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It isn't every day to see the Sakusa Kiyoomi being so touchy with just anyone but it's different with your case. Sakusa being touchy with you is common, but he's a bit more clingy than usual.

You were pulled into this dare by your friends where you have to ignore your lover for a whole day.

You weren't interested in it in the first place but decided to try it anyways since you were curious about the expression from your boyfriend.

Today was a day off of practice for Sakusa and you were hanging out in his place like usual.

You were becoming third-year students so you wanted to study some advanced lessons that were related to your course when you take college.

As for Sakusa he wanted to have some quality time with you, but you were acting otherwise.

You are sitting on the floor in their study room, while Sakusa is laying on the nearest bean bag to you.

You had been studying for almost an hour now and he wasn't really pleased with how you kept ignoring him every time he tries to distract you from studying.

"Babe, I want kisses." Sakusa sighed standing up from the bean bag to head over to you. He was behind your back sitting, waiting for your response. His frown grew when he hadn't received any.

"Babe." He tries again

"Kaori." You froze, you were holding your laugh not wanting to bust your cover.

You didn't actually want to keep this prank for too long but seeing the reaction from your boyfriend drives you crazy for wanting more.

"Baby." He whined once more, voice was muffled as he embraced you from the back, pulling you close with his arms wrapped around your waist and his face buried on your shoulder.

You looked at him with an unreadable expression, Sakusa was about to lean in for a kiss but pouted when you turned back to your table.

"Did I do something wrong, babe? You haven't said a word since!"

He removed his arms from you, now walking over in front of you.

You moved your stuff in another direction away from him. He furrowed his brows starting to get annoyed.

He genuinely wants you to pamper him with lots and lots of affection but he ended up receiving none. He was figuring out why you won't talk to him.

"Doll-" He was about to try again but your phone rang making him halt his words.

You decided to tease him more a bit by texting Rumi to call you and pretend that he was a boy to make him a tiny bit jealous.

Rumi was ecstatic when she found out that you were doing the prank on your Omi.

Now the game has begun when you accepted the 'boy's' call.

"Hey, what's up?" Sakusa walked over to you not bothering to sit. He crossed his arms with a scoff when you decided to put on your AirPods when you noticed him getting closer.

"Oh, I'm just studying some stuff right now. But I could come over if you want to Haru-chan." Sakusa raised his brows when he heard a very unfamiliar name, he wouldn't actually mind if it weren't for it being a male name.

"Don't worry, I'm just hanging out with a friend right now. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Now, this was the last straw for Sakusa. He couldn't wait to hear the end of your conversation anymore so he decided to take your AirPods off your ear and carried you on his shoulder.

You yelped when you were thrown over "Hey! What-"

Sakusa cut you off with a soft chuckle, you couldn't see his expression but you knew that you were in big trouble.

"Oh so now you're talking huh? Who was that boy you were talking to?"

You noticed that this was the way to his room, shortly he opened a door and you were right this was his room.

He softly placed you on top of his bed. "Omi, it's not what it seems like-" You tried to explain but you were cut off by a kiss from your boyfriend.

You were shocked still not being able to process it.

But it wasn't the same for your lover his eyes are closed enjoying the kiss, he cupped your cheek tilting his head to slightly deepen the kiss.

You closed your eyes wrapping your arms around his neck, you weren't kissing aggressively it was a passionate and gentle kiss.

Sakusa sat you on his lap connecting your heads together, panting from the make-out session that just happened.

He looked into your eyes but you were looking down in a blushing mess.

He lifted your chin up with his fingers, pecking your lips, then your cheek and your forehead.

"Now that I've got your attention, who was that boy hm?"

Sakusa says pecking your lips once again. It seems that your boyfriend is addicted to your lips.

"It was a prank Omi."

You lock your eyes with him, you saw his confused expression and you explained how your friend pulled you into the prank.

Sakusa chuckled "So that boy that you were talking to was actually Rumi?" You nodded.

"If you won't believe me I can get my phone in the Study room and I'll let you see the recent calls."

You tried removing yourself from Omi but you couldn't. You looked at him tilting your head confused.

"I believe you, but you have to make it up to me first. What do you think?"

You giggled when he placed a peck on your shoulder.

You quickly stood up from his bed walking over to dim the lights of his room.

"Now, this is a perfect cuddling atmosphere." You smiled but before you go back to your lover you went over to his wardrobe first.

Sakusa looked amused when you took one of his hoodies.

"Can I?" He nods giving you permission to wear his hoodie.

The hoodie was big on you it stopped mid-thigh completely covering your shorts.

Going over to his bed once again to sit back on his lap. You kissed his moles and gave a chaste kiss on his lips.

"My pretty Omi. Let me make it up to you. But what would you like for me to do hmm?" You scanned your eyes on his face before stopping them on his lips.

"What about cuddles and kisses?"

You chuckled when you felt him lay you down on the bed.

You were facing him with his arm wrapped onto your waist to pull you closer. You leaned in for a kiss again.

You felt him bite your lower lip making you gasp, he took this as an opportunity to put on his tongue.

"Strawberry, my fav." He licked his lips smirking. He was right you were wearing a strawberry lip balm.

"I'll receive more kisses later. I want to cuddle with you now." You nodded smiling.

"I love you doll." He pecked your lips one last time before hugging you, resting his head on top of your shoulder. His scent from the hoodie was smelt with a hint of yours.

"I love you too, my pretty baby." You caressed his curls and placed your head on his chest.


This was home for both of you.


To be continued

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