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Things have been hectic lately. All second-year students in Itachiyama High demanded a break.

But unfortunately, the principal of the school stated that the students will be given a well-deserved break after they finish their midterms. It was in the school newspaper this morning.

By the time the news reached almost everyone in the school they were motivated hastily proceeding to the library to study and do some research as well.

After all, their principal is well known for keeping her promises.

The library was practically filled with lots of people by this time. The library is big enough to occupy crowds but there would be a bit of a problem in terms of books.

Due to that Fumiko offered them to have a group study in their clubroom.

"She mentioned that it would be spacious, but I didn't expect that it would be this wide." The two were in awe after seeing the quality of the clubroom not to mention the quantity of the books there. It could be labeled as the second library of the school.

"Well, Our school values the newspaper club and such so the Principal was generous in giving us our own space." Fumiko shrugged.

They noticed that it was too quiet when they entered and it feels like they were the only ones in there currently. "But Fumi chan, where are your other club members?"

"Some are on break at the moment. You see, they usually don't stay here very often.

They are used to finding scoops themselves rather than relying on what they hear. A journalist must always 'fact check'." Fumi chan sounds like a pro Journalist for a second.

"Okay girls, let's get this over with. I wanna finish this quickly so we can go home."

"HMMM, We're sure that you just wanna talk to your Sakusa and do lovey-dovey stuff after." You raised your brows when your two friends started to make kissing noises and laugh like crazy. You let them be and started to find books on the shelf.

Well, they're not fully wrong about what they said.


The school was finished in a snap, however, some students still insisted on staying in the library to study a bit more.

But it wasn't really the same case for the trio.

"Ugh, my head is killing me. I think we should go home now." Fumiko wiped her mouth a bit aggressively after drinking water.

"I think so too." Rumi had her thumbs raised up if Fumiko squinted her eyes she would see the soul leave out of her friend's body.

Fumiko looked at your sleeping figure and sighs "What should we do about Kaori?" She pointed her thumb.

"I'll call Sakusa."

The both of them nodded before Rumi started the call with Sakusa.

They didn't want to leave you in here without anyone by your side. Especially when you're sleeping in such a large area.

Sakusa arrived shortly after the call, one strap of his backpack was laying on top of his shoulder while the other one swayed as he walked towards them.

Fumiko was surprised but then she remembered that the Gym was only a short walk beside their Club room.

"Hey Sakusa, thanks for your quick appearance. Please do take care of Kaori for us. Text us when you guys get home safely."

Rumi pulled Fumiko after she bowed to Sakusa, they quickly left the room by sprinting.

"They could've waked you up." He muttered, putting down his back to wake you up. He really doesn't mind.

He lowered himself just above your height, lightly whispering, "Hey Baby, It's time to go home." He gently pats your back hoping it's enough to wake up.

You groaned in annoyance, muttering complaints under your breath.

"Come on now you big baby. Your back will hurt if you stay longer like this." He helped you fix your dishevelled hair, combing it through his fingers.

"When did you get here?"

It was clear that you had napped for a long time as a result of the grogginess of your voice.

"Not too long, sweetie."

You smiled squinting your eyes as you stretch your arms upwards giving out a yawn. "Tired?" You nod, before taking out your tumblr to drink water.

"Can I get a hug?" The corners of your lips lifted as you opened your arms.

"I'm sweaty, I just finished practice."

Your smile turned into a pout after your lover rejected your hug.

"My boyfriend woke me up only to find out he doesn't love me anymore. Is that why you didn't give me my kisses?" Sakusa was amused, he didn't know this side of you existed.

"I'll give you as many kisses as you want, but first I need to take you home." You still pouted not budging.

"I won't go with you if you won't give me kisses."

"Fine, But only one kiss."

Sakusa was tired too, he thought that if he won't give you what you want you really won't go home. So he just gave up and gave you a kiss. He felt you smile between the kiss, cupping his face you kissed back tilting your head to deepen the kiss.

He broke the kiss first not wanting things to heat up. During kissing you he tasted something grapey.

To confirm his suspicions he asked you.

"Kaori baby, what did you drink while you were here?" He placed his hands on the sides of your shoulder.

"Hmm besides water, I drank a grape juice Minho bought for me." You smiled your eyes a bit drowsy.

"Can I see the box? if you still have it?" You shuffled the stuff in your bag, and after a while, you finally found the empty so-called 'juice box'

But before you could give it to Sakusa he already beat you to it.

"Dumbass, this isn't just grape juice. It's freaking wine on a juice box. No wonder you fell asleep." He facepalmed while chuckling ono himself.

"Now that I've given you kisses, how bout let's take you home hm?" You saw Sakusa open his arms and you gladly sprint towards him almost making you two fall.

"Now you realized that I have the best kisses so you want to hug me hmm." Your voice was muffled but still can be heard.

"Whatever you say."

He took note of this to not let you drink too much in the future.


To be continued

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Where stories live. Discover now