Encanto Part III

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POV Carlos

I watch my perfect boyfriend walking on the stage. "The rats told me everything," he states. The audience laughs.

He has always been the cutest of the theater kids, but now he's also the cutest Antonio I've ever seen.

I think back to the last few months. Without Seb. Without the best person who's ever been in my life. I never want to go back to that.

Seb's the person who makes me my best self. Since I met him, that day at the auditions for High School Musical, I wasn't scared to be myself anymore. Because he would accept me. And that's all that matters.

Seb walks off the stage toward me. I give him a hug immediately.

"Hi," Seb states happily.

"You were awesome," I say and I look into his perfect eyes.

"You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend," he says and he shyly looks away.

"No, you just have to realize how insanely talented you are," I state.

"Carlos is right," EJ says behind me. How did he appear there out of nowhere? I look at Seb again who is smiling.

"Do you have any scenes in the next couple of minutes?" I ask. Seb shakes his head. "No, only with All of you."

"Follow me," I state and I grab Seb's hand. Together we walk away from the stage, to one of the rooms backstage.

I look at Seb. He's looking at our hands and the smile on his face couldn't be any bigger.

"What?" I ask.

"I just like the way my hand fits perfectly in yours," he states.

"Cheesy," I say, but I feel the blood streaming to my cheeks.


"Where are we?" I ask Carlos.

"To be honest, I have no idea. I just wanted to be away from all of our friends," he states. I start to blush again. He grabs both of my hands in his.

"I can never get you out of my head," Carlos says.

"Thanks?" I state and Carlos starts giggling. He is cute when he giggles, not many people get to see that part of him, but I guess I'm special.

Well, yeah, I mean, I'm probably special since I'm his boyfriend. It just feels so good. I can't believe I would end up with someone that pretty, that sweet, that funny.

"I wish I could grab glue and glue our hands together so that you won't ever let go," Carlos says.

"And that isn't cheesy?" I state laughing.

"Sorry," Carlos smiles.

"It's fine, sweety, I love it when you say things like that." Carlos' smile gets even bigger. "I love to hear your voice in general because everytime I hear you, I remember that I love you and you love me back. That's the best feeling ever," I state.

"Jeez, we're on fire. I didn't know we could even be this cheesy," Carlos chuckles.

"Fine, we'll stop, just come here," I say and I pull Carlos close. I slowly put my lips against his. I feel Carlos' hands leaving mine and he puts his arms around me. I put my arms around him.

And there we stand.

If someone walks in, it probably looks awkward.

But that's just us.

Awkward and very very cute.

I'm sorry it took me so long writing this but everytime I started writing I ended up on Pinterest looking up pictures of Seblos.

Now my whole Pinterest home page is full of Seblos :)

Anyways, I love you all!! Thanks for reading!

Love, Anna <3

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