Crying While Kissing

68 0 26

POV Benjamin Mazzara

Breathe. Just breathe.

It looks so easy but when you start to think about it I can't do it anymore. When I think about her, I can't do it anymore.

I look at the massive door in front of me. Suddenly, I feel small. Not small but extremely tiny. Just keep breathing, that's the key.

With a last deep breath, I knock at the door. It immediately opens.

There she is.


She wears a black-white dress with a red handbag, a red hairband and red pumps. She looks simply awesome.

"You look-," I start. "Stunning."

Jenns cheeks are turning red. It looks good on her, it matches her hairband, handbag and pumps. "Stop," she says playfully and she gives me a soft punch.

Jennifer closes the door behind herself and walks to my car with me. I open the door for her and she smiles at me. Her smile is the most beautiful thing on earth.

I want to do everything that I have to do to make sure the smile never leaves. Everything.

I drive us to an expensive restaurant at the edge of Salt Lake City. I thought this might be the best choice since the restaurant should be as special as Jenn is. And, yes, that means it is expensive.

It's worth it, though. I hope.

~Time Skip~

"Thank you, Mazzy," Jenn says. We just had our desserts and it was delicious. "You're welcome, Jennifer," I answer while looking straight into her eyes.

Her beautiful, blue eyes. Her perfect eyes.

"Your eyes are as bright as the ice Elsa makes in Frozen," I state. I realize I didn't only think that but that I actually spoke those words. I turn red. Very very red.

"What?" Jennifer asks, chuckling.

"Uuhhhh, I mean, uh," I stutter. I don't know how to explain it.

"Well, your eyes are as bright as the Black Sea," Jennifer states. I laugh. Really loud. It's embarrassing.

It's true, though.

I grab her hand and carefully hold it between mine. She painted her nails red so they match with her outfit.

"Jennifer," I start. "Yes?" she answers. "You know I think you're awesome, right?" I ask. Jenn blushes. I take that as a yes.

"May I kiss you, Jennifer?" I ask and I stare into her eyes. Slowly she nods. I lean forward, as does she. And we kiss.

Her lips taste like the feeling of swimming in the ocean in the sun. Or the feeling of being the first one to walk in the snow. Feeling like you're the special person who can make the first footprint.

The taste of a sweet marshmallow in your hot chocolate. The taste of eating ice cream when it's very hot outside. The taste of her lips.

To summarize, the kiss is awesome. Just like her.

There is one thing wrong. When I open my eyes, I see Jenn crying. Am I that bad of a kisser? "What's wrong?" I ask and I try to comfort her by stroking my hand to her arm.

"It's not your fault," she states. That's what all women say. "It just doesn't feel right," she continues. I disagree, it feels amazing.

"One of my kids died and I'm here, kissing you," she clarifies. I swallow. I understand her pain. "Did they find the body yet?" I ask. Jenn shakes her head.

"Is there something I can do to help you find him?" I ask. Jenn shakes her head again. "The thing you can do is take me on more dates so I don't have to think about this every day," she states with a broken voice.

"I really loved this date, Mazzy, thank you," she says. "You're welcome," I state. "Let me drive you home," I say and with that we end our date.

Hi guys, I hope you're all okay. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. Anyways, here is a new chapter!!

I love you all!!

Love, Anna <3

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