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"What do you mean to confess head-on?!"

Sakusa choked on the air as soon as his cousin told him about the plan.

"Huh? I thought that you wouldn't want any trivial stuff happening in your confession.

So might as well tell her you like her." Komori shrugged his shoulders, he looks at his cousin's soul leaving his body.

"You're no big help. I should ask someone else for advice if I want to ask her out." He lays flat on his bed with his arms spread out. While Komori stood up and looked for his things

"Hey Kiyoomi, I'm heading off somewhere. I wish that I could stay and give you more advice but Judging from what you said seconds ago.

It seems that I might not be a big help to ya'. So bye." Komori waved goodbye to his cousin not bothering to wait for a reply."

'What was so important that he left?' Sakusa thought as he doze off.

Finally dressing up before calling a specific someone for help.



I tap my fingers on the table for the nth time. I was hesitating whether to call him for help. But you know what they say right? Do it before it's too late.

"Oh. You're finally here, Komori."

I straightened my body when I saw his figure. He sat down taking off his cap and putting it aside.

"You don't know how troublesome it is to be a double agent."

"I didn't ask you to spy on Omi on my behalf, I called you here because I need help to make things better." I return with a raised brow.

"Fair enough. And I'm not doing this for you okay? I'm doing this because my pretty cousin needs to get lai-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I whisper shouted looking down in embarrassment, I looked at my surroundings to see if someone heard.

Fortunately, there weren't a lot of people here but you gotta look out for some waiters.

"Jeez, chill down. I was joking about that part. But it's somewhat true..." He toned the last part down but he needs to work on that because I clearly heard it.

"But I honestly want my cousin to finally date someone ya know?

And he's really serious about wanting to ask you out." He covered his mouth realizing what he just said.

He didn't just-

"Forget about what I said, okay?" I nodded, I put my hands on my cheeks to at least share the warmth. But then I retracted my hands from my face.

I need to ask Komori about something. It's bothering me so I need to ask.

"Btw Komori, Didn't Omi get into relationships?"

What the heck is he grinning for?-

"He didn't just go and date people, you know how he is." I sighed

"But seriously. Out of all the cafes that we could go to, you just had to choose the one that Kiyoomi favors the most." His expression was unreadable when he said that.

"I didn't know that this cafe' still stands #1 to him. But judging from how peaceful and high quality it is then it's debatable." I look around at the surroundings of the cafe'.

"Plus, when Omi brought me here I was a bit overjoyed because it doesn't smell like your typical cafe'.

I just hate the smell of strong coffee, so this cafe' kinda grew onto me." I gave Komori a small smile.

We caught up on things too. It's been years since we had the chance to properly talk with each other again. But we can't just talk about trivial things at the moment, don't we?

Let's get down to the real business of this meet-up.



I can't believe I called him here.

"I can't believe Omi Omi called me here for help! Especially in his love life-" I glared at him making him stop talking.

"Let's head straight to business Miya."

"Fine Fine, but could we at least munch something while talking? I have a talent fee ya' know?"

"I'm pretty sure I didn't agree on paying you after this."

"But I'm hungry."

"fINE fINE. But stop whining like a damn pig."

I called the waiter that we were ready to order now. This place is not famous but it's the best because of that reason.

There are a few people here and there but not a lot.

"Thank you, your orders will be sent in just a few minutes." I nod as an acknowledgment, while Miya sent a wink and thanked the waiter.

"So So, what's the problem Omi chan?" I cringed at the nickname but shook it off, only just because he was doing me a favor.

"Well, there's this boy- well technically she's a girl but I just found out recently and. Ugh!" I sighed in frustration as I tried to find words that could describe the situation but failed miserably.

"Woah Woah, slow down Saku-chan. Tell me what's the situation first okay?" I nod, let's trust him just this once.

"Well, I have had someone close to me for years and she kept a secret from me. I didn't know that she was a female all along and I felt betrayed and lied to.

To cut it short I was Upset." Atsumu hums and nods.

"Well, she must've had a reason, right?" I nodded and explained

"Her parents and mine have a similar job setting and it's not a dangerous job but all the negativity and criticism from the media may have an impact on us.

So I guess that must've been it why she kept her identity all along." Atsumu chuckled lightly after hearing it.

"You've got a pretty cliche' situation happening there Omi." And now he's back at the name thing.

Atsumu gestured for me to continue spilling the tea, so I did.

I was interrupted by the water delivering our food to the table, so I just proposed to take a break and have ourselves enjoy the food first.

We talked about things related to volleyball too.

Time passed and we finished our food along with the conversation. As much as I'd like to deny how helpful Miya had been, I can't. But besides that fact I'm thankful for his help, So I offered o pay for our bill.

"Thanks, Omi Omi. I'll go first. Bye-bye!" I didn't say anything and just waved back.

It's pretty exhausting for me too, So I go straight home now.


To be continued

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