
69 1 14

POV Nini

I open my phone and click on the pink logo; Instagram. My fingers fly over the screen and I arrive at the comments. Shit. I promised Ricky to not look at them anymore.

Why do you sing so badly, you should stop. I close my eyes. I shouldn't read this. I open my eyes again. You don't even look pretty, why am I listening to this?!

My finger flies over the screen. I don't want to look but I don't want to stop looking either. Wow, so pretty, good job!


I look again. Wow, so pretty, good job! It's really there. I look at the name RoyalKing. That's so sweet. I click on the account. There are no uploads.

I click to send him a DM. Hey, thanks for your sweet comment, love Nina. I send it. The smile on my face has found its shape again. RoyalKing.

I put my phone away and walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I feel my phone vibrate and I quickly take a look.

Of course! I think everyone is gonna see that after a new song. Ur gonna write a new song, right?!

Again from RoyalKing. I immediately type another message. Yes! Of course! I thought no one would want me to make a new song but I'm definitely gonna make one now!

I close my phone again and smile. Momma D walks into the kitchen. "I see a happy face?" she asks. I smile at her. "Yes, someone liked my song," I say proudly.

"Of course they do. The song is amazing," Momma D says. "Thanks Mom," I state and I head back to my room.

POV Ashlyn

The bell rings. I jump up and run toward the door. While I'm rushing off the stairs, I see my mom walking to the door.

"No!" I shout. "No, wait, it's for me," I say and I try to catch my breath. My mom frowns. "I see what's going on here, you're wearing your new dress and you don't want me to open the door. Who's the lucky one?" she smirks.

I roll my eyes. "I am going on a date with Big Red," I say slowly. My mom happily smiles. "You two are very cute together," she says.

I slowly and awkwardly nod. "Okay. Thank you but can you please leave? I don't want to let my date wait," I say and I fake smile at my mom who nods and turns to the living room.

I open the door. I look at Big Red. The first thing I see is his hair, obviously. He is growing it a bit longer and now is the first time I mention it. It looks very good on him.

I look at his outfit. He wears a white blouse with a black blazer. "Wow, you look fancy," I say. He smiles. "My mom picked it for me," he states and I laugh.

"You look amazing too, I love your dress," he says. I blush and mumble something which was supposed to be "Thank you."

Big Red takes my hand and together we walk to a small building. "What are we gonna do?" I ask curiously. "I thought, since you are nothing like a simple girl, we shouldn't do something everyone else does," he says.

What does he mean by that?!

"Are you saying I'm not normal?" I ask. "Yes, no," he starts. "I'm saying that you are unique and I want to do something as special as you are," he says and he shyly smiles.

His smile. I missed it.

We walk into the building. Red leads the way. Apparently, he knows where he has to be. We walk through some sort of game hall. In the back of the room are two big black chairs. Red tells me to sit there.

A large woman walks toward us. Her arms are filled with tattoos and she has a golden ring through her nose.

She puts black glasses on me and I quickly close my eyes. What in the name of all the cute dogs (and there are a lot of them) just happened?!

When I open my eyes again, I am in a different place. I look behind me and I see an ocean. Besides me is a cartoon character with the name Reddie above it.

"Easy, it's virtual reality," I hear Big Red's voice saying next to me. "That is so cool," I state. The woman puts a controller in my hands and within seconds, I'm walking over the beach with my cartoon.

A few minutes later, we finished the first task. I take off my glasses and smile at Red who also takes off his glasses.

Big Red's phone rings. "I'm sorry," he says and he grabs his phone and walks away with it. A few minutes later, he comes back.

"I'm so, so sorry but I have something really important to do now, you can stay if you want but I have to go," he says and he walks off.

Why? Why does he do this? Just when it gets really fun. Does this mean something?

No, it's probably nothing.

I grab my stuff and go home.

Okay, the Author's Note is gonna be a bit longer today but please read it!

First, I'm very sorry I haven't written for so long. I'm very busy with school. I have a test almost every day and in two weeks I have a test week. So, yeah, I'm stressing a lot right now.

But after those two weeks, I have summer break so I will have plenty of time to write!

So, I promise I will get back on my schedule of uploading every two days but I need time. Give me two weeks max and I'll be completely back.

I will try to write some chapters in between but yeah, I can't promise.

If you really wanna read something then go read my story Nerd hehe. No you have to but if you want to it would be very nice!

Thank you all so much for reading. You don't know what it means to me. I'll see you guys soon!

Love, Anna <3

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