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It's been two weeks since that incident happened.

It's also been two weeks without Kiyoomi, He's been avoiding me!

This is worse than failing the test. How could he be in that library? I remembered him talking to me over the phone a night before that he would be going somewhere important.

Well speaking of the test I got a passing score of 97.

"Kaori, stop depressing over a 97 grade. That's literally above the average score most students got." Only if Fumiko knows...

I rested my head on my table, making my arms as a pillow. I heard Rumi's voice laughing a bit. How could she literally laugh while I'm close to a fucking mental breakdown?

"Fumiko chan, she's not depressed about her grade. It's about something else." How could she be making a funny face at this time? Is my situation funny?

At least someone is happy.

"What happened Kaori?" I heard Fumiko ask,' might as well tell her.

"You can ask Rumi about that, Fumi chan.

As for me, I'll think of something to fix this mess. Can't have one of my friends skip my birthday right? I forced a laugh.

I'm seriously going to need a plan.



"Can you believe it? After all these years I was cuddling with a GIRL? "Komori shrugged unfazed. How could he be so calm about this whole situation?

"I knew it."

"I told you that something was weird about her didn't I?" I tried to remember the times Komori had his suspicions about Kaori.

"Yeah, Yeah Whatever. I can't think of anything right now but her."

Komori nods in agreement, "I know right, but it's kinda weird that we have to refer to Kaori in female pronouns now." It's a bit of a change but we'll get the hang of it.



Wait, No. I'm supposed to be mad.

I'm supposed to hate her.

But, why can't I?

"Look, Kiyoomi." It must be a serious time right now, Komori never calls me by my first name.

"I know that you're upset-" I scoffed cutting him off


"No! It's more than that Komori! I feel betrayed. I was lied to. I was made a fool of!"

"Yes! I know Kiyoomi! Rumi told me that it was to protect her! You of all people know how it feels like to have your parents as well known in the business field.

How did you think Kaori felt when she received all of those death threats? those hate comments? All of those negative things in the media HUH?!"I don't know why I let him grab my collar.

"I'm not saying that you don't deserve to be upset, just try to understand why her family did that."

"It was for her sake, to protect her." I say enough for Komori to hear.

"Exactly." Komori pats my back gently, I glared at him "Did you wash your hands?"

"You really had to go and ruin the mood?" He gave me a blank stare, while I blinked.


After Sakusa had that talk with Komori. He decided to tell Komori about what he feels towards you.

As smart as Sakusa is, he has a weak point; It's you.

As much as he'd like to do it by himself, He needs help from Komori.

"So, That's why you can't get mad. It's because you love her."

Komori wiggled his brows with both of his palms under his chin as he nudges Sakusa teasingly. He wasn't expecting to see those faint blushes on his cousins' cheeks.

All those years he actually liked you, he just didn't know that it was a Romantic feeling.

And all those years he thought he 'liked you, but it was actually 'love' that he's feeling.

As moments passed, Sakusa got tired of the teasing so he was planning on how to murder his cousin with Lysol-

"Chill, I was just teasing ya'" Komori raised both his hands as a sign of defeat, chuckling lightly.

"Don't you worry my favorite cousin, I have a perfect plan." Oh god, to say that Sakusa is petrified is an understatement.

But if it's for you, then it's worth the risk of listening to his cousins' plan.


To be continued

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