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Rumi pushed you softly telling her to run.

"GO GO GO GO!! I'll cover for you!" you nod and starts to run away. Luckily there is a maze passageway that leads to the Hotel building.

You are fast, But so is Komori. He wouldn't be able to be the #1 libero without that skill.

While those two were playing cats and dogs, Rumi's sweatdrop as she saw Sakusa coming into her way with his hands in his pocket.

Rumi tried to escape

keyword; tried

"You're not leaving." Sakusa's cold voice filled the empty place.

"UGH, What do you want, and why are you here?" Rumi turned her way to face Sakusa. Rumi tried to look tough but failed miserably as Sakusa glared at her. Clearly towering her there is a major height difference let me tell you that.

"I could ask you the same, who's that girl with you here? It doesn't mean that Kaori told you about her place you'll go on bringing strangers here."

Rumi started to walk back so is Sakusa moving forward.

"AH ! YES! K-kaori told me about this p-place, I j-just brought a friend to h-help me inspect if this place is still o-okay, h-hehe.... he" Rumi sweatdropped.

"The staffs are the ones who are checking this place though-" Sakusa got cut off by Rumi's loud voice. He made a bit of distance,

"YES HA HA HA HA, But I need to make sure everything is perfect.

A-after all, Kaori is c-coming back---" Rumi immediately covered her mouth, can't believe that she just said that.

"Kaori is coming back, When!?" He stoops closer toward Rumi.

Of course, Rumi was scared for her life so she just told him whatever comes to her mind first.


Rumi closed her eyes scared that Sakusa might shout at her, but it was the opposite.

She opened one of her eyes to see his dark expression.

He chuckled softly.

"So he ignored me for 3 days, and didn't tell me that he'll come back" Sakusa facepalmed laughing lightly.

"Actually-- never mind hehe." Rumi wanted to say something but just hooked it off as soon as he received a cold stare from Sakusa.

"You can leave now. Also, tell him that If he won't text me within the next 3 hours I'll make sure to ignore him for the rest of the time."

Rumi nods quickly walking away from Sakusa and when she was far enough she ran scared for her life.



Should I hire him as my bodyguard?

He sure is hella fast, I'm getting a bit exhausted from running so I decided to hide in the bush of the maze, looking around to see if he's near.

"Gotcha." I saw him panting placing both of his hands on his hips for support.

Shit, can't you give me a fucking break?

I stand up, looking, thinking of something. I need to escape.

The maze is too tall to climb, and this fucking plant has no branches that I could step on.

"Hey, you! Come here" Komori is now running towards me, this is my chance!

Last resort, I'm sorry Komori.

I gave him a gentle (reverse turning) kick, hitting his face.

Oh Shit! I never meant to hit his head.


I started running away from him, luckily he fell on his butt when I kicked him.

I just hope he won't faint.


I open the door of our room, panting.

After all of that running, I sure am exhausted.

I scan the room looking for Rumi, hasn't she come back yet?

Oh! there she is.

"Rumi, you won't believe what happened!" I walked towards her, she was oddly quiet.

"Kaori!, You need to contact that freaking Sakusa, I almost died." She grabbed onto my collar gripping it tightly before breaking down into tears.

What the heck did Kiyoomi do to make her cry like this?

I gently patted her back, comforting her.

"Hey Hey, don't worry Rumi. I'll kick Omi's butt for making you cry like this. Did it somehow trigger you?" She nods her head slowly.

"By the way, the snacks are here. I haven't eaten yet though." She mumbled enough for me to hear. I patted her head.

"Don't worry Rumi, You'll find someone who'll love you for who you are. But for now, focus on yourself first. I'll help you with that, that's what cousins are for right?" She pursed a small smile.

Rumi had a bad past with her ex-boyfriend, he emotionally abused her, and he didn't love Rumi. What he loved were Rumi's money and luxury life.

That's one of the cons of being really privileged with your life. But good thing Rumi broke things with him, although it made a toll on Rumi's mental and physical health, we're helping her heal.

Even though Kiyoomi is my best friend, him hurting Rumi crossed the line.


To be continued

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