Break Up

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I pack out my suitcase from the summer and pack my suitcase for university. I've been accepted to Harvard! That's so cool, I never thought I would make it into such an amazing university!

The only problem, Harvard lies in Massachusetts. That's twice as far as California. It feels like I'm going to the other side of the world. For real.

Gina is going to move to Arizona. To Phoenix, the capital. I hate seeing her sad. Unfortunately, she has been very sad the last few days. She hates that she has to move again. She hates that she has to ditch her friends.

I know exactly how she feels, I feel the same. I don't want to live that far away from my friends. That far away from Gina. I don't know how we're gonna do that. If we're gonna do that.

The bell rings downstairs. I hear my mum opening the door and I hear a voice. It sounds familiar but I can't hear who it is. After a few seconds, I hear my mum shouting upstairs. "EJ, honey, someone's here for you."

I walk down the stairs and I see Gina standing at the door. She wears a white skirt and a soft pink top. She put her hair in a high bun. She looks gorgeous.

I walk towards her and take her to my room since my Mum is staring at us."Sorry that I didn't text you," Gina says when I close my bedroom door. I smile. "It's okay," I say.

"You were packing?" she asks and she points at the suitcases at my bed. "Yea," I nod. "I'm already leaving tomorrow." "Me too," Gina says. "I really don't want to go but Mum won't let me stay another year at Ashlyn's."

I put my arms around her. "Hey, you'll be fine," I say. Gina's eyes blink and she nods. "I hope so," she says.

"Gina, I have to ask you something," I start and I look straight into her eyes. "Do you think we can do the long-distance relationship and stuff?" I ask. "I mean, like, really long distance."

A tear falls down the cheeks of Gina. "We can do it, right?" she asks. "I don't know," I state and I start to cry too. "Maybe-," I start.

"Maybe it's better if we don't," I state. Gina frowns. "What do you mean?" she asks. "Maybe it's better not to do a long-distance relationship," I say and the tears are running down my face.

"Like- Like breaking up?" Gina asks with a dry voice. I swallow and slowly nod. "Maybe it's better," I say.

We're both crying a lot. If I'd collected all those tears in a bottle, I'd have a lot of drinkable water. The only problem is that tears aren't drinkable but I'll figure that out.

After a full minute of crying, Gina dries her tears. "So, we- we break up now?" she stutters. "I guess," I say and I dry my tears as well. I want to kiss her and hug her so badly but I know that it would only make things harder.

Gina nods and she walks to the door. "Good luck at Harvard," she says and she turns around, opens the door, and walks away.

I stay in my room, the tears fill my eyes again. I sit on the ground in front of my bed, my arms hugging my legs. I cry all the tears out of my body.

POV Nini

I walk around in the studio. I just recorded the final things and I'm gonna upload my music in a bit. I'm kinda nervous, this is my first real song that's going to be on my Insta. The Rose Song wasn't really made for Insta.

I sigh. Why does it take Jamie so long to come back?! I owe Gina's brother a lot, Jamie introduced me to some great music producers and they wanted to collaborate with me.

Finally, the door opens, Jamie walks into the room and gives me a bottle of water. "Thanks," I say. He smiles and goes to the laptop. "We're almost ready to post it," he says and he taps on the keys of the keyboard.

"What are you doing now?" I ask curiously. "I'm double-checking if everything works and if the music is right," he says, not looking away from the laptop.

After a few minutes, he closes the laptop and turns to me. "We're good, we're ready to post the music," he says. "I send you the last version and you can post it now if you want to,"

I grab my phone and open Insta. Here I go. I upload the music video and put it online. Now there's no turning back. I take a deep breath and turn my phone off. Jamie laughs at me.

"You were so stressed?" he asks. I nod and laugh at the realization of the situation. "Don't worry, it's great, I'm sure everyone will love it!" he says. "Thank you," I smile.

I hear a message coming from my phone. I quickly grab it and look at the message. "Who is it?" Jamie asks laughing. "Carlos," I state. "He sent me a video of him dancing to my music," I laugh.

I look at the reactions on Insta. Nice but way too much autotune. "Do you think I used too much autotune?" I ask Jamie. He shakes his head. I expected better lol. I don't see how that is lol.

There'll be better reactions... I hope...

That's already the second part! I'm sorry if it is a bit short, I just have to get into the story again.

Thanks for reading!!

Love, Anna <3

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