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This is weird. How is this possible?

I look at the bracelet that Komori found, it's similar to mine.

No, I take that back, it's the same.

There are initials but I can't understand them. It's written in another language.

Something is not right, I can't help to ignore the weird feeling on my stomach.


"Did it hurt?" It was a dumb question I know, but I can't think of any at the moment.How

"How about you were the one to receive the kick and have this painful bruise on your eyes." He's being dramatic, it's true that a bruised formed but it's not that big. Maybe it felt more painful than it looked.

"But what hurts the most is that it landed on my face, my face!" Now he sounds like Miya.

"You only talked to that Miya for barely a minute, and yet it seems like you've gotten something from his personality."

"Oh by the way, I found this bracelet. When the girl kicked me it fell, so I took it." He took something out from his pocket, a bracelet like what he said.

"It's like your bracelet, there are initials too. But yours are in Japanese."

"You're seriously going to hand that to me when you just told me it fell on the ground a while ago. At least clean it first dumbass." He stood up walking toward the bathroom.

"Fine, Fine no need to grumble." Look who's the one grumbling now.


"What took you so long?" Komori asked the two who just came back just a few minutes ago.

"There wasn't anyone around in the infirmary, I'll talk to my dad about that. How shameless are they to slack off, especially that they knew we'll be staying here for a few days." He looks mad.

Kaori took something out of the bag that they came back with. "But here's the ointment."

"If no one was around, how'd you guys know that it's the right ointment."

"Kaori, fences back in France. So whenever he trains he gets bruises more often." How did I not know of that?

"And you didn't tell me?"

"It means that she loves me more than she does with you." That annoying Rumi stuck her tongue out.

"I just figured it does not really concern you Omi. And you're busy practicing volleyball most of the time so..yeah." I felt a bit upset.



Rumi was the one aiding Komori, she said she wanted to practice her nursing skills on Komori.

Kiyoomi took a bath for the nth time. I'm sure he felt a little comfortable adjusting to this atmosphere. Usually, it's just me and him, but now it's us four.

He's not the type of person to agree with the saying 'the more, the merrier.

I was roaming around the room when I saw something sparkle.

What the heck!? I rushed towards the object realizing that it was mine.

What's my bracelet doing here?

"OH, That belonged to the girl who kicked me in the face" Komori pointed at my bracelet.

Shit, it must've fallen when I was running.

"Can I have this? it's totally my style." I pretended to look interested. It's mine in the first place.

"It's Kiyoomi's now, 'gave it to him. He said it looked similar to his."


I seriously forgot that I was the one who asked for it to be customized.

I looked at the closet door, revealing Omi. his wet hair looks hot-

No, I shouldn't be thinking of that uh.. stuff.

"Can you read that Kaori? You can understand and speak french right? It looks like it is written in French." I slowly nodded, I am in big trouble.

How am I supposed to tell him that it's my name engraved!!!

I internally panicked while showing a smile.

I need to think of something, fast.

Omi tried to take it from my hands in to which I swiftly hid the bracelet behind my back. "I'll just translate it if you can't understand."

"NO!" All three of them looked at me, baffled.

"I mean, I know how to read it. It's just a bit blurry. Ahehe.." I released a relieved exhale as Kiyoomi looks convinced enough.

"I-it says, the moon is beautiful isn't it." I smiled looking at Kiyoomi.

That was smooth. Thankfully I was able to make it up

Omi scooted closer taking the bracelet.

He looked at the bracelet, then, at me. "It looks a little bit short to have a long translation don't you think?"

"Well, for someone who can't understand french you sure are suspicious." I replied back with confidence, raising a brow.

"Okay, I'll believe you if you give me another example."

I think of something for a bit before replying.

"Je vous aime bien. Je t'aime beaucoup."

"It means that I'm beautiful." Oh no, I'm supposed to say Handsome, not beautiful.

"Well, you do look beautiful, too beautiful for your gender to be honest."

"That's a lot coming from you."

Kiyoomi then lowers his figure to be at the same level as my head. "You look red, are you sick?"

Was I blushing?

"Yes, I am actually sick. All that traveling must've been taking a toll on my health." I faked cough

"How dare you! You didn't tell me! I should take another bath then, and also double dose my vitamins. I can't get sick!" I tugged Omi's shirt, making him stop.

"I was just joking Omi. It's just a bit hot. I'll tell the staff to change the ac here." Kiyoomi released a sigh of relief.

"Please stop flirting with each other, we're still here you know?"

"There's definitely something wrong with the ac. I feel suddenly hot."


To be continued

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