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"If I'd known that you're going to bring us here, I should've brought the snacks with us"

"Don't tell me you didn't bring the snacks with us"

"I didn't bring the snacks with us" I facepalmed as I hear her reply.

"But the management told me that someone returned the snacks and it was delivered to our room." Rumi looks through her phone scrolling.

"Well at least we've brought our phones, this place is really peaceful and nice." I nod in agreement. Rumi is currently taking pictures of us, and also the place.

I hugged my legs burying my face in them. "How could you be so calm about this Rumi, we almost got caught."

Judging from her reply I guess she heard. "But they didn't, trust me. No one could recognize you with that sunglasses." I take them off handing them to Rumi.

"Keep it, you'll never know maybe they'll pop out here out of nowhere."

I gave her a glare. "Don't jinx it"

"UGH, Rumi I'm so bored!"

"Why don't you swim for a while, I'll look out" I frown

"I don't want to ruin the outfit." Rumi gave me her 'are-you-serious' face look before shooking it off.

I stand up dusting off the sand, I looked around trying to reminisce the memories I and Omi made here.

I remember that we used to hide from our parents here.

"Have you gone koo-koo? You were smiling looking at the sand." I shake my head, "No, I just remembered something." I pursed my lips in a thin smile.



We finished practicing for about an hour, fortunately, I paired with Korai san. and with that, we won. Komori was paired up with Kageyama going against them was difficult, but his receives were on point.

If it weren't for this sand, we could've done our best. But that's the purpose, we trained here not only because we were sponsored but because to enhance our skills by adapting to a new location. I doubt that they wouldn't know that.

"Omi Omi!" God please no.

Where the heck is Komori, I need to find him before this roach goes near me-

I guess it's too late for that, I already felt his sweaty arms resting on my back.

"Miya, I swear If you don't remove your disgusting arm, I will kill you-" He knows where this is coming so before I could finish He removed his arms raising the both of them.

"Woah Woah, you're a bit stingy than the usual ey'?"

"Don't mind him Atsumu san, he's just stressed cause his best friend is not-"

"It's none of your business anyways, Komori let's go. I need to go somewhere." Taking my belongings I started to walk away.

"See you at dinner Atsumu san!" Komori caught up to me after saying bye.

"You okay?"

"I'm not." He should've known better.

"Where are we going? This isn't the way to our hotel."

I felt him Stop his tracks, "You can go back first if you want. Bring my things with you." I smirked under the mask, I knew he won't go back by himself, and I most definitely know that he won't carry my stuff.

"Let's go back together later, I wanna come with you."



It's been an hour since we got here maybe we should come back to our room now. "Rumi, let's go back now. I'm sure that I'm not the only one hungry here." I heard her stomach growl at the mention of food.

She stood up from the rock that she was sitting at "Let's just come back here at night, there are fireflies here" Her eyes sparkled, and she nodded vigorously.

"Wait! I hear something-" But before Rumi could say what she wanted to say, footsteps were heard coming.


Here we go again, I swiftly put on the glasses, also covering my mouth with my hand.

There are two tall figures that entered--

ACK! I was pulled by Rumi, my body facing her back. Seriously!? She's shorter than me, so all I could do was lower my figure.

"Don't freaking move!!!"She whisper-shout looking back at me. I just nodded as my response.



We walked towards the pathway, The fairy lights are still there. But I think they changed them into a new one, after all, I remembered Kaori asking them to take care of this place.

"Hey Sakusa, we aren't supposed to be here, you can pretty much see that this place is private. Although this place deserves to be on pinterest, it's so pretty." I heard Komori mumble the last part.

"Don't worry, only I and Kaori went to this place. You could pretty much say that this is where we hang out whenever we go here."

"Oh that's why you guys were like disappearing, you know your parents almost had a heart attack." I chuckled

"We're near there." I saw the gatelike structure, "We just need to enter through that cave-like door." I pointed that out.

"You know what Sakusa, it's not too late to go back. I know what I said earlier that this place deserves praise but it looks Haunted!" He's losing his mind.

I pulled the back of the shirt before he could run off. "I'll clean your room when we come back if you'll stay." What a way to bribe him to stay, works every time though.

"We're here." I look around the place putting down my belongings.

They clean this place often and we're the only ones who are here so I'm safe here.

I heard Komori shout. "Hey! Who are you guys!?" I look over to see him pointing at someone.

Before I could tell him to calm the heck down, he started chasing them.

I squint my eyes."Mochizaki san?" I mumble.


To be continued

lilac's note: will they get caught?

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now