Two Oruguitas

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POV Gina

I'm sitting next to Jack's bed again. EJ is already back at his university. He found it hard to leave, I could see that. But he also didn't want to stay.

Yesterday, I got a call from Seb. He's alive! He told me everything that happened and I'm honestly so happy.

Yesterday, Jack also woke up. The doctors said he is gonna be fine. His body is reacting way worse than it actually is. As soon as he turns a thought in his mind, he'll be completely fine.

So, basically, it's just posturing. Like, Jack thinks he's crazy hurt, while there is really nothing.

It's kind of funny when you think about it.

"How are you feeling?" I ask when Jack opens his eyes. "Better," he replies. "That's good," I say and I smile. Jack doesn't smile back. He has an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Don't pretend like everything is fine between us," Jack states harshly. "What do you mean?" I ask and I try to grab Jack's hand but he pulls it away.

"You know, this is your fault," he says.


How is this my fault?

I'm not the one who punched.

I'm not the one pretending to be hurt.

"How is this my fault, I couldn't change it, right?" I ask him, trying to stay calm. "It is your fault," he says. "Jack, how can this be my fault, I didn't tell EJ to punch you or something. Stop being childish and stop believing that is my fault, because it's not," I state clearly.

Jack's being ridiculous. I couldn't have prevented it, right?

"You did this so now you'll have to make up for what you did," Jack states. "Stop, this isn't the boyfriend I know," I say and I frown.

"Maybe you don't know your boyfriend," Jack says, still with the angry look on his face. "Maybe I don't have a boyfriend," I state. I grab my stuff and walk away.

I'm not gonna waste my time on this loser. I'm better off without him anyway.


I've been back for a few days now and it feels so good to not have to hide from my parents anymore. Every day was really scary, hoping that my parents wouldn't force me to go back.

My friends have been amazing these days. They even threw me a welcome back party, which in the end was just watching High School Musical 3 together.

I realized how much I've missed them. I cannot think about ever losing them again.

I also feel a bit bad about leaving everyone for so long. They were so sad that they couldn't do anything for a while. They've all ruined their grades, all because of me.

If I just told them that I was going away for a while, they didn't have to worry that much.

At least, now everything can go back to normal. Even a bit better, hopefully, without my parents.

We're in the rehearsal room. The musical is already in a few weeks and there is still so much left to do.

"Carlos, your turn to sing a song today, honey," Miss Jenn states when she walks into the room. "Two Oruguitas is for you."

I let go of Carlos's hand when he walks to the front of the room. And he starts singing. I almost forgot how great he could sing.

"Two Oruguitas, in love and yearning. Spend every evening and morning learning. To hold each other, their hunger burning," Carlos starts.

This song is perfect for him.

He is perfect for this song.

Ashlyn dims the light, so the only light in the room is the one sunbeam making Carlos glow. It's wondrous, it's magical, it's perfect.

"Two Oruguitas, against the weather. The wind grows colder, but they're together," Carlos sings and he looks at me. I give him a smile and he smiles back which gives me a warm feeling in my stomach. I missed him.

"Ay Oruguitas, don't you hold on too tight. Both of you know, it's your time to grow, to fall apart, to reunite. Wonders await you, just on the other side."

When Carlos finishes the song, I walk toward him and give him a long hug. I never want to let go.

Okayyy this was cute :)

@Amaanaxoxo for you I broke up Gina and Jack, you're welcome. I hope you're happy that Gina is now depressed lmao

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, next chapter is the wedding of BennyJenny so that'll be funnnn

Love, Anna <3

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