We Don't Talk About Bruno

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POV Ricky

I walk toward Nini. She's scrolling through her Instagram. "Hey," I say and I smile. "Hi," she replies without looking from her phone. Her voice sounds a bit sad.

"You okay?" I ask and I look into her eyes which are still looking at the screen of the small phone. "I bet you can't sing without autotune," Nini reads out loud. "You're not even pretty, what am I looking at?" she continues.

"Worst song ever," Nini continues. With every comment she reads, her face drops a bit. "Why would you make music when you can't?! I expected way better. I'm disappointed," Nini says and she looks at me.

"Is it really that bad?" she asks. "No!" I state. "I think it's one of the best songs ever!" Nini smiles slightly. "You just say because you're my friend," she says. "No, Nini, believe me, it is amazing," I tell her.

Nini looks back at her phone and she starts scrolling again. I stand awkwardly next to her. I can't let her be so sad. How can I cheer her up?

"Nini, you should stop looking at those comments," I state. "You don't even know who they are," I say. "I do know who they are. Look, this one comes from MummyMusic12 and this one is from DancingCelina2006," Nini says.

I roll my eyes and grab her phone. "You get it back after school, you should be preparing yourself for the auditions," I say. Nini smiles. "I know, I just can't help myself, somehow I always end up looking at the comments."

I chuckle. "Not today, we are going to Math now," I say. Nini groans. "I didn't do my homework," she says. "What?! We literally got one little assignment from yesterday and you didn't even make that one?!" I ask.

"As I said, I somehow always end up at Insta," she chuckles. We walk to the classroom where Kourtney and Ashlyn already are. "Hey," Ashlyn shouts at us enthusiastically. I laugh. "Hi."

"So, who do you want to play in Encanto?" Ashlyn asks. "I think Isabella or Doloris," Nini answers. I can picture her as one of those. She is perfect like Isabella and sweet like Doloris.

"Cool, I think I want to play Luisa, Pepa, or Julietta," Kourtney states. "I could also see you as Abuela, though," I laugh. "I think Ashlyn would be the perfect Abuela," Kourtney says thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I think so too," Nini states. "Who would you be, Ricky?" Aslyn asks. "I honestly have no idea, maybe Camilo or Bruno, although I don't feel like a Bruno," I think out loud.

"I haven't really thought about it, actually," I continue. "Who would be Bruno, though?" Kourtney asks. "You would be the only one who would fit a bit but I agree with you being Camilo," she states.

"I don't see Carlos or Seb as Bruno," Nini laughs. "Nah, me too," Ashlyn chuckles. Big Red walks into the room. "How about Red?" Ashlyn asks. "What about me?" Big Red asks.

"Who do you think would be Bruno?" Ashlyn asks him. "Maybe Ricky?" he says. "Then who would be Camilo?" Ashlyn asks. "Uh- No idea," Big Red states.

"Who do you want to play, Red?" I ask him. He shrugs. Carlos and Seb walk into the classroom. "Hey besties," Carlos states. "Storytime, I just saw the cutest curly dog in the world so I decided I want a dog for my next birthday," he says.

I laugh. "Aren't you allergic to dogs?" I ask. "Right... Didn't think that through," Carlos says. "I changed my mind, I want a stuffed dog," he says. "How do you know I'm allergic to dogs, though, stalker," he laughs.

"You literally told me," I state laughing. "Oh no, I'm already losing memory and school has only started for two days," Carlos says. "You guys probably have to tell me my name tomorrow cuz I'm gonna forget that," he continues.

"Please make me believe that my name is Boyd because that's a cool name."

POV Ashlyn (Time Skip)

I walk into the theater classroom with Big Red. My nerves are clearly visible on my face. "Hey, you're gonna do great," Big Red says when he sees my face. "Thanks Red," I smile.

I start by warming up my voice. I never learned how to do that properly but I watched one video where they said Mabel Mabel Mabel Mabel may. It kind of works so now I use that one all the time.

I play the melody on the piano. Every time a bit higher. Big Red is just staring at me. When I take a break to let my voice rest for a second he starts to talk. "That looks so professional," he states.

I laugh. "It's just something I saw on YouTube," I chuckle. The others walk into the classroom and start to do warm-ups. Carlos starts with a dance and Nini and Ricky are singing together.

After a few minutes, Miss Jenn walks into the classroom and claps her hands two times to get attention. "Okay, I hope everyone is ready because we're gonna start right away," she yells.

"We only do the group part because I already know how you can sing individually," she states. "I point at someone and that person takes the next line of the song," she explains.

"What song are we singing?" Steph asks. This is her first time auditioning for a big role. We're gonna need her even more this time than other years. I wonder if she can sing.

I saw her dance like a million times but she only sang one time at the Beauty and the Beast audition but I don't remember how good she was.

"The song you're singing is We Don't Talk About Bruno," Miss Jenn says. "Kourtney, you start," she says and she puts the music on.

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no," she starts as Pepa. Her voice is amazing. Miss Jenn points at Carlos to do the Felix part. "It was our wedding day," he sings. "No clouds allowed in the sky."

Miss Jenn points me to go on as Pepa and at Big Red to go on as Felix. "Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin," I sing. "THUNDER," Big Red shouts which makes everyone laugh.

We sing further and after a few lines, Miss Jenn points at someone else. At Dolores's part, Miss Jenn points at Steph. "Hey, Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering and stumbling," she sings.


She sings amazingly.

We are lucky to have her in this musical!

In the end, we all sing together and it sounds amazing. This musical is gonna be amazing! Miss Jenn proudly claps after the song. "I will announce the cast list tomorrow after school," she states.

"But I can tell you this: everyone did amazing," she says and her smile fills the room.

So guys... I was thinking... How would the teachers call Big Red...? Cause, like, would they call him Big Red. They know his real name, right?!

I hope they will announce his real name in season 3! And also EJ's full name!!

Also, for the ones who don't remember Steph, I put her under the A/N.

Remember her? No? Okay. Then go and watch the series again! Loll, no it's okay, she's just one of the other theater kids but she doesn't play someone important. So, yeah.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!! Let me know what you think!

Love, Anna <3

Love, Anna <3

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