someone familiar made me stop my tracks. "Is that Mochizaki san?" Komori pointed out, so it's not just me, I thought I was hallucinating. But who is that girl with her, her back looks pretty.

What the heck Kiyoomi! stop whatever you're thinking right now.

"The girl that's with her looks so hot though"

 I don't know why I was kinda annoyed when he said that. 

"You didn't even see her face, who are you to judge"

I saw them preparing to leave, I should ask Mochizaki san about Kaori."

I walked towards them slowly "Mochizaki san? What are you doing here?" 

But before I could hear her reply she grabbed the girl's arm and ran off to who knows where.

"They forgot their snacks." Komori picks up the plastic bag full of chips and water.

Isn't that Kaori's favorite snacks? 

They're cousins so I guess they share the same taste in food.

Komori raised the plastic bag looking at me. "Should we give this to the staff? They probably know where their room is." I nod as my reply.

"We should get changed quickly, I don't wanna get another punishment from coach." 

I remember one time that I got late in practice, he made me clean up the whole gym with Miya. 

The cleaning part is okay, but with Miya, that's already a different story. 


To be continued

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